Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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your birthright. It will always be yours. You cannot
even throw it away because “not choosing” is still a
choice. This Knife is subtle; having two edge, it cuts
both ways.
To wield this Knife effectively, you must hone
your Magickal Will by practicing the lessons learned
in this book. To use the Blade wisely, listen to your
heart and your dreams. But most of all, remember to
allow Love to be a part of each conscious choice that
you make. Because ultimately, when you use the Knife
of Choice to divide this from that, and to cut away the
stuff that doesn’t really matter, you will find that it is
Love which lies at the Heart of every true Mystery.

Expect a Miracle
By Jesse Wolf Hardin
Wizardry is not only an escape from the oppres-
siveness of the ordinary and “normal.” It is
reengagement with self and Spirit, purpose and place—
the beginning of a lifelong assignment.
Magic isn’t about indulging the self, but trans-
forming the world. Likewise, responsibility isn’t obli-
gation— it’s the willingness and ability to respond.
You have dreams you hardly share with anyone.
Now it’s time to live those dreams!
Every moment is a decisive moment, and our fu-
ture is a blank canvas. The only things standing in the
way are those habits we’re attached to, and the fears
we deny. No one is in charge of your life but you! The
wand is in your hand....
Having toys is not the same as having fun. Focus
on sports where you actually get to play. Swim in
chemical-free water, and in places where you’re “not
supposed to be.” Walk barefoot through clover. Cry,
laugh and sing. Hug and howl!
Nothing is accomplished by avoiding new experi-
ences. Taste the many diverse flavors of life, being
sure to spit out the bad.
Try to remember that “making a living” isn’t the
same as really living. Find work that reflects not only
your skills, but also your beliefs. Watching adventure
stories on the television is a poor substitute for hav-
ing adventures yourself. There are just so many hours
between birth and death... spend them carefully, on
what matters most. Ideally you will discover, and then
fulfill your most meaningful purpose.
The point isn’t to gather riches, but for us to have a
richer life. Watch out for any solutions that can either be
sold or bottled, and any intermediary standing between
you and the experience of Gaia, God and Goddess.
Travel and explore as much of the world as pos-
sible. This will not only make you familiar with other
bioregions and other kinds of lifestyles, but it will also
help you appreciate any place you ever call home.
Never take anything for granted— not your
health, your home or your family. Never say “what-
ever,” because it means that you don’t care, and you

know very well you do! Neither our problems or the
problems of the world, are caused by feeling too much.
Rather, they’re caused by us feeling too little! By open-
ing up to the pain of conscious existence, we open
ourselves up to the experience of joy.
Bravely explore anything and everything that in-
creases the depth of sensation and the totality of Spirit,
leading you through empathy into true connection
and power. You are a part of the seamless universe as
much as your hand is a part of your arm. All of creation
is sacred, and thus so are you.
It would be wise to avoid any drugs, careers or
lifestyles that deaden your awareness, or that impair
your crucial and timely response. Be suspicious of
anything that requires fossil fuels, brags about being
“disposable,” admits to having been artificially col-
ored or flavored, or pretends to be something it’s not.
And pay attention, for goodness sake! Focus solely
on your sweetheart when you’re with him or her, and
on no other food than that food which you’re eating.
Remember that nothing is worth anything, unless it’s
All events, both good and bad, are valuable les-
sons we should be grateful for. Avoid stubbing your
toe on the same rock twice. And don’t fritter away too
much precious time explaining your mistakes. Just learn
from them, and go on!
Develop a personal wizard code of honor, and
then live up to it! Promise your allegiance to your
friends, your family, your community, your cause, and
the land you love. And always keep your promises.
All the world is a great gifting cycle. Learn to give
all you can. And just as importantly, learn how to gra-
ciously accept every gift that comes your way.
Take time to “be little” even if you think you’re at
an age when you need to be “wise” or “cool.” Crawl
around on the ground after interesting bugs, look for
animal shapes in the clouds, and don’t worry if you
get grass stains on your clothes!

Epilog: Commencement 349

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