Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

(backadmin) #1

Appendices 363

Crick, Francis, 44
Crius, 313
Crone’s Book of Words, 199
Crowley, Aleister, 19, 30, 99,
Crowley, Rose, 99
Cryptids, 324
Cryptograms, 144, 147
Cryptozoology, 252, 324
Crystal ball, 111
Crystal Cave, The, 1, 7
Crystallomancy, 236
Crystals, collections of, 120-121
Cuchulain, 191, 289-290
Cuneiforms, 142
Cupid, 314
Curse, definition of, 152
Curved space, 276
Cutting your wand, 104-105
Cybermancer, definition of, 4
Cycles of Time, 54-58
Cycles, Geological, 54
Da Vinci, Leonardo, 273, 333,
Daghda, 316
Damballa, 316
Dame Nature, 60
Dana, 315
Danae, 288
Dance, 172
Dante, 285
Danu, 315
Dark Arts, 26, 294-307
defense against, 299-300
Darling, Diane, 127
Darwin Awards, 300
Darwin, Charles, 44, 300
Davies, Paul, 269
Davis, Wade, 298
Dawkins, Richard, 18
Days of the week, 137
De Materia Medica, 219
De Medici, Catherine, 336
De Medici, Cosimo, 281
De Occulta Philosophia, 29
De occulta philosophiae, 336
Dead, lands of the, 306-307
Decad, 271
Dechtire, 289
Declaration of intent, 178
Dedi of Dedsnefru, 27
Dee, Dr. John, 29, 69, 144, 236,
Degrees, 14
Deities, thanking the, 180
Deity correspondences, 317
DeLong, Tom, 341
Demeter, 28, 63, 190, 286-287,
306, 313
Demonology, 26, 295-296
Demons, 281-282, 295-296
Demotic alphabet, 142
Deosil, definition of, 152
Designing your personal sigil,
Despoina, 65

Destructive magick, 181
Devas, 66
Devil, the, 295
Devotional shrines, 163
Dharma, definition of, 152
Dian Cecht, 316
Diana, 60, 62, 65, 166, 313
Dianic Witchcraft, 166
Diary, dream, 39, 100
Diaspora, the, 59, 146
Dictionaire Infernal, 296
Die Grosse Wundartzney, 336
Dionysos, 105, 192, 312, 314
Dioramas, 121-122
Dioscorides, Pedanius, 219
Disbelief, suspension of, 153
Discordian magick, 276
Discoverie of Witchcraft, The,
Discworld novels, 60, 100, 260 ,
Diseases, your garden and, 93
Dismissing the Elements, 180
Distance, healing over, 215
Distiller, 248
Divination box, 45
Divination, 4, 25, 227-236
Divine Proportion, 274
Divine Pymader, The, 281
Divinity, 100-101
Djinn, 69, 296
Dogma and Ritual of High
Magick, 30 , 157
Dogs as familiars, 253-254
Dolphin, Dr. David, 298
Domitian, 334
Doven of Ithil Duath, 166
Dowsing, 130
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 326
Dragon, 83-84, 326, 328-329
DragonSkull, 243
Dream diary, 39, 110
Dream discovery, 43
Dream symbols, dictionary of, 40
Dreaming, 39
lucid, 41-42
Dreaming, The, 42, 65, 110,
118, 206, 208, 209, 303, 319
Dreaming, True, 39
Dreams, 39-43
remembering, 39-41
Dreamtime, 42
Dreamwalking, 42-43
definition of, 32
Drinking horn, 115
Druids, 4, 28
Stonehenge and the, 164
Dryads, 66
Dumuzi, 286
Dunwich, Gerina, 155. 199,
200, 201
Dwarves, 68, 315, 320
Dyad, 270
Dynamic Balance, Law of, 158
Ea, 311
Each-uisge, 329

Earth Elementals, 68
Earth oracle, 230
Earth warriors, Wizards as, 74
Earth, 69-70, 106-107, 109-110,
135, 146-147, 153, 171, 270,
272, 321
Earthsee Trilogy, the, 7
Eclipses, 262-263
Edwin Smith Papyrus, 331
Egypt, 26-27, 307, 311-312
divine Triad of, 135
Egyptian gods, 312
Einstein, Albert, 52, 276
Elderhood, rite of, 171
Elegua, 316
Element, the Fifth, 73, 82, 135,
147, 172, 270, 272
Elemental powers, 198
Elemental Tides, 181
Elemental, definition of, 48
Elementals, 68
Elements, 67-73, 135-136, 147,
172, 176, 245, 270, 272
definition of, 246
dismissing the, 180
signs of the Zodiac and, 135
your personal altar and, 13
Eleusinian Mysteries, 193
Elfstar, 146
Eliot, T.S., 132
Elixir of Life, 244
definition of, 246
Elixirs, 225
Elizabeth I, 203, 337
Elizabethan language, 125
Elohim, 282
Elven chess, 127, 164
Elven Sidhe, 322
Elves, 315
Elysian Fields, 307
Emanations, 278
Embla, 314
Emer, 191, 290
Emerald Tablet, The, 281
Emotions, ritual and, 152
Empaths, 31
Empedocles, 67
Enceladus, 265
Encyclopedia Mythica, 311
Encyclopedia of Witches and
Witchcraft, 1
Ending the ritual, 180
Energy, biomagnetic, 33, 47
Engraving your athame, 108
Engraving your wand, 105
Enhancement, probability, 19-20
Enkidu, 288
Enlil, 311
Ennead, the, 271, 312
Enoch, 280
Enochian Magick, 29
Envoutement, 153
Eostara eggs, 189
Eostara, 188-189
Eostre, 189
Ephemeredes, 230

Epimetheus, 285
Epochs, religious, 57-58
Epona, 65
Equine, 330
Equinox, The, 340
Equinoxes, 56
precession of the, 56
Eras, historical, 56
Erato, 284
Eratosthenes, 267
Erebos, 307
Eric, 296
Erikidu, 291
Eriochian system, 144
Eros, 62, 314
Esoteric, definition of, 47
Essences, flowers used in, 226
Essences, pure, 225
Essential oils, 225
Etain, 308
Ethics of magick, 98-102, 167-168
Ethics of ritual, 167-168
Euclid, 272
Eudemons, 296
Europa, 261, 265, 268
Eurydale, 267
Euterpe, 284
Evil, 133-134
stupidity of, 102
Evocation, Law of, 158
Excellency to others, 100-101
Exorcism spells, 201-202
Fact, magick in, 23
Fae, the, 320
rules for dealing with, 323
Faerie rings, 87
Faeries, 66, 303-304, 320, 321
Faery Call, 321
Faires, Renaissance, 125
Fall Equinox, 95-96
Familiars, 48, 252, 253-257
Fantasia, 60
Farrar, Stewart, 341
Far-seeing drawings, 38
Fates, the, 66
Father Sun, 61
Father Time, 61
Fauna, 64-65, 188
Fauns, 318-319
Faunus, 64, 65, 188
Fellowship of the Ring, The, 7,
236, 254, 322
Fenris, 315
Feri tradition, 340
Ferrets as familiars, 254
Festivals, Pagan, 125-126
Fever, 218
Fibonacci Rectangles, 274
Fibonacci Sequence, 273-274
Fibonacci Spiral, 274
Ficino, Marsilio, 281
Fiction, magick in, 23
Fictonary, 129
Field generator, 50
Fifth Element, the, 73, 82, 135,
147, 172, 270, 272

Appendices.p65 363 1/15/2004, 11:54 AM

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