Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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Class II: Healing (Blue)

Generally, in psychic healing, you draw the vital
force from the Universe and “stream” it consciously
into the one who is sick. Always concentrate that the
patient will be better and better hour by hour and day
by day. In order to become an effective healer, it will
also be important for you to study anatomy and the
causes and symptoms of various diseases. Infectious
diseases or those requiring operations should by all
means be left to conventional medicine! Modern medi-
cal science is extremely effective and should never be
ignored or dismissed. But psychic healing can aid
in recovery from operations and for maladies that
don’t respond to medicine. It
can even effect relief or cures
from some “incurable” illnesses.
Migraines, allergies, stomach
troubles, and illnesses that may
have a psychosomatic (“mind-body”)
origin respond very well to psychic healing.

Guidelines of Psychic Healing:

  1. First, ask the person’s permission for you to
    do a healing for them. Even better is to ask
    them, “Can you visualize yourself as healed
    in body, mind, and spirit?” This activates their
    own self-healing powers and promotes respon-
    sibility on their part for their own healing.

  2. Before approaching the sick person, draw at
    least seven breaths of vital force from the Uni-
    verse into your body. Remember that healing en-
    ergy comes through you, not from you.

  3. Let this vital force shine out through you like
    a sun, until the radiant energy of your aura extends
    far enough out to encompass the patient.

  4. When you feel that you are glowing with life
    force, your very nearness to a sick person will feel
    as a healing presence.

  5. Transfer this energy through your hands into the
    patient—whether into injured or affected portion
    of their body, their chakra, or their aura. Visualize
    the healing force as a bright blue light flowing out
    of you and into them.
    6.With all your Will, direct this compressed radiant
    energy to stream into your patient through his/her
    pores, and WILL that it heal!

Basic Principles of Psychic Healing:

1.You must be convinced that your patient is feeling
better hourly and daily. Will the radiant energy not
to leave until they are fully recovered. Load the
subject with so much blue light that it extends three
feet from his/her body. Repeat the loading after
awhile to increase the tension even more. In this

  1. Introduction: The Healing Arts

magickal arts and practices de-
voted to curing diseases, reliev-
ing aches and pains, promoting
tissue regeneration, restoring vi-
tality and fertility, and so on.
Throughout history, healers have
been the folk doctors, nurses, and
midwives—especially in rural and “primitive” com-
munities without access to officially licensed
physicians and pharmacists.
Some types of magickal
healing I will be explaining in this
Class are:

Chakra healing—Aligning and
balancing the seven primary energy cen-
ters in the body.
Auric healing—Changing the condition
of a person by visualizing a specific color
of light surrounding them.
Pranic healing—Sending energy (prana)
from the healer’s body to the afflicted parts
of the patient to stimulate and restore nor-
mal functioning. This type of healing usu-
ally involves the laying-on of hands. Reiki
is an Oriental version of this practice.
Color healing or chromatotherapy—
Bathing a suffering person in colored light
of certain prescribed spectral frequencies.
Absent healing—Sending healing energy to
a person who is not physically present, usu-
ally in the form of “white light.”
Gem therapy—Using different types of gem-
stones of various properties and colors, which
are worn on the body to attune vibrations.
Herbal healing—Utilizing the medicinal proper-
ties of plants for natural remedies.

Lesson 2. Principles of
Psychic Healing

In magickal or psychic healing, the healer makes vital
force flow from his or her own body into that of the
sick person. Generally, this energy is transferred
through the hands. To do psychic healing, you must
above all be healthy and sound physically, and pos-
sess surplus vital force. You must also have excellent
character, for you will transfer your own personal vi-
brations into your patients.

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