Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

(backadmin) #1

Appendices 367

Moon, gardening by the, 95
Moon, revolution of the, 137
Moons of Jupiter, 261
Morals, ethics vs., 98
Morning glories, 90
Morphogenic fields, 50
Morrigan, 316
Morris Susan, 11
Mortar and pestle, 109
Mosaical Philosophy, 337
Moses, 27, 277, 332
Mother Nature, 60-61
Mother Shipton, 58
Moving Pictures, 248
Mrs. Byrne’s Dictionary of
Unusual Words, 129
Mt. Olympus, 305
Mugwort, 92
Muir, John, 74
Mulching, 93
Multiverse, 2, 134
Mundania, 3
Mundanity, 2-3
Muses, the, 284, 305
Music, 172
Mycelium, 65
Mysteries, 170
definition of, 47
Natural, 52-59
classic, 285
common themes of, 285
creation, 310
Nadis, 137
Naga, 327
Nagini, 327
Naiads, 66
Name Number, 272
Name, circle, 10
Names, Law of, 158
Names, magickal, 10-11, 272
Naming ceremony, 11
Nanna, 315
Nasturtiums, 91
Natural beastiary, 258
Natural Law, 98
Natural Mysteries, 52-59
Nature Magick, 161
Nature spirits, 66
adventures in, 81-87
Perfect Bodies in, 272-273
the cosmic family of, 60-62
the soul of, 60-66
Nebo, 311
Necromancy, 4, 26, 297-299
Negative Attraction, Law of,
Neils, Bohr, 46
Neith, 312
Neksa, 68
Nelms, Henning, 243
Nemeds, 316
Nemo, 292
Nepthys, 137, 312

Neptune, 314
Nereids, 66
Nergal, 311
Nerthus, 315
Netzach, 278, 280
Never-ending story, the, 128-129
Nightmares, 41-42
Nimue, 335
Ningal, 311
Ninhursag, 311
Ninib, 311
Njordh, 315
Noah, 277
Norns, 315
Norse, the, 314-315
Norton, Thomas, 244
Nostradamus, 58, 99, 336
Now You See It, Now You Don’t,
Nox, 60
Nu, 311
Nuada, 316
Nuit, 61
Birth, 272
Name, 272
your lucky, 271-272
Numebrals, Roman, 144, 146
Numerals, Arabic, 146
Numerology, 271-272
Nurturing your garden, 92-94
Nut, 312
Nybor, 342
Nymphs, 66
Nyx, 61
O’Grady, Standisk, 77
Oakwind, Kyril, 100
Obatala, 317
Observation, 127-128
Occult Philosophy, 147
Oceanids, 66
Oceanus, 313
Ochosi, 63
Octad, 271
Odin, 143, 314, 315
Odysseus, 9, 289, 292-293
Odyssey, The, 289, 292-293,
Ogden, Tom, 18, 295
Ogdoad, 271
Ogham, 143
Ogma, 316
Ogun, 317
Oil, olive, 222
Oils, 225
essential, 225
flowers used in, 226
Olive oil, 222
Gods and Goddesses of, 61
Gods of, 313-314
Omega Point, 59
Omens, reading, 228-230
On the Track of Unknown
Animals, 324
Oneiromancy, 237

Oort Cloud, 264
Oort, Jan, 264
Opening the Circle, 180
Ophiuchus, 139
Oracle stones, 234-235
Oracle, 4
Orange magick, 20, 25, 237-243
Orange, 222
Order of the Phoenix, The, 7,
Ordo Templi Orientis, 30, 105
Oreads, 66
Orestiads, 66
Orgres, 319
Origin of magick, 19
Original sin, 309
Origins of the Kabbalah, The,
Orion, 267-268
Orixa, 316
Ornithomancy, 228
Ornithopter, 122, 335
Orrery, 264
Osiris, 63, 192, 286, 307, 312
Ostara, 95
Other worlds, 303
Others, the, 318
Others, working with, 126
Ouranos, 62, 313
Outdoor circles, 161
Ovid, 285
Owls as familiars, 255
Oxidation, definition of, 247
Oxun, 317
Oya, 317
Pachamama, 62
Pagan festivals, 125-126
Pal, George, 58
Palmistry, 235
Pan, 65, 133, 188, 314
Pandemonium, 309
Pandora, 285-286
Pantheacon, 126
Pantheons, 310-11
Panticle, 106-107
making your, 106-107
using your, 107
Papaya, 222
Paracelsus, 29, 68, 246, 336
Paralda, 68
Paralysis, sleep, 41
Parenthood, rite of, 171
Paris of Troy, 289
Parity, 49
Parsley, 222
Parsnip, 222
Parsons-Kerins, Craig M., 48
Parthlolons, 316
Pasiphae, 268, 327
Paska, 189
Passage, rites of, 170-171
Patter, 240
Pattern recognition, 44-45
Patterns of magick, 44-50
Pay It Forward, 100

Peacock, 259
Pegasus, 267, 327
Pelias, 289, 292
Pendants, 117
Pendderwen, Gwydion, 166,
167, 341
Penelope, 289, 293
Pentad, 271
Pentagrams, 146-147, 271
Perfect Bodies in nature, 272-273
Performance, 12, 240-241
Persephone, 28, 265, 286-287,
307, 313, 314
Perseus, 267, 288
Persia, 27
Personal altar, 162
Personal altar, creating your,
Personal sigil, designing your,
Personal survival kit, making a,
Personal Universes, Law of, 158
Personification, Law of, 158
Pestle, mortar and, 109
Pests, your garden and, 93
Peter of Abano, 183
Petition magick, 153
Phantoms, 297
Pharaoh Djoser, 331
Pharaohs, 26
Phenomenon of Man, The, 59
Phi Ratio, 274
Phi, 270, 274
Philosopher’s Stone, 244, 247
Philosophy, Aristotelian, 29
Philtres, 224-225
Phineus, 292
Phoebe, 313
Phoenix, 327
Phosphorus, 246
Photosphere, 262
Phrenology, 238
Physics, quantum, 46
Physiognomy, 238
Physiologus, the, 324
Pi, 270
Pickingill, George, 338-339
Pictish, 144
Picts, 321
Pixies, 320, 321-322
Plague, Black, 336
Planck, Max, 53, 157
Planetary aspects, 182
Planetary hours of the day,
Planetary powers, talismans of
the, 197-198
Planetary statistics, 264
Planets, 137, 264-265
attributes of, 231
Planning a ritual, 167
Planting, companion, 91
Plants, 63
bug-repelling, 94
Plasma generators, 36-37

Appendices.p65 367 1/15/2004, 11:56 AM

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