Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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178 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

“Grapevine” dance steps

(attributes...) we invite you to enter
this Circle and join with us in our
magick work. Bring us your
(wisdom, strength, inspiration,
courage, etc.) and your blessings.
Hail and be welcome!

And of course, everyone else echoes, “Hail and be
welcome!” As They are called, candles may be lit for
Them on the central altar.

Lesson 8: The Working

Now we have reached the heart of the ritual: working
the magick! Magick is “the art of probability
enhancement.” We work our magick by focusing our
individual or group energies all in the same direction,
like a laser beam, to shift the patterns of possibilities
so that the things we want to happen are more likely
to come about. The power of magick comes from our
will. When we do magick, we never say, “I hope such-
and-so will happen,” or “I wish such-and-so would
happen.” We say, “It will be so!” The ritual words for
this are So be it! or So mote it be!—which everyone
else in the Circle repeats.
There are several steps in doing a magick working
in the Circle. First is the declaration of intent, where
the purpose of the working is explained and agreed
upon by everyone. Then comes raising the cone of
power, where everyone’s energy is combined and built
into a powerful force. Next is releasing the power
and sending it out to do its work. Finally come
centering and meditation, as we recover some of the
energy we have just put out.

Declaration of Intent
The purpose of using magick is to change things
for the better. Most of our workings are for healing—
healing ourselves, healing each other, and healing the
planet. Other purposes might be protection, peace, or
justice. Finding love, a good job, a home, or an an-
swer to some problem may also be a goal of a magick
working. At this point in the ritual it is important to
decide exactly what the energy you are raising will
be used for, and to state this plainly. This is your dec-
laration of intent. Often, the declaration of intent is
determined and written down before the ritual even
Sometimes the declaration of intent may be stated
by one person (especially if you are doing a solitary
ritual!). A good way to do this is to write down the
Intent in the form of a brief spell—especially in the
form of a little rhyming couplet that will be easy to
hold in mind during the power raising. (A simple
example could be something like: “Bring the one I
love to me; As I will so mote it be!”) At other times
everyone in the Circle may be given a turn to state

what it is they want to accomplish. It works best,
however, if everyone focuses on the same basic
goal, to keep the group’s energy together. If some
folks really want to work for different things,
these workings should be done in different rituals.
After everyone agrees and the intent is clearly
stated out loud, say, “As I/we do will, so mote it be!”
and everyone should repeat, “So mote it be!”

Raising and Releasing the Power
If you are working a solitary ritual, one of the
best ways to raise and release energy is through the
Breath of Fire. You sit in a meditative position, and
breathe rapidly and deeply in and out as fast as you
can. Repeat over and over the words of your intent or
spell in your mind, while visualizing the thing you
want. Start out slowly and go faster and faster until
you feel like you’re about to explode. Finally, when
you can stand it no more, exhale with a last great rush
while shouting out: “So mote it be!” Fling your
thought and visualization out into the Universe as if
you were throwing a spear. Then just collapse and lay
down until you have the energy to sit up again.
A favorite way to raise energy in a group is the
Circle Dance. While everyone holds the intent in their
mind, hold hands and dance faster and faster deosil
around in the Circle, weaving your steps in and out in
a “Grapevine” step, like this:

Slowly bring your hands up as you dance, until
at the most exciting point they are high above your
heads. At the same time, visualize a cone of bright
shining energy forming around everyone in the Circle,
raising higher and higher, like an upside-down
tornado. Or, if the working is to create a spell of
protection, imagine your combined energies spreading
out into a great dome—an umbrella-shaped shield,
with an outside surface like a mirror that will reflect
away all negativity.
For the energy-raising Circle dance, a good
drumbeat is great (or you can put on a CD with a
good heavy beat!), and a Circle dance song will help
create the right juice. Here’s one of my favorites,
which I have found to be very effective:

Circle ‘round the fire
To raise the cone of power
To win what we desire
So mote it be!

Repeat louder and faster until you can’t dance
and sing any faster, then on the final “So mote it be,”


  1. Rites.p65 178 1/15/2004, 9:08 AM

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