Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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Course Five: Spectrum, Part 1 209

tions, visualize other things and scenes. Try visualiz-
ing a rose, and then a whole rosebush, and then a gar-
den of many flowers, with butterflies and humming-
birds. Visualize the faces of those closest to you, until
you can see them as clearly as a photograph. Visualize
fantastic creatures, such as Dragons. Learn to visual-
ize anything you can imagine....

NOTE: Becoming skilled at meditation and visu-
alization requires patience and long attention
spans. If you are having trouble maintaining your
focus, you might try watching less TV and stop
playing video games for awhile! But it is also true
that some people are just not visually oriented.
You may be better able to imagine hearing or feel-
ing things than seeing them. If you simply cannot
visualize no matter how much you work at it, don’t
despair—there will be plenty of other magickal
things you can do!

Lesson 5: Creating Your
Astral Sanctum

A sanctum is a study or private room where one is not
to be disturbed. As I said before, a sanctum sanctorum
is a place of utmost privacy and inviolability. Your as-
tral sanctum will be your own special “headquarters”
in The Dreaming, where you can go to rest, study,
learn things—and where you will always be safe from
harm. Many magickal disciplines instruct their students
early on to create an astral sanctum. Here’s how:
In your meditational trance, visualize standing
before a closed door. On that door is written your own

magickal name. When you can see it clearly, open the
door and walk into the room beyond. The light is very
dim at first, but it slowly brightens, revealing the size
and contents of the room—your sanctum. The first
thing you notice is a large chair—almost a throne. It
is the most perfect chair you can imagine, a chair suit-
able for a Wizard. Visualize it clearly, from every angle.
And then sit in it. As you do so, it shapes itself to the
contours of your body. It is your chair.
Now, as you sit in your chair, visualize a large
screen across the wall in front of you. On the screen,
you can see a three-dimensional projection of your
bedroom. When you can see it all clearly, try manipu-
lating the controls on the armrests. You will be able to
bring up any scene you wish, zoom in or out, change
angles, move forward or backward in time—all you
have to do is visualize it. Now swivel your chair slowly
around and let the rest of the room come into view. A
bit at a time, visualize everything you could want in
the room. This is your sanctum, and what you have in
it is entirely up to you.
Opposite the door you came in is another door,
and there are also two doors at right angles to those,
completing the four Quarters. The door you came in is
yellow, at the East. To the right, the South door is red.
The West door is blue, and the final door, at the North,
is green. Through these doors you can step into other
rooms, containing anything you wish. And each of
those rooms will also have doors that lead elsewhere.
But do not concern yourself for now with what
lies beyond the doors in your sanctum; you may fill
those rooms in time. For now, your task is to solidify
your visualization of your sanctum itself. Study it all
carefully, and memorize every detail. You can add or
change anything later, but for now, the important thing
is to make this become a real place in The Dreaming.
In your meditations and directed dreaming, continue
to return to your astral sanctum. Each time, remember
all the details you have created in your visualizations.
The more you do this, the more “solid” it will become,
and the more real for you.

Lesson 6: Automatic Writing

You might wish to cultivate the talent of automatic
writing, as it can be useful to yourself and others. A
good way to start is to lay a pad of paper on the table
before you, and hold a pen in your hand. Place your
mind in a receptive condition and simply begin writing
whatever happens to come, without helping or hin-
dering or even particularly thinking about it. Try hold-
ing the pen in the hand you don’t normally use to write
with, to allow your normally dormant hemisphere to
express itself. After some practice, your talent will grow
There are three types of automatic writing:

  1. Automatic or mechanical: The hand writes abso-

Pagan Kids Activity Book
by Amber K

  1. Spectrum 1.p65 209 1/15/2004, 9:15 AM

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