Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

(backadmin) #1

Appendices 369

Shekinah, 278
Sheldrake, Rupert, 48, 50
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 65
Shepherd’s Calenda, The, 139
Shielding rituals, 169
Shielding, 35, 50
Shlain, Leonard, 142
Showmanship, 240-241
Shrines, 162-163
commemorative, 163
devotional, 163
Shu, 312
Shukla, Madhukar, 43
Shulman, Sandy, 320
Sibyl, 4
Siegfried, 328
Sif, 315
Sigils, 146-147, 196-187
Signs of the Zodiac, 182
attributes of, 231
months and, 139-140
Signs, moon, 184-185
Sigyn, 315
Sileni, 318
Silver Magick, 21
Silver, changing into copper,
Similarity, Law of, 153, 158
Sin, 137, 309, 311
Sirrush, 325-326
Sister Moon, 62
Sisyphus, 308
Skadi, 315
Sleep paralysis, 41
Smallville, 159
Smoke weaving, 35
Smudging, 175
Snakes as familiars, 256
Snakes, 78
Socrates, 3
Sodium sulfate, 246
Sol, 61, 137, 188
Solar eclipse, 262
Solar flares, 262
Solar System, 261-269
Solomon, 27, 332
Songs, 38
Sorcerer’s Stone, The, 7
Sorcery, 26, 284-295
Sore throat, 217-218
Space, curved, 276
Speculum, 110-111
Spell of Nine Knots, 155
Spellcraft, 196-204
Spells, types of, 199-202
Sphinx, 328
Spinner, Abbi, 70, 72, 73
Spinners, 36
Spirit, 73, 82, 135, 147, 153,
172, 270, 272
your personal altar and, 13
St. John’s Day, 190
Stadler, Gary, 250
Staff, Wizard’s, 118
Staging, 240
Stalking the Wild Asparagus,

Star constellations, 45
Star Goddess, 61
Star Trek, 58, 100
Star Wars, 49
Stars, 265-266
telling time by the, 263-264
the brightest, 267
Statement of intention, 208
States of consciousness, 206
Statistics, planetary, 264
Steady state, 269
Steal, definition of, 241
Stewart, Mary, 1, 7
Stone circles, 164
Stonehenge, 164
Stratification, 93
Structure, ritual, 174
Subconscious mind, 206
Success spells, 199-200
Successions, 311
Sulaiman, 332
Sumerians, 230
Summer Solstice, 95
Summerland, the, 308
Summum Bonum, 337
Sun, 182, 197, 262
telling time by the, 263-264
Sundials, 263
Super-conscious mind, 206
Supreme Being, universal
qualities of, 133
Sushumna, 137
Suspension of disbelief, 153
Sword in the Stone, The, 7, 112
Sylphids, 68
Sylphs, 48, 68
magickal, 142-149
alchemical, 250
dictionary of dream, 40
Symmetry, 48-49
Sympathetic magick, 153-156,
for schoolwork, 156
Sympathy, Law of, 53, 153, 158,
Synchronicity Wave, 57-58
Synchronicity, 18, 46-47, 159
Synchronicity, Law of, 158
Synthesis, Law of, 158
Systema Naturae, 131
Systems of classification, 131
Taband, making your color, 22
Tabernacle Mysteries, 27
Tabernacle Mysteries, 332
Table of planetary hours, 183
Talents, magickal, 31-38
Talismans of the planetary
powers, 197-198
Talismans, 148-149
Talos, 292
Tam Lin, 287
Tamet, 311
Tammuz, 63, 311
Tansy, 91

Tantra, 212
Tao-Te Ching, 333
Tarantulas as familiars, 256-257
Tarot reading, a, 233-234
Tarot, the, 232-234
Tarr, Bill, 243
Tartarus, 307, 308
Tarzan, 326
Taseomancy, 238
Taurus, 268
Taxonomy, 131
Technomage, 4
Tefnut, 312
Tehuti, 27, 312
Telemachus, 9, 289, 293
Telepathy, 31, 37-38
Telesco, Patricia, 9, 86, 159,
185, 199, 200, 344
Teltown, 191
Temple, purifying the, 175
Temple, your, 119-120
Temples, indoor, 160
Terpsichore, 284
Terra, 62
Terraria, 123
Tethys, 313
Tetrad, 270
Tetragrammaton, 29
Thalis, 284
Thanking the Deities, 180
Thaumaturgy, 23, 153-156
The Dreaming, 42, 65, 110, 118,
206, 208, 209, 303, 319
Theagonies, 310
Theatrical ritual, 237-238
Theban runes, 105, 106, 107,
108, 109
Theban script, 144
Theia, 313
Thelema, Law of, 99
Themis, 313
Theogony, 62, 285, 313
Theologies, religious, 135
Theon, 284, 334
Theosophy, 30
Therapy, gem, 211, 216
Theseus, 164, 268, 288-289
Theurgy, 23, 153
Third eye, 207
Thom, Alexander, 164
Thor, 137, 315
Thoth, 27, 137, 244, 280, 312
Three Worlds, The, 304-305
Threefold Return, Law of, 100
Thurible, 109
Thyrsus, 105
Tiamet, 133
Tiaras, 118
Tibetan Book of the Dead, 309
Tidal pools, 86
Tide of Destruction, 181
Tide of Harvest, 181
Tide of Planning, 181
Tide of Planting, 181
Timbs of Atuan, The, 7
Time Machine, The, 58

Time travel, 32, 58
Cycles of, 58
linear versus cyclical view
of, 132
telling by the sun and stars,
Times, magickal, 181-187
Tin oxide, 246
Tinder, 76
Tiphareth, 278, 280
Titan, 259, 265
Titanomachia, 314
Titans, 313-314
Battle of the, 61
Titius, Johann, 264
Titius-Bode Rule, the, 264
Tiw, 137
Tolkein, J.R.R., 1, 7, 61, 77, 322
Tonics, 225
Tools of magick, 103-111
Tools, gardening, 86
Torah, the, 27, 277, 332
Torques, 117
Totems, 48, 252-253
Tractor beams, 35
Transformation ritual, 169
Transformation, fires of, 72-73
Transmission, 130
Transmutation of metals, 249
Transvection, 32
Travel spells, 201
Travel, time, 58
Tree Calendar, 143, 186-187
Tree of Life, 278, 280, 304-305
Tria Prima, 245
Triads, 135, 270
Tribal values, 102
Tricks, invisible thread, 242
Trickster magick, 276
Trikaya, 135
Trimming your wand, 104-105
Trinities, 135
Triple Goddess, 62
Trojan War, 289
Trolls, 319
True Dreaming, 39
True Falsehoods, Law of, 158
Tuatha de Danaan, 315, 316,
Tubiflex worms, 37
Tunic, 112-113
Turtle Worlds, 305
Twin Trade Towers, 163
Two Towers, The, 7
Tyndarus, 268
Tyr na Nog, 34
Tyr, 315
Ullr, 315
Undines, 48, 68
Unicorns, 2, 328, 330-331
Unified Field Theory, the, 44
Unintended Consequences, Law
of, 158
Unities, 132-133
Unity, Law of, 158

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