Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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352 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

Celtiberian resistance.
51–50 Caesar pacifies Gaul, then destroys 220 “crystal
ships” of the Celtiberian Alliance in great sea battle.
4 Zoroastrian Magi make pilgrimage from Persia to
Bethlehem to offer gifts to the newborn Jesus.
CE (Common Era)
29 Crucifixion of Jesus; dawn of Christianity.
43 Roman Invasion of Britain. From 43-409 Rome domi-
nates Britain and parts of Wales.
30–97 Apollonius Tyaneus greatest Wizard of 1st century.
50–60 Simon Magus, prominent “miracle-worker,” has
magickal contests with the Apostle Peter.
61 Druid strongold at Anglesey destroyed by Romans;
Suetonius Paulinus defeats Iceni (Boudiccea’s Rebellion).
63 Joseph of Arimathea comes to Glastonbury on first
Christian mission to Britain, bringing Holy Grail.
70 Romans destroy Jerusalem, level great Temple. Jew-
ish Diaspora begins.
122–128 73-mile-long Hadrian’s Wall erected across
northern England to mark Roman frontier.
150 Celts conquered by the Romans. Britain and Gaul
come under Roman rule.
c.250 Saxons begin raiding east coast of Britain.
313 Constantine (r. 312-337) legalizes Christianity in Ro-
man Empire.
c.350 Christianity reaches Ireland.
361 Paganism is outlawed in Roman Empire.
361–363 Emperor Julian the Apostate attempts to revive
Pagan religion in Roman Empire. He is defeated.
392 Sacred Oak of Zeus at Dodona cut down and Oracle
closed by Christian Emperor Theodosios.
394 Theodosios closes Oracle of Delphi; prohibits cult of
Apollo and celebration of Pythian games.
395 Alaric the Goth demolishes Demeter’s temple at
Eleusis, ending the annual celebration of the
Eleusinian Mysteries after 1,600 years.
410 Roman withdrawal from Britain. Emperor Honorius
tells the British they’re on their own.
415 Martyrdom of Hypatia and burning of the great Li-
brary of Alexandria, Egypt.
432 Arrival of Padraig (St Patrick) in Ireland.
445 Vortigern comes to power in Britain.
455 Rome sacked by Vandals. End of Western Empire.
460–470 Ambrosius takes control of pro-Roman faction
and British resistance effort; leads Britons in years
of fighting with Saxons.
481 Artorius Roithamus (Arthur) (465-537) becomes High
King of Britain. He is 15, and his mentor and coun-
selor is the Wizard Myrddin (Merlin).
485–496 Saxon incursion stemmed by King Arthur in 12
battles. Arthur finally defeats Saxons at Mount Baden.
537 Arthur is killed at the Battle of Camlann, and buried
in Avalon (Glastonbury).
540 Small comet or asteroid collides with Earth, ush-
ering in the Dark Ages. Records in Europe coincide
with those in China, reporting winter conditions that
envelop the world for 18 months.
622 Al Hajira, “the flight;” start of Moslem era.
c.790 Raiding and colonization of British Isles by Vikings

900 Canon Episcopi—most important legal document of
early Middle Ages re: Witchcraft.
1014 Battle of Clontarf: Vikings are expelled from Ireland
by Brian Boru. They withdraw from Celtic nations
everywhere soon thereafter.
1054 “Great Schism” divides Roman and Eastern churches.
1066 Battle of Hastings. Normans under William the Bas-
tard invade and conquer England.
1095–1244 Crusades
1095–1099 1st Crusade; Godefroi captures Jerusalem.
1099 Priory of Sion founded in Jerusalem by Godefroi.
1145–1148 2nd Crusade; meets with defeat.
1187 Pope Gregory VIII announces 3rd Crusade.
1189 Richard crowned king of England.
1199 Richard the Lionhearted killed in the 3rd Crusade. His
brother, John, becomes king.
1215 King John forced to sign the Magna Carta (“Great
Charter”), ending “Divine Right of Kings.”
1227–1736 “The Burning Times”
1227 Pope Innocent III issues a bull to establish the Inquisition.
1233 Germany: Law introduced to encourage conversion
rather than burning of Witches.
1233 Pope Gregory IX issues a bull decreeing that Inquisi-
tors would be answerable only to the Pope.
1244 Combined force of Turkish and Egyptian Muslims
recaptures Jerusalem. End of Crusades.
1258 1st Papal bull against black magick issued by Pope
Alexander IV.
1311 Pope Clement persuaded by Philip IV of France to
suppress the Order of the Knights Templar.
1324 An Irish coven led by Dame Alice Kyteler is tried by
the Bishop of Ossory for worshipping a non-Chris-
tian god. Kyteler is saved by her rank but her follow-
ers are burned. Her servant, Petronella de Meath, is
executed in Ireland’s first Witch burning.
1331 Pope John XXII issues 4th Witchcraft bull.
1390 First documentation of the Masonic Fraternity in the
Regius Poem.
1431 Joan of Arc, accused as a Witch, is officially con-
demned and burned at the stake as a heretic.
1471 Marcilio Ficino translates The Hermetica from Greek
into Latin. Its impact on Renaissance philosophy is
1484 Pope Innocent VIII’s Bull against Witches.
1486 German monks Heinrich Cramer & Jacob Sprenger
publish Malleus Maleficarum (“The Witch Hammer”)
providing detailed instructions for the horrific perse-
cution of Witches.
1506 Cornelius Agrippa founds secret society devoted to
astrology, alchemy, magick and Qabalah.
1563 England: A new statute against Witchcraft, ordering
death penalty for Witches, enchanters, and sorcerers
issued under Elizabeth I. John Dee is Court Wizard.
1588 Invading Spanish Armada is sunk off English Chan-
nel by a sudden storm raised by Witches of England.
1584 The Discoverie of Witchcraft, by Reginald Scott.
1597 James VI of Scotland publishes his Daemonologie.
1604 Elizabeth I dies; James I ascends the throne. He re-
peals 1563 anti-Witchcraft law, replacing it with a
stricter statute which remains in effect until 1736.

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