Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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Course Five: Spectrum, Part 1 215

Lesson 6: Pranic Healing

Healing by laying-on of hands, or pranic healing, is
one of the most widespread and effective practices.
The principle involves sending prana (“vital force”)
from your body into the diseased or affected parts,
stimulating the cells and tissues to normal activity and
allowing the waste material to leave the system. Prana
is the vital spirit essence (the 5th Element) that under-
lies all physical action of the body. It causes circula-
tion of the blood, movement of the cells, and all mo-
tions upon which life depends. You receive prana from
the food you eat, the water you drink, the air you
breathe, and the warmth of the Sun or fire—the other
Four Elements. And you can send it forth through
your aura into another person in directed healing.
Before you attempt to do any healing, increase
the force of your prana by deep breathing. Pranic
breathing balances the negative and positive bioelec-
trical currents throughout your body. It calms your
nerves and regulates your heartbeat, reducing blood
pressure and stimulating your digestion. As you breathe
in, visualize energy and strength flowing into all parts
of your body. Feel it traveling along your arms and
down your legs. Draw Prana from Gaea, and from the
living Cosmos, and fill yourself with it to overflowing!
Here is the basic exercise for pranic breathing:

1.(a) Slowly breathe in through your nose to a count
of eight.
(b) Slowly exhale through your nose to a count of
2.(c) Slowly breathe in through your nose to a count
of eight.
(d) Hold your breath for a count of three, visualiz-
ing all the love, energy, and strength you have
inhaled circulating throughout your body.
(e) Slowly exhale through your mouth to a count
of eight, breathing out any negativity within you.

Do “1” once, then do “2” three times. Now you
are fully charged and ready to heal. Have your patient
lie on his/her back, ideally with head towards the East.
His legs should be together with arms at the sides. He
should close his eyes and concentrate on seeing him-
self surrounded in a ball of pale blue light. You kneel
or sit on his left if you’re right-handed, or on his right
if you’re left-handed. Reach out your arms and hold your
hands with palms inwards above the top of his head,
about an inch away from actual physical contact.
Take a deep breath. Then, holding it, bring your
hands smoothly down the length of his body on both
sides, not quite touching the skin the whole way. Vi-
sualize prana radiating from your hands, penetrating
deep into your patient, and drawing out the pain and
negativity like drawing a comb through hair. As you

come away from his feet, exhale and shake out your
hands as if you were shaking water off them. You are
actually shaking away all the negativity that you have
drawn from them. Repeat this process seven times.
Then sit back and relax for a moment, visualizing
your patient surrounded in pale blue healing light.
Repeat the above exercise for pranic breathing. Now
you are ready for physical contact—laying-on of hands.
Lay your palms against the sides of your patient’s head,
thumbs on their temples. Close your eyes and concen-
trate on sending healing prana flowing from your hands
into them. Then once again sit back and relax, visual-
izing the healing light. Take another series of pranic
breaths, and repeat the same hands-on working, this
time over their heart. Finally, after another rest and
series of breaths, lay your hands on the specific area
of complaint, and again direct your prana into healing
the afflicted area. Visualize and concentrate with all
your might.
Complete the process with a final period of rest.
Close your eyes and visualize your patient healthy and
radiant, surrounded in blue light. You will probably
feel drained and exhausted, so when you are all done,
pour yourself a tall glass of cold fruit juice!

Lesson 7: Healing Over Distance

It is possible to conduct psychic healing for someone
even without them being physically present. The trick
is to be able to visualize your patient as if he/she were
right in front of you. A great help for this is to have a
photograph of him that you can put up on your heal-
ing altar. Make sure, however, that there is no one else
in the photo! Color healing with only a photograph is
called graphochromopathy. Ideally, the afflicted area
should be visible in the picture. Place the photo (best
if it is framed) under the appropriately colored light, or
cover it with a sheet of colored plastic or acetate and
set it in a sunny window.
Light a candle of the appropriate color as indi-
cated above, and go into a medita-
tive state as in 5.1.2: “Basic Tech-
nique.” Visualize the person, and
see the area of his/her affliction
in your mind as a dark blot in her
aura. Then, just as in the tech-
niques described above for
auric healing, visualize ap-
propriately colored light
flowing into the ill place
and healing it until it
glows brightly, along
with the entire person.
To increase the power of
your healing over dis-
tance, begin with pranic
breathing as above.

  1. Spectrum 1.p65 215 1/15/2004, 9:15 AM

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