Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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Course Four: Rites 183

Jupiter (Thursday) Jupiter is used to
gain wealth, health, love, favors from oth-
ers, friendship, peace, and fame. It brings
you honor and helps to protect you from enchant-
ments. Spells done in the day and hour of Jupiter bring
business success, political power, and any other per-
sonal wishes.

Venus (Friday) Venus brings love and
friendship, personal pleasure, and lusty pas-
sion. It aids in ending quarrelling and strife,
and brings about generosity, peace, and happiness.
Venus brings fertility to humans and animals, and
safety to travelers. Venus also releases enchantments
that others may have put on you.

Saturn (Saturday) Saturn is important in
works of injury, destruction or death, as well
as causing anger, discord, or jealousy in oth-
ers. It also brings long life, safety, and power, and
helps in obtaining knowledge (especially about oth-
ers). Saturn aids you in building things, enhancing
anything concerning man-made structures. It is good

for protection, works of stability, and lasting spells. It
can be used to bring success or failure to business,
harvest, possessions, and so on. In the hour of Saturn,
you can summon spirits with ease, but they must only
be those who have died naturally.

Lesson 5: Dance of the Hours

The truest measure of the passage of time is found in
the apparent movements of the stars and planets. When
accurate clocks replaced sundials and hourglasses in
the Renaissance, 60-minute intervals became signifi-
cant in ritual magick. Each hour was assigned the
rulership of a different planet. These were called the
planetary hours, and rituals were performed accord-
ingly. The following system is attributed to Peter of
Abano, in his Grimoire Heptameron, or Magical Ele-
ments. It is anchored at noon (meridian—the highest
point of the Sun) and midnight, and is therefore inde-
pendent of time zones or daylight savings.
You can greatly enhance the power of any magick
spell or ritual by doing your working not only on the

PLANETARY HOURS of the DAY (Noon to Midnight)

Noon Noon
1 PM Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn 1 PM
2 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter 2
3 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars 3
4 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun 4
5 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus 5
6 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury 6
7 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon 7
8 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn 8
9 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter 9
10 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars 10
11 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun 11
12 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus 12
Midnight Midnight

PLANETARY HOURS of the NIGHT (Midnight to Noon)

Midnight Midnight
1 AM Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury 1AM
2 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon 2
3 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn 3
4 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter 4
5 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars 5
6 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun 6
7 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus 7
8 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury 8
9 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon 9
10 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn 10
11 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter 11
12 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars 12
Noon Noon

Morning Graveyard

Graveyard Morning

Afternoon Evening

Evening Afternoon

  1. Rites.p65 183 1/15/2004, 9:08 AM

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