Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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214 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

or move energy out from the body by working in the
auric field. Because everyone is different in how they
react to various techniques, be creative, have fun, and
experiment to see what brings the best results for
you. For more information on chakras go to

Lesson 4: Auric Healing

The aura is the bioelectrical field that emanates from
all living things—and even, to a lesser extent, inani-
mate objects. For all things are, at their most basic
sub-atomic level, composed of vibrations, and vibra-
tions radiate energy, creating a field. As we discussed
earlier, the aura around the entire human body is called
the aureole, and the part just around the head is called
the nimbus. In Christian religious art, the nimbus is
often shown as a glowing golden halo (or gloria)
around the heads of saints and holy figures. In Mos-
lem art, the nimbus is shown as a ring of flames around
the heads of the prophets.
Crowns of kings and

headdresses of priests also symbolize the nimbus.
Work on the exercises described in 1.V.4: “Seeing
Auras.” With practice, you may become able to see
colors, which can indicate a person’s emotional or
physical condition. Any state of the individual’s being
causes reactions in the aura. Emotional states will pri-
marily affect its color. Physical conditions not only af-
fect the color, but also cause peculiarities in the pat-
terns of the aura, such as ragged edges or holes over
injuries or sore spots.
Auric healing involves visualizing a specific color
of light, and infusing these healthy colors into the dam-
aged areas of your patient’s aura. The colors are cho-
sen according to the patient’s problem (see below).
Here are a few examples:

For headaches and soothing the nerves, use vio-
let and lavender.
For mental inspiration, use yellow and orange.
For stomachaches, and to invigorate the organs,
use grass green.
To stimulate the blood, use bright red.
For bleeding, use dark blue.
For fever, use cool blue.

For chill, use hot red.
Keep up these visualizations for as long as you
can, seeing the patient completely bathed in the ap-
propriate healing colors.

Lesson 5: Chromatotherapy

Aura healing also works very well in conjunction with
chromatotherapy, or “color healing,” which is based
on using light. Light is radiant energy traveling in the
form of waves, like the waves that lap upon the sea-
shore. The colors of light come from the frequency, or
rate of vibration, of those waves, from the short waves
at the blue end of the rainbow spectrum to the long
waves at the red end. Sunlight contains frequencies
ranging from ultraviolet to infrared (and way beyond
as well, into radio waves, X-rays, and other invisible
frequencies). Living creatures (including us) select from
sunlight whatever frequencies, or colors, are needed
for health and balance, absorbing those vibrations into
our bodies in the same way that plants use sunlight for
photosynthesis. After all, there is only one atom of
difference between a molecule of green chlorophyll
(in plants) and one of red hemoglobin (in our blood).
The principle of chromatotherapy is simply to give
the ailing body an extra dose of any colors that may be
insufficient. For this, you can install light bulbs of ap-
propriate colors and bathe the patient in their light. Or
you can tape colored plastic over sunny windows to
concentrate a particular color of sunlight—however,
it is most important that the colored light actually falls
on the patient, particularly on the ailing areas of the
body. Basically, the red end of the spectrum stimu-
lates, and the blue end calms. Here are the healing prop-
erties of the seven colors of the spectrum:

RED: Warming and invigorating. Excellent for blood
diseases, anemia, and liver infections.
ORANGE: Similar to red, but not as intense. Good
for the respiratory system, asthma, and bronchitis.
Also a tonic and laxative.
YELLOW: Excellent for the bowels and intestines. A
mild sedative, helping to remove fears and giving a
mental uplift. Also good for indigestion, heartburn,
and constipation. Also good for menstrual prob-
lems in women.
GREEN: The Great Healer, green is a general tonic
and revitalizer. Excellent for heart troubles, ulcers,
colds, headaches, and boils.
BLUE: An antiseptic and cooling agent. Excellent for
all inflammations, including internal organs. Good
on cuts and burns; also for rheumatism.
INDIGO: Good for emotional disorders, indigo will
allay fears—especially of the dark. Excellent for
the eyes; also for deafness.
VIOLET: Good for the nervous system and mental
disorders; also for blindness and female complaints.

  1. Spectrum 1.p65 214 1/15/2004, 9:15 AM

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