Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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Appendices 361

Appendix D. Index

Aaron, 332
Abraham, 277, 335
Abramelin the Mage, 335
Absent healing, 211
Adad, 311
Adam, 277
Adams, Anton, 2, 237
Adams, Mina, 2, 237
Adni, 278
Adulthood, rite of, 171
Adzema, Robert, 263
Aeacus, 308
Aeetes, 292
Aegeus, 288
Aeons, zodiacal, 56-57
Aeromancy, 228
Aesculapius, 332
Aesculpias, 267
Aesir, 259, 311, 314-315
Aethra, 288
African powers, the, 316-317
Age of Reason, 29-30
Age, coming of, 170-171
Agrippa von Nettesheim,
Cornelius, 29, 336
Ahriman, 27, 333
Ahura-Mazda, 333
Air Elementals, 68
Air, 71, 103-104, 109, 135, 147,
153, 172, 270, 272, 321
Alaric the Goth, 287
Alceringa, 303
Alchecmical symbols, 250
Alchemic terms, glossary of, 246
Alchemical laboratory,
the, 247-248
Alchemist, definition of, 4
Alchemy, 25, 244-250
definition of, 246
goals of, 244-246
practices of, 244-246
primary substances of, 245
Alcimede, 289
Alcmene, 288
Aleuromancy, 237
Alexander the Great, 203
Alkahest, 244
Allah, 133
Allatu, 311
Almagest, 266
Almanac, 336
Alphabet versus the Goddess,
The, 142
Alphabet, the first, 143
Alphabets, magickal, 144-146
central, 161-162
creating your personal, 13-14
garden, 87
household, 162
personal, 162
Quarter, 162
ritual, 161-162

shrine versus, 162
Althern, Hope, 63
Aludel, definition of, 246
Amateur Magician’s Handbook,
The, 243
Amber K, 209, 342
Ammon, 312
Ammut, 307
Amphibians as familiars, 256
Amphitrite, 314
An, 133
Anaximander of Miletus, 133
Anazagoras, 235
Ancient Circles, 165
Ancient writing, 142-144
Anderson, Ian “Lurking Bear,”
45-46, 101, 276, 293, 303,
320, 344
Anderson, Victor, 340
Andromeda, 267, 288
Angel, conjuring an, 283
Angelic operations, 282-283
Angels, 281-282
Angus, 316
Anima mundi, definition of, 246
Animages, 32
Animals, 63
ottoes of, 260
Animorphs, 32
Ankh, 117
Annwfn, 308
Anshar, 133
Anthony, Susan B., 159
Anti-nightmare spell, 41-42
Antiope, 289
Antipope John XXIII, 335
Anu, 311
Anubis, 312
Apanthomancy, 228
Aphrodisiacs, 225
Aphrodite, 137, 313
Apis, 312
Apollo, 61, 137, 305, 306, 313,
Apollonius of Tyana, 334
Apotheosis, 59
Apparitions, 297
Apprentice Wizard, being an, 9
Aqua magick, 25, 206-210
Aquaria, 123
Arabian Nights, 124
Arachne, 260
Aralim, 282
Arawn, 308
Arcadia: The Gospel of Witches,
definition of, 47
library of, 119
Arcanum, definition of, 241
Archidoxa, 336
Archimedes, 122, 333-334
Ares, 137, 313

Argonauts, 292
Argosy, the, 292
Ariadne, 268, 289
Arianrhod, 62
Arippa, 147
Aristotelian philosophy, 29
Aristotle, 67, 101, 235, 280
Arithmancy, 237
Arran, 308
Artemis, 61, 62, 65, 137, 289,
306, 313
Artemisia, 63
Artifacts, Indian, 121
Arts, 12
Bardic, 284-285
dark, 294-307
defense against the, 299-300
Hermetic, 244
magickal, 23
mantic, 236-237
the celestial, 261
Aruru, 288
Asclepius, 280
Asgard, 304, 306
Aske, 314
Asklepios, 332
Asmar, Tell, 146
Aspects, planetary, 182
Aspidodelone, 326
Asshur, 311
Assiah, 278
Astarte, 65
Astra, 61
Astral Light, Law of, 157
Astral projection, 32, 210
Astral sanctum, creating, 209
Astrological glyphs, 147
Astronomical Canon, The, 334
Astronomical terms, glossary
of, 261
Astronomical Units, 264-265
Astronomy, 261
Atalanta, 289
Aten, 61
Athame, 107-108
consecrating your, 108
engraving your, 108
Athanor, definition of, 246
Athena, 287, 288, 313
Atman, 133
Atman-Brahman, 133
Atrology, 230-232
Attig, Sheila, 151
Attributes of signs of the
Zodiac, 231
Attributes of the planets, 231
Atziluth, 277-278
Aughisky, 329
Augury lore, 228-230
Augury, 228-230
Auphanim, 282
Aura, 50
controlling your, 34-36

definition of, 47
seeing and reading, 33-36
Aurelius, Marcus, 52
Auric healing, 211, 214
Aurthur, King, 334-335
Austromancy, 228
Automatic writing, 209-210
Autosuggestion, 208
Autumnal Equinox, 56
Avatar, definition of, 47
Aviaria, 123
Awakening, the, 59
Axis of rotation, 50
Ayida Weddo, 316
Babylon, gods of, 311
Babylonia, 27
Bacchus, 314
Backyard Magic, 243
Baculum, 104
Balance, 53
search for, 60
Balder, 315
Bale-fires, 62
Ball on a tightrope, 243
Ballad of Tam Lin, The, 287
Banbha, 316
Banishment spells, 201-202
Baptism, 309
Bardcraft, 12
Bardic arts, 284-285
Bardic, 170
Barnum, P.T., 330
Barrett, Francis, 30, 338
Bats as familiars, 255
Battle of the Titans, 61
Bean-sildhe, 322
Bear, 258
Beast Mastery, 25, 252-301
Bel, 61
Believing in magick, 151
Belt knife, 115
Belt, Wizard’s, 114-115
Beltaine, 95, 189-190
Bendis, 65
Beni Elohim, 282
Beriah, 278
Best, 312
magickal, 324-330
natural, 258
Bestla, 314
Beyond the Farthest Shore, 7
Bezoar, 224
Bhagavad-gita, 52
Bible, the, 27
Bibliomancy, 237
Bicarbonate of potassium, 246
Big Bang, the, 268-269
Bigfoot, 324-325
Bighorn Medicine Wheel, 163-164
Bile, 308, 315
Bilfrost, 315

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