Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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Course Six: Spectrum, Part 2 297

for a particular purpose. For instance, Valefor teaches
how to steal; Amdukias makes trees bend and fall; and
Bael makes men invisible and gives wisdom. Barbatos
teaches all sciences; reveals past, future, and treasures
hidden by magic; and reconciles estranged friends.

Lesson 5: Necromancy:
the Dead and the Undead

Another form of “Black Magick” is necromancy, in
which the spirits of the dead are conjured up for
consultation. This is what happens in a séance, where
a medium goes into a trance, summoning and allowing
spirits to temporarily inhabit her body and speak
through her mouth. This is most often done at the request
of a living relative who may wish to question the departed
soul regarding some important matter, or even just seek
reassurance that they are happy in the Afterlife.
The term necromancy commonly refers to the use
of the dead for the magician’s own purposes, without
necessarily obtaining permission from the deceased.
Such magickal workings are considered highly unethical,
and therefore “Dark Arts.”
Interestingly, the Greek word nekros (“corpse”)
has in the past been confused by the ignorant with the
Latin nigr (“black”), and in Middle English (1200–1500),
the word nigromancer was used to mean someone
skilled in the Black Arts. Sometimes you will still
encounter the word necromancer mistakenly used
with this meaning.

Ghosts are considered
distinct from other spirits
by reason of having once
been living beings who
have died, yet still exist as
discarnate (“having lost a
body”) entities in the Astral
Realm. They can be seen by
cats, dogs, and people who
are especially psychically
sensitive or trained; seeing ghosts is pretty much like
seeing auras. More commonly than being seen, ghosts
may be heard or “felt”—as a chilling invisible “pres-
ence” that makes the hair on the back of your neck
stand up and goose bumps run down your arms.
There are several categories of “ghosts.” Some
are the souls of people who have died suddenly, as in
an accident or murder, and are stuck between this world
and the “Other Side.” Some, called phantoms or
apparitions, may be someone who has just died, and
is paying a final farewell on their way to the Afterlife.
Some departed spirits—such as ancestors, parents, or
other family members—may take on roles of spirit guides,
protectors, and “Guardian Angels” to those they were
close to in life. Animal spirits may also appear as ghosts.
And ghosts may appear in dreams as well as in waking.
Some “ghosts” are not even conscious spirits at
all, but are more like a psychic impression or “record-
ing” of some traumatic event, such as a violent death,
that just keeps playing over and over at the place where
it happened. These are called haunts, and hauntings
may even involve completely imaginary beings, such
as powerful characters created by a novelist. Through-
out the 1930s and 40s, journalist and magician Walter
B. Gibson, using the pen name Maxwell Grant, wrote
282 novels featuring a mysterious cloaked avenger
known as The Shadow. After Gibson died in 1986, a
shadowy cloaked apparition was frequently encoun-
tered by visitors to his studio, and even photographed!
And then there are poltergeists (“noisy ghosts”)
which make weird sounds and bumps in the night,
throw things around, create messes, or even cause
physical injuries. These are not actually “ghosts” in

Qliphah Meaning Order of Demons Arch-Demon Planet Tarot Trump

  1. Shahul Grave Hell Thaumiel (Twins of God) Satan & Moloch Galaxy The Fool

  2. Shahul of Supernals, Chaigidel (The Hinderers) Beelzebub Stars The Magician

  3. Shahul Triple Hell Sateriel (The Concealers) Lucifuge Rofacale Saturn The World

  4. Abaddon Perdition Gamchicoth (The Smiters) Astaroth Jupiter Wheel of Fortune

  5. Tythihoz Clay of Death Golab (The Arsonists) Asmodeus Mars The Tower

  6. Baraschechath Pit of Destruction Tagaririm (The Hagglers) Belphegor Sun The Sun

  7. Tzakemoth Shadow of Death Harab Serapel (Ravens of Death) Bael Venus Judgement

  8. Sha’arimrath Gates of Hell Samael (Poison of God) Adramelech Mercury Hanged Man

  9. Giyehanim Hell Gamaliel (The Obscene Ones) Lilith Moon High Priestess

  10. Giyehanim The Five Accursed Nations Nahema Earth The Empress

  11. Spectrum 2.p65 297 1/15/2004, 9:32 AM

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