Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

(backadmin) #1

About the Author

Oberon Zell-Ravenheart
(1942–) is an elder in the worldwide
magickal community. In 1962, he
co-founded the Church of All
Worlds, a Pagan church with a fu-
turistic vision. Through his publi-
cation of Green Egg magazine
(1968–75; 1988–96), Oberon was
instrumental in the founding of the
modern Pagan movement, which
he so named. In 1970, he had a
profound Vision of the Living
Earth that he published as an early
version of “The Gaia Thesis.”
Oberon is an initiate in several
magickal traditions and has been
involved in many interfaith

projects. He is a thealogian and
ritualist, creating and conducting
rites of passage, seasonal celebra-
tions, Mystery Initiations, Earth-
healings, and other large rituals. He
has worked as a grade school
teacher and a family and youth
counselor. Oberon has traveled
throughout the world, celebrated
solar eclipses at ancient stone
circles, raised unicorns, and swum
with mermaids in the Coral Sea. He
also sculpts altar statues of gods
and goddesses. Living in Nor-
Califia, Oberon is lifemate to
Morning Glory and senior member
of the Ravenheart Family.

Appendices.p65 372 1/15/2004, 11:25 AM

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