Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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358 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

Class II: Ritual Spaces
Mayfire, David, “Mazes and Laby-
rinths,” Green Egg, Vol. XXVI, No.
101, Summer 1993
Vickers, J. Rod, “Medicine Wheels: A
Mystery in Stone,” Alberta Past
8(3):6–7, Winter 1992–93
Zell, Oberon, Ibid.

Class III: About Rituals
Gabriel, Liza and Zell, Oberon, “Sac-
raments in the CAW,” Church of All
Worlds Membership Handbook, 3 rd
Edition, 1997
Inglehart, Hallie, “Creating Rituals,”
HOME Cooking, 1997
Judith, Anodea, “Ethics of Magick &
Ritual;” “Questions to Ask in Plan-
ning Ritual,” HOME Cooking, 1997
Hunter, Wendy and Littlewolf, Eldri,
“Circle Lore & Etiquette,” HOME
Cooking, 1997
Moonoak, Paul, “Rites of Passage,”
Church of All Worlds Membership
Handbook (op. cit.)
Zell, Oberon, Ibid.

Class IV: Conducting a Ritual
Judith, Anodea, “The Magick Circle,”
HOME Cooking, 1997
Zell, Oberon, Ibid.

Class V: Magickal Times
Goudsmit, Samuel and Clayborne, Rob-
ert, Time, Life Science Library, 1966
Graves, Robert The White Goddess,
Noonday Press, 1948
Foxtales, “Celtic Tree Calendar,” How
About Magic?, 3:12, Aug. 1, 1992
Pepper, Elizabeth and Wilcock, John,
Witches All, Pentacle Press, 1976

Class VI: The Wheel of the Year
Hussey, Leigh Ann, “The Fire Festi-
vals,” ©1993 (used by permission)
Zell, Oberon, “The CAW Wheel of the
Year,” Church of All Worlds Mem-
bership Handbook, 3 rd Edition, 1997

Class VII: Spellcraft
Buckland, Raymond, Ibid.
Dunwich, Gerina, Candlelight Spells,
Citadel Press, 1988
Grammary, Ann, Witches Workbook,
Pocket Books, 1973
Kemp, Gillian, The Good Spell Book,
Little, Brown & Co., 1997
Kidd, D.A., Collins Latin Gem Dictio-
nary, Collins, 1957; 1970
Telesco, Patricia, Ibid.
Whitcomb, Bill, Ibid.
Worth, Valerie, Crone’s Book of Words,
Llewellyn, 1971


Class I: Meditation (Aqua)
Buckland, Raymond, Buckland’s Com-
plete Book of Witchcraft (op. cit.)
Stewart, C. Nelson, “Astral Body,”
Man, Myth & Magic, Marshall
Cavendish Corp., 1970

Class II: Healing (Blue)
Buckland, Raymond, Ibid.
—, Practical Color Magick, 1983
Harris, Benjamin, F., Kitchen Medi-
cines, Natura Publications, Worces-
ter, MA, 1961
Hopman, Ellen Evert, A Druid’s Herbal
For the Sacred Earth Year, Inner
Traditions/Destiny Books, 1995
—, Tree Medicine—Tree Magic, Phoe-
nix Publishers, 1991
—, Walking The World In Wonder—A
Children’s Herbal, Inner Traditions,
Judith, Anodea, Wheels Of Life: A
User’s Guide to the Chakra System,
Llewellyn, 1987
Quelch, M.T., Herbal Medicines, Faber
& Faber Ltd., London, 1946

Class III: Wortcunning (Green)
Cunningham, Scott, Cunningham’s
Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs,
Llewellyn, 1997
Gerard, John, The Herball, or General
Historie of Plants, London, 1597;
Dover, 1975
Harris, Benjamin, F., Ibid.
Hopman, Ellen Evert, Ibid.
Quelch, M.T., Ibid.
Rowling, J.K., Ibid.

Class IV: Divination (Yellow)
Adams, Anton and Mina, Ibid.
Crowley, Aleister, The Book of Thoth,
Samuel Weiser, 1969
Doane, Doris Chase and Keyes, King,
How to Read Tarot Cards, Funk &
Wagnalls, 1967
Gardner, Richard, “The Tarot for Life,” The
Fortune Tellers, Black Watch, 1974
Howe, Ellic, “Astrology,” Man, Myth
& Magic (op. cit.)
Ogden, Tom, Ibid.
Peschel, Lisa, A Practical Guide to the
Runes, Llewellyn, 1995
Rakoczi, Basil Ivan, “Palmistry,” Man,
Myth & Magic (op. cit.)
Sheridan, Jo, “How to Read Hands,” The
Fortune Tellers, Black Watch, 1974
Telesco, Patricia, Ibid.
Waite, Arthur Edward, The Pictorial
Key to the Tarot, Rudolf Steiner, 1971
Williams, Athene, “The Runes,” The
Fortune Tellers, Black Watch, 1974

Class V: Conjury (Orange)
Gilbert, George and Rydell, Wendy,
Great Tricks of the Master Magi-
cians, Golden Press, 1976
Hay, Henry, The Amateur Magician’s
Handbook, Signet, 1950; 1972
Karr, Todd, Backyard Magic, Scholas-
tic Inc., 1996
Nelms, Henning, Magic and Show-
manship: A Handbook for Conjur-
ers, Dover, 1969
Scot, Reginald, The Discoverie of
Witchcraft, 1584
Tarr, Bill, Now You See It, Now You
Don’t, Vintage Books, 1976

Class VI: Alchemy (Red)
Biedermann, Hans, “Alchemy: A Se-
cret Language of the Mind,” Man,
Myth & Magic, Marshall Cavendish,
de Givry, Grillot, Witchcraft, Magic &
Alchemy, Bonanza Books (no date
or copyright indicated)
Hall, Manly Palmer, Ibid.
Kronzek, Allan Zola and Elizabeth,
The Sorcerer’s Companion, Broad-
way Books, 2001
Lionel-Porter, Chemical Magic, Lionel
Corp., 1952
Melville, Francis, Ibid.
Ogden, Tom, Ibid.
Pratchett, T., Moving Pictures (op. cit.)
Raglan, “Alchemical Ritual Enhance-
ments,” Green Egg, 32:135, Sept.–
Oct. 2000
Whitcomb, Bill, Ibid.


Class I: Beast Mastery (Brown)
Colombrano, Rosemarie, “Pet Briefs,”
USA Weekend, June 13–15, 2003
Pratchett, T., Lords and Ladies (op. cit.)
Sams, Jamie and Carson, David, Medi-
cine Cards, Bear & Co., 1988
Telesco, Patricia, Ibid.

Class II: Cosmology (Violet)
Adzema, Robert and Jones, Mablen, The
Great Sundial Cutout Book, Haw-
thorn Books, 1978
Arp, Halton, Quasars, Redshifts and Con-
troversies, Interstellar Media, 1987
Bell, Cathy, “The Mythology of the
Bergamini, David, The Universe,
Time-Life Books, 1962; 1967
Bryson, Bruce, “Quarks to Quasars:
Powers of Ten,” http://www.wordwizz.
Powers of Ten: http://micro.magnet.

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