Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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Appendix A. History of Magick Time-Line

BCE (Before Common Era)
800,000 Acheulian “Venus” figurine is oldest known sculp-
ture—a stone female image, made by Neanderthals.
75,000 Earliest human (Neanderthal) altars reveal evi-
dence of cave bear, wolf, and other animal cults.
60,000 Huge volcanic eruption in Sumatra reduces en-
tire global human population to only a few thousand.
30,000 “Venus” of Willendorf is sculpted of limestone and
stained with red ocre, becoming the prototype for a
whole new art form lasting over 20,000 years.
23,000 “Crooked Fox” or “S’Armuna,” a Shaman, lives
and dies in a little village of mammoth-hunters in the
present Czech Republic. Her skeleton, portraits, beads
of ceramic and shells, bone flutes, her totem animal
(arctic fox), the last firing in her kiln (the first known,
filled with small animal and “Venus” figurines), even
her fingerprints in the clay, are all preserved.
15,000 Cro-Magnon Cave paintings throughout France
and Spain depict animals, hunters, and handprints.
c.8500 Riss Ice Age comes to an abrupt end with an
asteroid impact in the Bahamas. Melting of the ice
raises sea levels 400 feet, causing vast flooding world-
wide. All coastal communities drowned. This event
is remembered in legend as the destruction of Atlantis.
c.8000 Jericho, oldest known Neolithic city, settled.
Harappan culture begins in Northern India along the
Saraswati River.
c.6000 Cave drawings in Catal Huyuk (modern Turkey)
depict hunters draped in leopard skins.
c.5150 Still-rising sea levels cause the Mediterranean
to spill into and fill the Black Sea. The sudden flood-
ing raises water levels by over 500 feet, and inun-
dates 60,000 square miles of inhabited land. This
event is remembered in legend as the Deluge—the
Flood of Noah and Utnapishtim.
c.5000 Oldest known male fertility statue (Germany).
c.4800 Oldest known megalithic monument (Brittany).
c.3500 Beginning of Sumerian Civilization.
c.3000 Beginning of Egyptian Civilization. Accurate cal-
endar based on stellar observation devised.
c.3000–2500 Height of Harappan culture, covering over
300,000 square miles. Population of city of Sindh is
as big as all Egypt. Practices include astrology, feng
shui, herbalism, medicine, magick.
c.2900–2600 Callanish stone circle built in Scotland.
c.2800 First pyramids begun in Egypt.
c.2700 Gilgamesh rules in Uruk, Sumeria, on the
Euphrates River. Epic of Gilgamesh tells his story.
2630 Imhotep, the world’s first doctor, as well as priest,
scribe, sage, poet, astrologer, architect and Wizard.
c.2500–1628 “Minoan” Civilization in Crete and Cyclades.
Snake Goddess/Priestess at Knossos.
c.2400 Construction of Stonehenge begins in England.
c.2000 Founding of Gaea’s Oracle of Dodona in Greece,
at the foot of Mt. Tomaros. Planting of Sacred Oak.
1628 Moses goes before the Pharaoh of Egypt to demand
release of the Hebrew slaves. The Exodus follows.

1628 Volcanic Island of Kallisti (now known as Thera)
north of Crete, explodes, ending the high Bronze
Age in the eastern Mediterranean. This event is
conflated with the impact c.8500 to create a “Legend
of Atlantis” involving elements of both.
1628–1618 “War in Heaven;” “Battle of the Titans.”
15 th Century Aryan Invasion; ascension of Sky-Gods.
1478 23-day Kurukshetra war between the Kauravas and
Pandavas (India), described in Mahabarata.
15 th C. Saraswati river dries up. Harappan culture disappears.
13 th Century Zeus becomes established as patron deity at
Oracle of Dodona.
1367–1350 Pharoah Akhnaten introduces monotheistic
worship of the Aten (Sun) into Egypt.
c.1264 The Argosy—Jason’s Quest of the Golden Fleece.
1220–1210 Trojan War. Mycenaean Greeks sack Troy.
1210–1200 The Odyssey (voyage of Odysseus from Troy
to his home in Ithaca, Greece).
c.1000 Etruscan civilization arises in Italy. Etruscans are
famed throughout the world for their knowledge of
magick, divination, and philosophy.
c.1000 Milesians come to Ireland, conquer Tuatha.
950–928 Solomon reigns as King of Israel. He flourishes
in legend as a master magician, comanding the Djinn.
850 Carthage founded by Elissa, princess of Tyre.
753 Founding of Rome by twins Romulus and Remus.
700 Celtic civilization emerges in Austria; the so-called
Hallstatt culture. Emergence of Celtic language.
551 Birth of Confucius in China. Buddha and Lao Tzu
are contemporaries.
500 Brythonic Celts reach Britain. Druids emerge as a
religious and intellectual caste.
500–450 End of Halstatt Era, Beginning of La Tène: He-
roic Age Celts. Era of many mythologies.
460–429 Reign of Pericles of Athens: “Golden Age of
Greece”—philosophers and playwrights flourish.
420 Cult of Asklepios, God of health and father of medi-
cine, is introduced to Athens by Sophocles.
387 Celtic Gauls defeat Romans at Alia. Brennus’ Sack
of Rome.
325 Alexander the Great (356-323) conquers entire known
world, establishes Macedonian Empire; Greek cul-
ture expands into Italy, Egypt, Persia, India.
280 “Pyrrhic Victory.” Pyrrhus, King of Epirus in Greece,
defeats Romans in battle at Heraclea.
279 Celts invade Greece, through Macedonia, and plun-
der Temple of Delphi.
264–241 1st Punic War between Rome and Carthage.
214 Construction begun on Great Wall of China.
186 Bacchanalia, Roman version of Greek Dionysia, is
outlawed by the Senate due to its licentiousness.
168–165 Maccabean Revolt of Jews against the Greeks.
167 Greece: In retaliation for Pyrrhic Victory of 280, Ro-
man Consul Lucius Aemilius Paulus burns 70 cities
of Epirus in 3rd Macedonian War, including ancient
Oracles of Dodona and Necromantaeon.
61 Julius Caesar (100-44) conquers Brigantium, breaks

Appendices.p65 351 1/15/2004, 11:24 AM

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