Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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168 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

cably interwoven within a greater field that surrounds
us. What affects one element, affects all, expressed
by the maxim: “As above, so below.” What occurs
without occurs within and vice versa. The various
planes are but mirrors for each other, and mirrors for
our very souls. In this way, magick is but a micro-
cosm of the larger forces—a microcosm small enough
to influence, but one which in turn influences larger
forces that might otherwise seem beyond us.
Magick does not manipulate this field as much
as it follows the natural lines of force as Life flows
into the stream of Time. In this stream, nothing is sta-
tionary or stagnant; everything is constantly moving
and changing. It is this fluid movement that allows
magick to occur, for in the midst of change we can
reach in and create new realities as the forces of Life
journey from chaos to manifestation.
As everything in the magickal world is intercon-
nected, it makes for an interesting question of ethics.
We, ourselves, are not separate from this field, nor
can our actions be separate, nor their results. Thus
magick has built within it its own sacred immune sys-
tem. All that we do within the magick realm, we do to
the field around us and hence, to our very selves.
Magick can, in fact, be one of the quickest karmic
feedback systems we experience!
This is summed up in the Wiccan Rede: “An it
harm none, do as ye will.” This means that the sover-
eignty of one’s personal will is highly respected as
long as it does not cause harm or interfere with the
rights of another. To do so would be to harm the basic
underlying fabric that connects all things, and reflect
back negatively upon the practitioner. Yet to act upon
one’s own will is also to be responsible for it—to fol-
low up on actions, to avoid blaming others, to live
responsibly and consciously.
Ritual within a Magick Circle is basically an amp-
lifier for energy, amping the effects of one’s actions.
Therefore, whatever we initiate magickally expands,
sometimes exponentially, into the outer world. If our
intentions are unclear, if we do not act with respect
and affinity for all that may be affected, then the re-
sults of these actions, as they run through the connec-
tive web of all life, eventually return to us in magni-
fied measure. Thus the magician must take full respon-
sibility for any actions initiated within the Circle—
and indeed, throughout one’s life. This even includes
unintentional mistakes, which can happen to anyone.
We are still required to be fully responsible for those
mistakes, and doing so always provides valuable les-
sons in magickal and spiritual growth.
Wizards have an essential responsibility to treat
the Earth with respect, to reuse and recycle, to treat
each other excellently, to empower their word by
speaking truth at all times, and to be as conscious of
their behavior as possible. The wise know that there
is no stern “father in Heaven” to sit in judgement of

us, damning us to some eternal hell. There is merely
the state of the world we wish to live in, which we
can make into a heaven or a hell, depending on our
own actions. Magickal ethics, therefore, are based
more on cause and effect than an arbitrary sense of
right and wrong. They are intrinsically woven, insepa-
rable from all action. Opinions of right and wrong
may differ, but results are the definitive experience
for each individual practitioner.

Lesson 5: Circle Lore and Etiquette

Someday you will very likely want to attend rituals
put on by other people and groups. Here is a little
guideline for how to behave, along with some useful
information to help you feel comfortable. This was
written by Eldri Littlewolf and Wendy Hunter, and
published in HOME Cooking.

The Circle is a manifestation of cyclic energy in the
form of a vortex. This sacred time and space is separate
from the world and contiguous with all other Circles.
The Circle is an animate universe between the worlds
that we empower by our agreement. Therefore:

  1. A ritual is not a spectator sport. If you don’t
    wish to participate, please stay far enough away
    that your conversations won’t interfere in the rite.

  2. Leave your mundane self and earthly business
    outside the Circle, and enter with your magickal
    self. Enter the Circle in Perfect Love and Perfect
    Trust, having worked through personal difficul-
    ties beforehand.

  3. Meet everyone’s magickal self in the Circle as
    if for the first time, remembering that we have
    been partners since life began. Treat everybody
    and everything in the Circle with respect, tact,
    courtesy, and love.

  4. A ritual is like a religious service, one in which
    considerable power may be raised, so please be-
    have reverently and carefully in Circle.

  5. Keep solemn silence except when Truth wishes
    to speak through you. Speak only Truth in Circle,
    and your magickal affirmations will have the force
    of that Truth.

  6. A ritual need not be solemn, yet it should be se-
    rious in that humor should be used with purpose.
    Gratuitous remarks can disrupt the Circle’s energy
    and focus, so please refrain from making them.

  7. The best rituals are those that seem spontane-
    ous, yet they’ve often been planned carefully. So
    look to those leading the rite for clues on when to
    join in with chanting, drumming, etc.

  8. When moving about in the Circle, always move
    in the direction of casting (usually deosil/clock-
    wise). Walk around the Circle if necessary, but
    don’t walk across or against the flow.

  9. Rites.p65 168 1/15/2004, 9:08 AM

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