Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

(backadmin) #1

Course One: Wizardry 25

enchantments and bewitchments have been accom-
plished through hypnosis—and post-hypnotic sugges-
tion, wherein a previously hypnotized subject contin-
ues to act unawares on commands received while in
Guided Meditations are scripted visualizations
in which a person in a light hypnotic trance is told a
story in the second person (“You are walking along a
path, and you come to a...”). It’s almost like going on
a role-playing game adventure. Such guided medita-
tions can be used to take you to places both real and
imaginary—such as forgotten experiences of your
early childhood. As such, this is a very useful tech-
nique in modern psychotherapy. There are whole
books and tapes of such scripts, used to help people
in many ways.

Lesson 3: Color-Coded
Magickal Practices

In Class III, Lesson 7: “Color-Coded Wizardry,” I
listed several categories of magick and Wizardry ac-
cording to their associated colors. Practitioners spe-
cializing in one of these areas may be known by that
color, as Gandalf the Grey. Here is a bit more about
these color-coded practices—in order of their posi-
tion in the Spectrum. Later on in this Grimoire, I’ll
have a whole Class on each of them.

Meditation (Aqua Magick) (5.I)
Meditation is the basis of most of the Eastern dis-
ciplines of magick and Wizardry. I’m sure you have
seen Masters meditating in movies, especially those
involving martial arts. Properly used, meditation opens
the door to individual growth and personal advance-
ment. Of all the techniques of advancement in the
psychic and spiritual fields, meditation is by far the
most effective.

Healing (Blue Magick) (5.II)
Healing refers to all forms of magickal arts and
practices devoted to curing diseases, relieving aches
and pains, promoting tissue regeneration, restoring
vitality and fertility, etc. Throughout history, healers
have been the folk doctors, nurses, and midwives—
especially in rural and “primitive” communities with-
out access to officially licensed physicians and phar-

Wortcunning (Green Magick) (5.III)
Herbalism is the lore and art of knowing and us-
ing the magickal, medicinal, and other properties of
plants. The old word used for the knowledge of the
secret properties of herbs is Wortcunning (“herbal
wisdom”), and this has always been a particular study
of Witches.

Divination (Yellow Magick) (5.IV)
Divination is the art of foretelling or predicting
the future; or discovering things that are lost, hidden,
or secret. Although not all seers were Wizards, all
Wizards are expected to be seers. Many ancient
peoples were completely obsessed with divination and
would hardly make a move without consulting divin-
ers, seers, oracles, or prophets. Unusual occurrences,
such as disturbing dreams and omens, were also given
divinatory meanings—this is where we get our word
ominous. Over the ages, seers have devised many tech-
niques of divination—called the Mantic Arts (from
mantis, meaning “diviner”).

Illusion (Orange Magick) (5.V)
Also called stage magic and performance magic,
this area deals with “miraculous” illusions and spe-
cial effects. Illusion magick is often divided into two
categories: legerdemain (conjuring) and prestidigita-
tion (sleight-of-hand). Designed to amaze and mys-
tify onlookers, the arts of Illusion originated with the
first Shamans. Special effects have been used in en-
hancing the theater of ritual since the first campfire
was lit. Various types of performance, such as magic
acts, acrobatics, juggling, puppetry, and fire-eating all
came from such rituals.

Alchemy (Red Magick) (5.VI)
Alchemy is the magickal art and science of trans-
formation and transmutation. Alchemy was the fore-
runner of modern chemistry, originating in Alexan-
dria, Egypt, during the 1st century CE, when Egyptian
metallurgy was fused with Greek philosophy and
Middle Eastern mysticism. Medieval Alchemists pur-
sued three basic objectives: the Transmutation of “base
metals” (particularly lead) into gold and silver; the
discovery of the Elixir of Life that would heal all ills
and bestow immortality; and the creation of the ho-
munculus, an artificial man.

Beast Mastery (Brown Magick) (6.I)
Beast Mastery concerns everything to do with
animals of all kinds—especially animal communica-
tion. Beast Masters include “horse whisperers,” ani-
mal trainers, pet psychics, and all people who seem
to have an uncanny ability to communicate and work
with animals. Beast Mastery includes knowledge of
zoology and the lore of Totems. Beast Masters seek
to know the names of all animals, as well as how they
evolved, what they eat, their behaviors, lifestyles,
mating rituals, and languages.

Cosmology (Violet Magick) (6.II)
The great bowl of the night sky—the Celestial
Sphere—that surrounds our tiny world has always
been a subject of magickal and Wizardly studies.
“Connecting the dots” of the stars to form constella-

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