Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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362 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

Binah, 278, 280
Binocular visualizations, 16
Biomagnetic energy, 33, 47
Birds as familiars, 255-256
Birth Number, 272
Birth, rite of, 170
Birtwell, Dave, 240
Bizarre Magik, 240-241
Black hole, 265-266
Black magick, 21, 26, 199, 277,
Black Plague, 336
Black Scrying Mirror, 236
Black Stallion, The, 255
Blodeuwedd, 189
Blue Magick, 21, 25, 211-218
Boann, 316
Bodb the Red, 316
Bode, Johann, 264
Body control, 33
Boetticher, Johann, 246
Bokors, 298
Bolan, Marc, 157
Bomba Gira, 317
Bonewits, Isaac, 19
Book of Abraham the Jew, The,
Book of Beasts, 324
Book of Enoch, The, 337
Book of Shadows, 110, 196
Book of the Dead, The, 307
Book of the Law, The, 99
Books of magick, 110
Bor, 314
Botanicas, 124
Bowl, salt, 109-110
Bowl, water, 109-110
Bragi, 315
Brahman, 133
Brain waves, 206
Brain, right vs. left, 24
Bran th’ Blessed, 132
Brand, Hennig, 246
Breath, 172
Breene, Katlyn, 60, 226, 230,
236, 301, 321, 344
Brigit, 159, 195, 285, 316
Brisingamon, 117
Bronze Age, 116
Brown magick, 21, 25, 252-301
Brown, James C., 244
Brownies, 321-322
Bryson, Bruce, 266
Buckland, Raymond, 155, 207,
340, 342
Buckyball, 273
Buffy, 159
Bugs, beneficial, 94
Bunnies as familiars, 254
Burning Times, the, 29
Burns, 217
Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 326
Butterflies, 121, 258-259
Butterfly Effect, 276
Butterfly, Julia, 74
Cabochon, 105

Cacodemons, 296
Caduceus, 280
Caer Feddwid, 308
Caer Wydye, 308
Caesar, Julius, 203, 285, 322
Calendar, the French
Revolutionary, 139
Calendar, Tree, 143
Calendula, 91
Call cantzari, 318
Calling the quarters, 176-177
Calliope, 284
Callisto, 261, 265
Camping out, 74-80
Candle magick, 154-155
color associations for, 154
Candle, perfection of, 67
Candlelight Spells, 155
Canon Episcopi, 28
Canulus, 316
Canyons, 85
Capnomancy, 228
Caprine, 330
Cartomancy, 237
Cassiopeia, 267
Casting the Circle, 175-176
Castor, 268
Catherine the Great, 337
Catoblepas, 326
Catoptromancy, 236-237
Cats as familiars, 253-254
Cause and Effect, Law of, 158
Caves, 86-87
Cayce, Edgar, 58
Celebration rituals, 169
Celestial armillary, 263-264
Celestial arts, the, 261
Celtic Cross, 135, 233-234
Celts, the, 315-316
Censer, 109
Centaur, 326
Centering, 179
Central altar, 161-162
Centuries, 336
Cepheus, 267
Ceraunoscopy, 228
Ceremonial Magick, 26, 30, 135,
Ceremony, naming, 11
Ceres, 63, 87, 190, 313
Cernunnos, 65, 308
Cerridwen, 105
Cessair, 316
Cetus, 267
Chakra healing, 211, 212-214
Chakras, 48, 137-139, 206-207,
Chalice, 105-106
consecrating your, 106
using your, 106
Chamber of Secrets, The, 7
Changelings, 9, 321
Channeling, definition of, 32
Channels, 32
Chaos magick, 276
Chaos Theory, 276

Chaos, 62
Chardin, Teilhard de, 59
Charles V, 336
Chartres design, 165
Charybdis, 293
Chasmalim, 282
Chasomdai, 11
Chaucer, 285
Chelman, Christian, 237
Chemistry, 245-247
Cherubim, 282
Chesed, 278, 280
Chess, elven, 127, 164
Chief Seattle, 52
Chimera, 326
Chioth Ha Qudesh, 282
Chiromancy, 235, 237
Chiron, 289, 332
Chivalry, code of, 101-102
Chives, 90, 91, 96, 220
Chlorophyll, 63
Chokmah, 278, 280
Christian Trinity, 135
Chromatotherapy, 211, 214
Chromosphere, 262
Chronos, 61, 137
Church, magick and the, 144
Church, the Catholic, 295
Church’s ban on magick, 28-29
Cicero, Marcus, 102
Cicre, 293
Cingulum, 114
Cingulum, color of your, 114
Cinnamon, 220
Circe, 4
Circle etiquette, 168-169
Circle lore, 168-169
Circle name, 10
Circle of Life, 53-54
casting the, 175-176
Magick, 132, 173
opening the, 180
outdoor, 161
stone, 164
Circlets, 118
Circumpolar constellations,
Clairvoyance, 31, 37-38
Clark, Arthur C., 15
Clash of the Titans, 267, 288,
Classification, systems of, 131
Clavicle of Solomon, 107
Clear magick, 26, 270-276
Cleopatra, 285
Cleromancy, 234, 237
Clio, 284
Cloak, 115-116
Cloaking, 35-36
Clock of the flowers, 184
Cloud busting, 35
Coagulation, definition of, 246
Cockatrice, 326
Code of chivalry, 101-102

Coeus, 313
Collections, collections of,
Color associations for candle
magick, 154
Color healing, 211, 214
Color taband, making your, 22
Color, choosing your, 21
Color-coded magick, 25
Color-coded Wizardry, 21
Colors, healing properties of, 214
Comets, 265
Coming of age, 170-171
Commemorative shrines, 163
Communication spells, 201
Communion, 179-180
Companion planting, 91
Composting, 93
Computer, magick, 293
Conchohar I, 289
Concis, The, 334
Conducting a ritual, 173-180
Confucianism, 101
Conjuration, 241-243
definition of, 152
Conjuring an Angel, 283
Conjuring terms, glossary of, 241
Conjury, 237-243
Connectedness, Law of, 157
Conscious mind, 206
Consciousness, states of, 206
Consecrating your athame, 108
Consecrating your chalice, 106
Consecration, 179
Constant, Alphonse Louis, 338
Constellations, 45, 139-140,
stories of the, 267-269
Constructive magick, 181
Contact, Law of, 154
Contagion, Law of, 158
Contagious magick, 294
Continuous creation, 269
Control, power to, 98
Copper, changing silver into, 250
Cord magick, 155
Coreopsis, 91
Cornelian law, 28
Corona, 261-262
Correspondences, 67, 131-141,
142, 176
deity, 317
magickal, tables of, 134, 136,
138, 139, 141, 279
Cosmic family of Nature, the,
Cosmic loopholes, 269
Cosmogony, 268-269
Cosmology, 25-26, 261-269,
Costume of a Wizard, 112-118
Costuming, 240
Creating lore, 293
Creation myths, 310
Creation, continuous, 269
Cretan design, 165
Crete, 164

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