Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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tetrodoxin, of which a tiny drop is fatal.
But there is much more to the zombie process
than the potions. The bokor also captures the soul of
the victim, keeping it in a bottle. Thus he commands
not only the body of the “living dead,” but also the
“zombie astral”—a ghost or spirit the bokor can send
forth to do his bidding, like a fetch.


“Even a man who is pure of heart,
And says his prayers by night,
May become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms,
And the Moon is full and bright...”
—The Wolfman (movie)

Werewolves are also “Children of the Night.” A
werewolf will seem to be a normal (well, perhaps not
entirely...) person during the day, but at night—
especially (or only) during the full Moon, they will
become, to all intents and purposes, a ferocious beast,
attacking and killing like a wild animal. In the morning,
they usually have no memory of their predations of
the night before. Their main vulnerabilities are
wolfbane (herb) and silver (metal of the Moon). Silver
bullets will kill a werewolf as effectively as anyone
else, and silver jewelry will protect you from attack.
Werewolfery is a recognized psychiatric disorder
called lycanthopy (“wolf-man-ism”). A sufferer has a
“split personality,” like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, in
which one phase is an inhuman wild beast. Wolves
are the most well-known, but lycanthropes may also
be leopard-men, bear-men, cat-people, or other fierce
pre-dators. The shift is triggered by the appearance of
the full Moon.
Compounding lycanthropy is a rare congenital
disease called generalized hypertrichosis, in which a
pelt of long hair grows all over the person’s body and
face, just as in animals. Some of these people have
become famous working in circuses as “ape-men,”

“dog-faced boys,” and “werewolves.” In 1984, this
condition was formally described in a Mexican family
by José María Cantu of the University of Guadalajara,
but its gene has not yet been isolated. All known cases
are genetically related.
As with vampires, porphyria may also be a factor,
as some victims become very hairy (probably to protect
their skin against painful sunlight) and venture forth
only at night. And rabies would explain transmission
of the disease by biting. Imagine someone with all
those conditions at once!
It is said that a person whose eyebrows grow
together, whose middle two fingers are the same length,
who has hairy palms or yellow eyes, may be a werewolf.
Dogs and cats always recognize them and will not
come near them—their hackles will rise, and they will
hiss, growl and snarl at a werewolf even in human phase.

Lesson 6. Defense Against
the Dark Arts

There are many forms of “Dark Arts” that may not be
so obvious or conscious as the above, and yet can be
incredibly destructive in your life. In High School, you
will have to face and overcome the challenges of such
negative forces as:

  • Peer pressure

  • Gang recruitment

  • Procrastination

  • TV/video game hypnotism and addiction

  • Poisonous and addictive substances
    (tobacco, alcohol, various nasty drugs)

The magical work of grounding, centering, shielding,
intention and becoming the best person you can be
are your best defenses. As there are numerous
circumstances in which you may encounter danger,
there are several categories of magickal defense you
should know. In escalating degrees, these are:

  1. Precautionary: Avoid doing stupid and life-
    threatening things. Take reasonable precautions,
    like wearing seatbelts and not walking alone
    through bad neighborhoods. Don’t go anywhere
    alone at night. Don’t ride in a car with a driver
    who is drinking or on drugs. Use common sense,
    and stay alert at all times!

  2. Protective: Set up wards and shields around
    yourself and your space, like a series of shells, all
    with a mirrored outer surface. Carry protective
    amulets and wear protective jewelry. Walk with a
    sense of purpose and learn to project an aura of

  3. Defensive: Actively deflecting attacks, whether
    psychic or physical. Enroll in a good Martial Arts
    Hans Weiditz, from Die Emeis (The Ants), 1517 program, which will train you in defense of both

Course Six: Spectrum, Part 2 299

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