Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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Course Six: Spectrum, Part 2 301

When doing defensive spells against psychic attacks,
set them to send any negative energy right back to
where it came from. The best kinds of protection and
defense magick are mirrored wards and shields. These
involve throwing up a protective field around yourself
and your space which will repel unwanted energies.
The perfect metaphor is the energy fields/shields used
to protect the Starship Enterprise from phaser fire and
photon torpedoes.
“Harden” the outer shell of your auric field into a
psychic shield. Stand strong, feet apart, and close your
eyes. Do a grounding, as in 4.IV.4. Then move your
hands, palms flattened and fingers spread wide, up,
down, and all around your body at arms’ length, while
visualizing that you are shaping and pressing against
the inside of a “Teflon-coated” shell all around yourself.
Now open your eyes and expand that shield around
your entire room, strengthening it into an impenetrable
shell, reflectively mirrored on the outside. Use
visualization as well as an actual hand-held round
mirror as you circle around your room, holding your
hands up as if against an invisible wall. That’s a Shield.
Tape small mirrors to the insides of your windows,
reflecting side out. In addition, hang fresh garlic cloves
around your room, and place cut halves of onions on
the windowsills. When they no longer make your eyes
water, slice off another section to keep the surface fresh.
Finally, drive a few large iron nails into the ground in
front of each doorway into your house, and, if you can
get one, hang a horseshoe or hex sign over the door.

Warding, Blessing or Protection Ritual
(by Katlyn Breene)

Purpose: To protect, charge, or bless anything you
hold dear, whether that be a person, place, or object.
Needed: A hand-held mirror, acrylic paint, and a candle.
A dimly lit room.

  1. Write down your exact intent before you begin.

  2. Create Sacred Space; cast a Circle.

  3. Call whatever Gods you wish to witness the work
    and lend their aid to the Ritual (your own words,
    straight from your heart, are probably the best way
    of doing so).

  4. Paint the Pentagram (or magick symbol) upon the
    mirror’s face.

  5. Light the candle and hold the mirror before it so
    that the light reflects on the glass. Direct the light
    onto the person or object that you wish to be
    protected or blessed. See how the shadow of the
    Pentagram is emblazoned on it.

  6. State that the person, place or thing is now blessed
    or protected. Not that you wish it to be protected,
    but that it is protected. In your mind, it should
    already be done. Again, your own words are
    probably best.
    7. Thank the Gods for being there and helping with
    the working; then release the circle.

NOTE: This warding can also be done outdoors
on a sunny day, reflecting the light of the Sun
onto what- or whomever you wish to protect.

Ultimately, the most powerful counter-defense
against evil is laughter. Don’t take it seriously; don’t
even take yourself seriously! If you can find a way to
make a laughingstock of your attacker, you can destroy
his or her influence far more effectively than any
amount of physical damage you could possibly inflict.
Imagine sneaking up behind Lord Voldemort when he’s
being all scary, and pulling his pants down, or slapping
a big “kick me” sign on his back! Telling jokes about
some bully, or drawing cartoons featuring him, or
making up a silly little jingle, can be devastating.
Political cartoonists have brought down powerful
and corrupt officials and evil bastards. So have stand-
up comics, parody songwriters, Mad Magazine, and
Saturday Night Live. But be careful to not overdo it,
as you can make dangerous enemies. You want to just
pull their fangs enough to render them impotent, not
enrage them to a blind and revengeful fury. When they
back off, you must also.

A Word to the Wizardly Wise
(by Abby Willowroot)

We live in magickal times, but also dangerous ones.
Be aware that predators lurk online and in the everyday
world praying on the young and inexperienced. Some
folks are very dangerous and may try to take advantage
of you, or harm you. These dangerous folks often
appear benign and are present in the everyday world,
and sometimes they also haunt the magical community.
Do not blindly trust a person just because he
appears powerful, or are in the magickal community, or
claim to have powers and special insights. Never allow
yourself to be coerced sexually, financially, or in any
other way by someone promising to teach you, or
give you powers. Wise Wizards are courageous, but
they are also cautious, rational, and don’t take foolish
risks. Strangers are strangers and the same rules that
apply to everyday encounters with strangers also
apply when venturing into the magical community.
Never meet with strangers alone, or in a secluded
place. Do not give your phone number or address to
strangers. If someone asks you to keep a friendship
secret, beware. If someone promises to initiate you for
a large amount of money, beware. If someone tells you
sex is necessary to become a part of their magick circle,
beware. The first responsibility of a Wizard is to guard
your personal safety. Stay alert, stay safe, and use
common sense on your journey.

  1. Spectrum 2.p65 301 1/15/2004, 9:32 AM

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