Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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Appendix B. The Wizard’s Library

Here are a number of favorite books recommended by members of the Grey Council for the
personal library of the young Wizard. I have grouped them into the kinds of categories in
which my own Wizard’s Library is organized. Within each category, books are alphabetized by
author’s last name, and titles are listed either by dates of publication, or in serial order.

I. Fantasy Novels & Series
Isabel Allende—
City of the Beasts (2002)
Peter S. Beagle—
The Last Unicorn (1968)
Emma Bull—
The War of the Oaks (2001)
Susan Cooper—The Dark is Rising:
Over Sea, Under Stone (1965)
The Dark is Rising (1973)
Greenwitch (1974)
The Grey King (1975)
Silver on the Tree (1977)
Tom Cross—
The Way of Wizards (2001)
John Crowley—Little, Big (1981)
Diane Duane—Tale of the Five:
Door Into Fire (1979)
Door Into Shadow (1984)
Door Into Sunset (1993)
Door Into Starlight (2004)
—Young Wizards series:
So You Want to be a Wizard (1996)
Deep Wizardry (1996)
High Wizardry (1997)
A Wizard Abroad (1999)
The Wizard’s Dilemma (2002)
A Wizard Alone (2002)
The Wizard’s Holiday (2003)
Lyndon Hardy—5 Magicks trilogy:
Master of the Five Magics (1984)
Secret of the Sixth Magic (1988)
Riddle of the Seven Realms (1988)
H.M. Hoover—
Children of Morrow (1985)
Madelyn L’Engle—Time Quartet:
A Wrinkle in Time (1962)
A Wind in the Door (1973)
A Swiftly Tilting Planet (1978)
Many Waters (1986)
Ursula K. LeGuin—Earthsea trilogy:
A Wizard of Earthsea (1968)
The Tombs of Atuan (1971)
The Farthest Shore (1972)
Cormac MacRaois—
—The Giltspur trilogy:
The Battle Below Giltspur (1988)
Dance of the Midnight Fire (1990)
Lightning Over Giltspur (1992)
Ruth Nichols—
A Walk Out of the World (1969)
Pat O’Shea—

The World of Wizards (2002)
Freya Aswynn—
Northern Mysteries & Magic (2002)
Rae Beth—
The Wiccan Path: A Guide for the
Solitary Practitioner (1990)
Raymond Buckland—
Practical Color Magick (1983)
Buckland’s Complete Book of
Witchcraft (1997)
Pauline & Dan Campanelli—
Wheel of the Year: Living the
Magical Life (1989)
Ancient Ways: Reclaiming
Pagan Traditions (1991)
Pagan Rites of Passage (1994)
Deepak Chopra—
The Way of the Wizard (1995)
Scott Cunningham—
Earth Power (1983)
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary
Practitioner (1988)
The Complete Book of Incense,
Oils & Brews (1989)
The Magical Household (1987)
Spell Crafts: Creating Magical
Objects (1997)
Scott Cunningham & David
The Magical Household (1987)
Spell Crafts: Creating Magical
Objects (1997)
Gerina Dunwich—
Candlelight Spells (1988)
The Magick of Candle Burning
Anodea Judith—
Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to
the Chakra System (1987)
Amber K—True Magick (1990)
Gillian Kemp—
The Good Spell Book (1997)
Janice Eaton Kilby—
The Book of Wizard Craft (2001)
Edain McCoy—
The Sabbats: A New Approach
to Living the Old Ways (1994)
Francis Melville—
The Secrets of High Magic (2002)
Diana Paxson—
Taking up the Runes (2005)
Silver Ravenwolf—

The Hounds of the Morrigan (1988)
Tamora Pierce—
—Circle of Magic quartet:

  1. Sandry’s Book (1997)

  2. Tris’s Book (1998)

  3. Daja’s Book (1998)

  4. Briar’s Book (1999)
    —The Circle Opens:

  5. Magic Steps (2000)

  6. Street Magic (2001)

  7. Cold Fire (2002)

  8. Shatterglass (2003)
    Elizabeth Pope—
    The Perilous Gard (1974)
    Terry Pratchett—
    Equal Rites (1986)
    Mort (1987)
    Sourcery (1989)
    Small Gods (1991)
    Terry Pratchett & Josh Kirby—
    Eric (1990)
    Philip Pullman—His Dark Materials:
    I: The Golden Compass (1995)
    II: The Subtle Knife (1997)
    III: The Amber Spyglass (2000)
    J.K. Rowling—Harry Potter series:
    The Sorcerer’s Stone (1997)
    The Chamber of Secrets (1998)
    The Prisoner of Azkaban (1999)
    The Goblet of Fire (2000)
    The Order of the Phoenix (2003)
    ...with two more promised!
    Mary Stewart—The Merlin quarto:
    The Crystal Cave (1970)
    The Hollow Hills (1973)
    The Last Enchantment (1979)
    The Wicked Day (1983)
    J.R.R. Tolkein—Lord of the Rings:
    The Hobbit (1937)
    The Fellowship of the Ring (1954)
    The Two Towers (1954)
    The Return of the King (1954)
    T.H. White—
    The Sword in the Stone (1963)
    Jane Yolen—Wizard’s Hall (1991)

II. Magickal Practice
Robert Adzema & Mablen Jones—
The Great Sundial Cutout
Book (1978)
Anton & Mina Adams—
Wizard’s Handbook (2002)

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