Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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212 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

way you can treat many people without depleting
your own strength or ruining your nerves.
2.Increase your radiant energy so far out that as you
near your patient, he/she will actually be “swim-
ming” in your blue light. Your patient must be firmly
convinced that he/she is inhaling your radiant en-
ergy with each breath and that he/she is strength-
ening. He/she must believe that the healing power
will remain within him/her, and that they will be
getting better and better. If your patient cannot con-
centrate, or if he/she is a young child, imagine your-
self that the energy is being absorbed into their
blood, healing continually.
3.Press the vital power directly into your patient’s
body or into the sick organ or area through his/her
pores. Will the vital force to renew itself constantly
from the Universe until complete recovery. This
method is only practiced with patients whose ner-
vous systems possess some strength. It is the most
popular method of healing.
4.An alternate healing method is to make direct con-
tact with the person’s mind, and then treat by the
above means. This can be done while the patient is
sleeping, especially if you become skilled in
dreamwalking. Still other methods involve healing
with the Elements or with electrical or magnetic
5.Increase the power and focus of your healing field
by creating a Magick Circle around and over your
patient (see 4.IV.5: “Casting the Circle”). Visualize
a mirrored surface on the inside of the domed circle,
reflecting your blue light back into the center. This
will contain your working, and reinforce the outer
edge of your aura so that your energies will not
dissipate and become depleted.
6.Have some nice soothing music to play in the back-
ground while you are working with a patient. Check
out the “New Age” section of your music store,
and ask the clerk what they would recommend.
There are many, many tapes and CDs made just for
this purpose.

Lesson 3: Chakra Healing
(by Anodea Judith)

The chakra system is an ancient means for ex-
panding consciousness and balancing your energy sys-
tem. It originates from the yoga philosophies of India,
most specifically during the Tantric period of yoga,
during the middle of the first millennium. Tantra liter-
ally means “loom,” and Tantric philosophies were a
weaving of many different beliefs, but most specifi-
cally they featured a weaving of mind and body, male
and female, and honored all levels of experience.
The word chakra is Sanskrit for “wheel” and de-
scribes a swirling vortex of energy that emanates from
the core of the energy body. There are seven major

chakras that are based
on the central nerve
bundles branching out
from the spinal column,
so this is a magickal sys-
tem that maps directly
onto the body. That
means we feel our
chakras within our body
and can gain access to
them by paying atten-
tion to the body.
Chakras are organi-
zational centers for the
reception, assimilation,
and expression of life
force energy. You can
think of them as cham-
bers in the temple of the
body. Like the various
rooms in your home,
each chamber is designed to handle
a different type of energy, such as
Earth, Water, Fire, Air, sound, light, or thought. These
chambers generate the patterns of our lives through
core programming that we receive as we are growing
up about how to behave and create life around us.
Because of this, chakras are often out of balance and
can generate negative patterns that we would rather
not have! By aligning and balancing the chakras, we
can become more conscious about the patterns we
create. By understanding the chakras, we can use them
as a magickal system for aligning our inner energies
with the sacred architecture of the world around us.
The chakras have many associations based on their
different locations within the body. They rule over
mental and emotional states, as well as physical states.
They have a seven-element system with a wide asso-
ciation of deities, colors, sounds, and symbols. The
table of correspondences in 3.VI.5 shows you their
various associations. You can use these correspon-
dences to better understand the meaning and function
of each chakra, or to access the chakra’s energy in
your magickal practice. Below is a brief description of
each center to give you an overview of the system.

Chakra One is associated with the
Element Earth and the indrawing force
of gravity. It forms the foundation of
the entire chakra system and repre-
sents survival instincts. Use this
chakra to develop your grounding and create stability
and prosperity in your life. Its name, Muladhara, means
“root support.” Allowing structure in your life will give
you support for other things you want to do. If you
resist structure, you are resisting the grounding and
solidity that the first chakra can provide.

Mary Ann

  1. Spectrum 1.p65 212 1/15/2004, 9:15 AM

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