Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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136 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

ELEMENT (state) AIR (gas) FIRE (plasma) WATER (liquid) EARTH (solid)
DIRECTION / WIND East / Eurus South / Notus West / Zephyrus North / Boreas


ELEMENTALS Sylphs Salamanders Undines Gnomes
Tempest, storms, Flames, lightning, Ocean, tides, lakes, Mountains, caverns,
RULERSHIP winds, mind, intellect, Sun, volcanoes, rivers, springs, love, stones, vegetation,
learning, wisdom energy, spirit, will sorrow, emotions wealth, creativity, nature
COLOR / (Lakota) Yellow / (Yellow) Red / (White) Blue / (Black) Green / (Red)
MUNDANE ANIMAL Eagle (L. Eagle) Lion (L. Mouse) Serpent (L. Bear) Bull (L. Bison)
MYTHIC ANIMAL Griffin Phoenix Dragon Unicorn
ARCHANGEL Raphael Michael Gabriel Uriel
ALTAR TOOLS Wand & Censer Athamé & Candle Chalice & Water Pantacle & Salt
TAROT SUITS Wands (Rods) Swords Cups Pentacles (Discs)
COURT CARDS Knights Kings Queens Pages
PLAYING CARDS Clubs Spades Hearts Diamonds
CELTIC TREASURE Spear of Lugh Sword of Nuada Cauldron of Dagdha Stone of Destiny (Lia Fal)
SABBAT Ostara Litha Mabon Yule
SOLAR MIDPOINT Spring Equinox Summer Solstice Autumn Equinox Winter Solstice
ZODIACAL POINT 0° Aries 0° Cancer 0° Libra 0° Capricorn

Spring  Summer  Autumn  Winter 
TIME OF DAY Dawn Noon Sunset/dusk Midnight
WEATHER Windy Hot Rainy Cold
STAGE of LIFE Birth Growth Death Decay
HUMAN AGE Infancy Youth Maturity Old Age
BODY ANALOG Breath Spirit (aura) Blood Flesh & bones
BODY HUMOUR Phlegm Choler Blood Melancholy
ATTRIBUTE Intellectual, joyful Spiritual, potent Emotional, fertile Physical, safe
FUNCTION Thinking Feeling Intuition Sensation
SENSE Smell Sight Taste Touch
CARDINAL SIGN Libra Aries Cancer Capricorn
MUTABLE SIGN Gemini Sagittarius Pisces Virgo
FIXED SIGN Aquarius Leo Scorpio Taurus
ALCHEMY PROCESS Evaporation Combustion Solution Precipitation
METALS Mercury or Aluminum Iron or Gold Silver Lead
JEWELS Topaz, Chalcedony Fire Opal Aquamarine, Beryl Quartz, Rock Salt
INCENSE Galbanum Olibanum Myrrh, Onycha Storax
Pansy, violet, yarrow, Garlic, hibiscus, onion, Lotus, fern, melon, Ivy, comfry, apples, grain:
primrose, vervain pepper, nettle, mustard seaweed, water plants barley, oats, wheat, etc.
TREES Aspen Almond, in flower Willow Oak
Aradia, Arianrhod, Hestia, Pelé, Vesta, Aphrodite, Amphitrite, Ceres, Demeter, Gaea,
Aditi, Nuit, Ourania Brigit, Sekhmet Mari, Tiamet, Yemaya Rhea, Mah, Nepthys
Enlil, Hermes, Shu, Horus, Hephaestos, Poseidon, Llyr, Dylan, Cernunnos, Dionysos,
Thoth, Vayu, Zeus Vulcan, Loki, Agni Neptune, Ea, Oceanus Adonis, Pan, Tammuz
POWER of MAGUS To Know To Will To Dare To Keep Silent

Table of Magickal Correspondences 4 — Elements







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