Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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22 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard




Task: Make Your Color Tabard

When you have selected which color of Wizardry you
would like to start with, you should make a tabard of
that color. A tabard is a simple over-the-shoulder drap-
ing that Wizards wear when doing particular kinds of
magick. Here’s how to make yours:
First, measure your own height. You’ll find as we
go on that many personal objects and items of cloth-
ing in Wizardry are based on your own individual “mea-
sure.” This makes them very specifically yours, and
they become invested with your own identity. Now,
go down to your local fabric store and purchase a
piece of material about two inches longer than your
measure (the extra is for hemming).
Look in the section of printed cotton that covers
the range of colors you want, and find an appropriate
print that you like. For instance, if you pick green as
your color, you might find something with a leafy pat-
tern. If you pick brown, you could get something with
a design of animals. Or if you pick red or blue, you
might find something that looks like fire or water. But if
you pick white, there should be no printed design on
it at all.
Take your material home and lay it out on the
floor. Fold it in half the long way, so it is the length of
your body. Then fold it back into thirds. Now unfold
one of those thirds, so you have a section 2/3 long,
and one that is 1/3 long, and put a little mark on the
first centerfold at the one-third point. Now take a pair
of scissors and carefully cut/slice the centerfold of
the 2/3 section right up to the 1/3 mark, but no further.
Your should now have a basic tabard, which will look
like this:
Trim off any unprinted edging, and hem it up along
all the cut edges to complete your tabard. You wear it
over your shoulders with the two long sections hang-
ing down in front.

Quest: Self-Dedication

If you are serious about entering into an Apprentice-
ship to Wizardry, I offer you this rite of Self-Dedica-
tion. First, hand-copy the words of this rite onto a
piece of parchment paper. Write your own magickal
Use-Name in the first line. Next, prepare your space so
you will not be disturbed. Take a shower or bath, and
put on your color tabard. Then light a candle on your
personal Altar, and turn out all other lights in the room
(this is best done in the evening, when it is dark out-
side). Now place a round mirror (a makeup mirror will
do nicely) on your Altar, and position yourself so you
can see your face reflected in it. Looking yourself in
the eyes, read aloud the words of the Rite, while tak-
ing them into your heart:

A Rite of Self-Dedication
(by Saraluna and Katlyn)

Hear me Ancient Ones, Guides,
Guardians and Powers,
It is I, (your name, or magickal Use-Name)
In this sacred space I open myself
In this sacred place and in this time I am changed,
I align my soul to its greatest purpose.
I call upon Spirit to witness my dedication
And acknowledge my ever-deepening connec-
I call upon the Old Ones, the Ancestors,
The Elements, and the Web that connects us all

Hear now my solemn Vow of Dedication:
Here, in this holy and perfect moment,
I pledge my path to Living Magick.
I accept the wisdom that all things have meaning
And all beings are my teachers.
From this moment onward, I declare myself
A Vessel of Spirit
A true Seeker of the Way of the Wizard
A Weaver in the Sacred Web of Life

I shall honor the Sacred Journey before me
With every cell of my being,
With every breath, step, and action.
May I hold the light of truth
As I quest toward my highest visions.
May I always see the Divine in Nature
And Nature in the Divine
I shall walk the Path of the Wizard
In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
So mote it be!

When you have finished, roll your hand-written
pledge into a little scroll, and tie it with a piece of
ribbon. Keep it at the back of your Altar, behind the
mirror. Every now and again, pull it out, unroll it, and
read it to remind yourself of what you have pledged.

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