Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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combine various ones according to your desires, but
never put herbs with conflicting attributes in the same
charm! Collect small jars and bottles for herbs at flea
markets and yard sales. Make your own interesting
labels for them, either hand-drawn or created on your
computer. Eventually, you will assemble your own little
collection of favorites.
Take another look at the tables of correspondence
in 3.VI, and you will note that there are herbal corre-
spondences listed for each Element, planet, sign, etc.
These are the appropriate herbs to be used in incenses,
oils, tinctures, sachets, and mojo bags for creating
charms and spells relating to those purposes. Above
is a chart showing the magickal correspondences of
the herbs themselves.

Lesson 4. Potions & Philtres

“I don’t expect you will really understand the
beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its
shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids
that creep through human veins, bewitching the
mind, ensnaring the senses...I can teach you how
to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death...”
(—Professor Snape in Harry Potter & the
Sorcerer’s Stone, by J.K. Rowlings, p. 137)

Potions are any kind of specially-prepared liquid
brew intended to be drunk by the person they are
meant to affect. All orally-administered medicines, for

AMARANTH (Cockscomb): To repair a broken heart.
ASAFOETIDA: For protection from disease.
BASIL, SACRED: To protect body and family.
BASIL, SWEET: To get rid of bad luck and attract love.
BAY: For wisdom, protection, and psychic powers.
BETHEL NUTS: To increase mental and spiritual powers.
BLOODROOT: To avert evil spells.
CATNIP: To make the most timid person fierce and powerful.
CEDAR: For purification and healing.
CHAMOMILE: To make others more susceptible to your
thoughts and ideas and more willing to please you.
CINNAMON: For spirituality, healing, and cleansing.
CLOVE: For cleansing, protection, and money.
CLOVER: For money, love, and good luck (especially a 4-
leaf clover!).
FIVE FINGER GRASS: To ward off evil by hand;
protection from physical harm and violence.
GARLIC: For healing and protection (especially against
GINSENG ROOT (Sang Root): Carried by Chinese as
the strongest protection from all kinds of evil.
GINGER: For money, power, and success.
GREEN HELLEBORE: Purges the premises of evil influences.
HELPING HANDS: To help you with your plans and give
you the help you need in any situation.
HIGH JOHN THE CONQUEROR: To keep away confusing
thoughts and for success in business and love; attracts money.
JEZEBEL: To make your wishes come true.
LIFE EVERLASTING: For a long, happy, peaceful life.
LOVING HERBS: Bathe in a tea from the herbs and be met
only with pleasantness wherever you go for the day.
LOW JOHN THE CONQUEROR: For good luck and
success in all personal matters.

MANDRAKE ROOT: To gain power over others.
MARJORAM: To keep away evil influences; for protection,
love, and healing.
MOJO BEANS: For good luck.
MUGWORT: Place inside your pillow to reveal your future
in your dreams. Make dream pillows with mugwort,
balsam, marjoram, rosemary, and lavender.
MULLEIN: To bring about gentleness in others.
NIGHTSHADE: To see ghosts.
ORRIS ROOT: Powdered orris root brings love between
two people if sprinkled on the clothes by one who desires
the love. Also called Queen Elizabeth root and fortune-
teller root, it was the original psychic pendulum. Tie a 13”
long piece of white thread to the root and then ask “yes” or
“no” questions while holding the end of the thread. The root
will swing back and forth or circle for “yes;” for “no” it will
remain motionless.
ROSEMARY: To improve your memory.
RUE: To keep from being deceived in love.
SAGE: For protection and wisdom.
SANDALWOOD: To enable you to see the true light in all
things and not be deceived by others.
SMALLAGE ROOT: Rub it on a person who has been a
bad influence for you to end all their power over you.
SOLOMON SEAL ROOT: To gain wisdom.
STAR ANISE: Carry as a special good luck charm.
ST. JOHN’S ROOT: Good for dieting; chew to keep from
being hungry (it tastes like chocolate). Hang the plant over
your bed to dream of your future mate.
THYME: For healing and to enhance psychic powers.
WILLOW: For love and divination.
WISHING BEANS: To make your wishes come true.

Magickal Roots & Herbs
* * * * !! CAUTION !! * * * *

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