Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

(backadmin) #1

Appendices 353

1600s Some European Pagans flee to the New World, ally
with Native Americans whose practices and beliefs
are similar to their own. Many settle in Appalachia,
begin “Pow-Wow” traditions.
1611 The Tempest, by William Shakespeare (1564–1616).
1623 Paris, France: Order of the Rosy Cross (Rosicrucians)
1627 Quincy, Mass: Thomas Morton (1579–1647) cel-
ebrates first Beltane (May Day) in America with 80-
foot Maypole and Pagan festivities at Ma-re Mount
settlement. He is immediately arrested by Puritans.
1634 Father Urbain Grandier found guilty of bewitching
nuns in Loudoun, France (“Devils of Loudoun”).
1641 Massachusetts General Counsel enacts bill to give
“more particular direction in the execution of the laws
against Witchcraft.” It remains in effect until 1695.
1659 Massachusetts Bay Colony Puritans ban Christmas
celebrations as too Pagan.
1662 Royal Academy established in England; declares
separation of “science” from “magick.”
1692 The trial of a Livonian werewolf, an old man in his
80s, takes place at Jurgensburg.
1692 Infamous Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts. 141
innocent people are arrested; 20 of them are executed
on bogus charges of Witchcraft.
1696 Official Confession of Error by jurors of Salem Witch
1717 Ancient Druid Order of the Universal Brotherhood
founded by John Tolland.
1717 Four of the “old” Masonic Lodges meet in London
on June 24 to form first Grand Lodge of England.
1736 The 1601 Witchcraft Act is replaced by the English
Witchcraft Act, based on premise there were no such
things as magick and Witchcraft, and anyone claim-
ing such powers was a fraud.
1776 Order of the Illuminati formed in Bavaria. Ben
Franklin and George Washington are members.
1787 Final Witchcraft laws repealed in Austria.
1792 First Druidic/Bardic gorsedd is established by Iolo
Morgannwg (Edward Williams). This leads to the
founding of Bardic/Druidic Eistedfoddau in Wales.
1875 The Theosophical Society is founded by Helena
Blavatski, Henry Steele Olcott, and others.
1888 Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is formed.
1889 C.G. Leland publishes Aradia, Gospel of Witches.
1889-1990 Aleister Crowley is said to have been initiated
into one of Pickingill’s Nine Covens.
1893 1st Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago.
1900 Crowley breaks into Golden Dawn temple and steals
documents, catalyzing demise of Golden Dawn.
1904 Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) is founded.
1904 Crowley’s wife, Rose, channels a spirit called
“Aiwass,” who dictates The Book of the Law.
1908 Winston Churchill is initiated into the Albion Lodge
of Druids.
1909 George Pickingill, legendary English Cunning Man,
dies, having established the Nine Covens over 60 yrs.
1921 Margaret Murray publishes The Witch Cult in West-
ern Europe, which later inspires Gerald Gardner.
1924 Aleister Crowley is elected head of the OTO.

1925 OTO splits over the issue of accepting Crowley’s Book
of the Law as authoritative.
1925 Secret Teachings of All Ages, by Manly Palmer Hall.
1938 The Long Island Church of Aphrodite is founded by
Rev. Gleb Botkin. First Pagan church in U.S.
1939 Gerald Gardner is initiated by claimed hereditary
Witches who meet in the New Forest.
1940 17 Witches (men & women) meet in the New Forest
to repel a wartime invasion by Hitler (Aug. 1).
1947 Aleister Crowley meets Gerald Gardner, contributes
to his Book of Shadows, then dies.
1947 Paul Foster Case publishes The Tarot.
1948 Robert Graves publishes The White Goddess.
1949 Gerald Gardner publishes High Magick’s Aid.
1950 The Great Oak Forest Celtic College of Broceliande
founded by Goff ar Steredennou.
1951 The English Witchcraft Act is repealed, and replaced
with the Fraudulent Mediums Act.
1954 Gerald Gardner publishes Witchcraft Today, inspir-
ing many, including Victor Anderson.
1958 Frederick Adams founds the Hesperian Fellowship.
1961 Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids founded in England.
1961 Robert A. Heinlein publishes germinal science-fic-
tion novel, Stranger in a Strange Land.
1962 Inspired by Stranger in a Strange Land, Tim Zell and
Lance Christie found a water-brotherhood called
Atl—antecedent to the Church of All Worlds (April 7).
1962 First Gardnerian Witchcraft coven formed in America
by Ray and Rosemary Buckland.
1962 Reformed Druids of North America (RDNA) founded
at Carleton College.
1962 A History of Secret Societies, by Arkon Daraul.
1963 Total eclipse of Sun across central US (July 20).
1964 Bewitched debuts on ABC-TV, introducing lovable
Witch Samantha Stevens.
1964 The Waxing Moon begins publishing in England.
1966 Church of Satan founded by Anton LaVey.
1966 Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) founded.
1966 Gene Roddenberry launches Star Trek on NBC-TV.
1967 Church of All Worlds (CAW) becomes first modern
group to adopt the designation “Pagan.”
1967 Frederick Adams founds Feraferia (“Wild Festival”).
1968 Church of All Worlds (CAW) incorporates in MO.
Founder Tim Zell begins publishing Green Egg.
1968 Gavin & Yvonne Frost found Church & School of Wicca.
1968 Sybil Leek publishes Diary of a Witch.
1968 The Council of Themis is formed by Tim Zell of CAW
and Frederick Adams of Feraferia. It is the first Pa-
gan ecumenical council, with 12 member groups.
1968 New Reformed Orthodox Order of the Golden Dawn
(NROOGD) founded at San Francisco Univ.
1969 Pagan Way founded by Joseph Wilson, Tony Kelly,
Ed Fitch, John Scorer, and a few others, to provide
an accessible Wiccan Tradition with no formal initia-
tion or membership requirements.
1970 Total eclipse of Sun across central U.S. (March 7).
1970 First Earth Day (April 22).
1970 First public Witch-In held by Witches International
Craft Associates (WICA) in NYC’s Central Park.
1970 Church of All Worlds becomes first Pagan church to

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