Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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Course Seven: Lore

Class I: The Other Worlds

Modern humans go about their business in the mundane sphere as if the world were
as it appears at first glance, having been assured that the notion of a realm beyond is
merely a primitive, superstitious leftover from the foolish childhood of our race. Yet
lurking beyond the façade of conventional reality, Faerie is still there, connected to all things,
uncontrollable, and pervasive. What modern civilization has discarded like a forgotten child’s
toy is a mighty secret, a power that will blow the lid off the narrow “rational” worldview.
—Ian Lurking Bear (“Gateways to Faerie”)

Oz, Never-Never-Land, and Middle-Earth. As you learn
to explore and become familiar with the landscape of
The Dreaming, you will gain access to these other
realms as well. Sometimes a portal to another realm is
as simple as passing between two ancient trees.
Every species of sentient creatures on Earth and
throughout the Universe dreams, and thus each
species also has a Dreaming of their own. As we are
cells in the great body of Gaea (Mother Earth), and
planets are but cells in the greater body of the Galaxy,
and so on—so are our dreams part of The Dreaming,
and The Dreaming is part of the Dream of Gaea—and
so on it goes, in ever-wider concentric realms.

Lesson 3. Faerie

Beyond conventional space and time, glowing
through the physical world like a Chinese lantern,
the raw, fundamental power of consciousness and
desire in the universe pulses and dances, feral and
exhilarating. To touch this power is to touch the
secret truth of who we really are, of the nature of
our being, outside life and death, beyond ego and
attachment. —Ian Lurking Bear

Faerie is the closest realm to ours, bordering on
both The Dreaming and the mundane world. Faerie is
also close to the realm of the dead, to the voices of the
ancestors, and it is connected to the divine aspect of
ourselves. Through Faerie we may contact sacred
power more directly. We enter into a realm where gods
and goddesses are quite real and may speak to us.
Gateways to Faerie are found not only in The
Dreaming, but also in enchanted glens and forest
clearings, mushroom rings, ancient stone circles,
hollow mounds, raths, barrows, and overgrown ruins.
In such places, all you need do to pass through is enter
a trance or fall asleep—especially on Beltaine Eve or
Samhain, when “the veil between the worlds” is
particularly thin and the misty gates are open. Any time
you are caught in a thick fog, you may find yourself in
Faerie when it clears. Faerie is “as close as a prayer, as

  1. Introduction: Other Worlds

worlds and possibilities. In
addition to the Mundane world
we inhabit with our physical
bodies and share with each other,
there are non-physical or astral
realms of Dream, Myth,
Imagination, and Story. Some of
these are also shared with others, and some we may
have all to ourselves. Nonetheless, these worlds are
as real to us as we believe them to be. For when it
comes right down to it, we each really live alone in a
tiny room, and everything we see, hear, know, and
experience of what’s outside that room has to be piped
in to us. What we “see” is what we get.
In this Class, I would like to introduce you to
some of the non-physical worlds that are shared by
many people. They each have their denizens and rules,
and some of them have even been mapped. The world
of Tolkein’s Middle Earth is an example of such a realm,
created by one man, but now shared by millions. I’ll
bet you can close your eyes and see the Shire or
Rivendell as clearly as any other place you have lived
or visited—I know I can!

Lesson 2. The Dreaming

The greatest astral country we can access directly is
called The Dreaming because we enter it through our
dreams. Australian Aborigines (“natives”) call it the
Alcheringa, or “The Dreamtime,” and psychologists
call it “The Collective Unconscious.” We share this
psychic realm with all other dreamers throughout the
world, and it has a certain well-established geography
shaped over the ages by the morphogenic fields—like
well-worn pathways—of all who ever have visited there.
Within the Dreaming are gateways to the countries
of Faerie, the Afterworlds of all faiths, the realms of
gods, spirits, and ancestors, and all the fantasy-worlds
of myth and story—such as Phantasia, Wonderland,

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