Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

(backadmin) #1

Class V: Magickal Talents

  1. Introduction: Gifts and Talents

into a magickal family. But I was a
natural mageborn, and I was al-
ways seeking my magickal heri-
tage. As a young Wiz-kid, I became
quite obsessed with the whole
idea of magickal talents and psy-
chic abilities. I read a lot of my-
thology, fairy tales, science fiction and fantasy, and in
those stories, characters often had, like Superman,
“powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men.”
Long before I found others like myself or the magickal
community, I began studying everything I could find
about psychic phenomena. And as I learned about
each of those talents that had been cataloged, I began
to practice trying to develop them in myself. Since I
had no teacher in those days to instruct and train me
in the Magickal Arts, I had to make up my own exer-
cises and training programs, and I was much more
successful with some than with others.

  1. Glossary: A Catalog of
    Psychic Talents

There are many varieties of psychic talents and phe-
nomena. Almost everyone experiences some of these
occasionally in their lives. The more gifted or trained
you are, the stronger these abilities may manifest. In
many cases, such talents come into effect around the
time of puberty, when they may become quite strong.
This is the best time to begin an Apprenticeship in
Magick, and among magickal folk, this may be a time
for a Rite of Passage.
The scientific method requires systematic obser-
vation, study, theories, and experiments that can be
tested and reproduced. This presents a problem when
examining the psi-sciences, as it is difficult to “make”
telepathy occur on demand, under controlled circum-
stances. Psi-abilities are very real but usually manifest
best when manifesting organically.
Here is a list of some of the most important psy-
chic Gifts and talents. While I’ve never heard of any-
one being able to do all of them, many people can do
one or more—and as a Wizard’s Apprentice, you can
learn to do a number of these. I’ll offer you some exer-
cises like those I used to do, and if you practice, I
think you’ll be amazed at what you’ll be able to do.

Empathy— “Feeling” someone else’s emotions, or
another’s physical pain and/or symptoms. Empaths
come in two flavors: receiving and projecting.

Receiving empaths “pick up” what others are feel-
ing. When others around you are happy or sad, so
are you. Projecting empaths “infect” others with
their own emotions. If you’re a projecting empath,
when you’re happy or sad, so is everyone else
around you. While essential for compassion and
healing, Empathy is important to learn to control,
as it is easy for an empath to lose your sense of
boundaries—not knowing where you leave off and
others begin.
Telepathy— This word means literally “remote feeling,”
which would seem to make it the same as empathy.
But telepathy is the word used for direct mind-to-
mind communication of thoughts and images, rather
than just feelings. Telepathy involves “hearing” the
thoughts of others (“mind reading”), or being able
to project your thoughts to others.
Psychokinesis (SY-ko-kin-EE-sis)— “Mind moving.”
Moving or influencing objects without touching
them physically. This is one of the rarest and most
difficult psi-talents. When it occurs over some dis-
tance, it may be called telekinesis (“remote motion”).
This sometimes spontaneously appears in cases of
troubled teens during puberty, in homes with much
dissonance or abuse (see Poltergeist).
Pyrokinesis (PY-ro-kin-EE-sis)— “Fire moving.” Start-
ing or controlling fires by force of mind alone.
People who can do this are known as Firestarters.
Poltergeist (POL-ter-gyst)— This word means “noisy
ghost.” It refers to spontaneous psychokinesis and
mysterious noises that often seem like hauntings.
These phenomena are commonly (though not al-
ways) associated with adolescents going through
major and traumatic psychological changes—es-
pecially around puberty and sexuality—when psy-
chic powers may rage completely out of control.
Healing— The ability to reduce pain and inflamma-
tion, facilitate tissue regeneration, and other heal-
ing. Usually done with a “laying on of hands.”
Clairsentience (klair-SEN-tee-ence)— “Clear aware-
ness.” The ability to sense or be aware of things
beyond the “normal” range of perception. Each
type of “clear sensing” has a name:
Clairvoyance— “Clear vision.” The ability to “see”
things that are not in sight or cannot be seen. Some-
times this word is used for particularly keen insight.
Clairaudience— “Clear hearing.” The ability to “hear”
things that are not within hearing range or cannot
normally be heard. Also the sensitivity to pick up
inner voices or subtle audio input.
Clairkinesthesia (klair-kin-es-THEE-zha)— “Clear
touching.” The ability to “feel” a sense of physical
touch and pressure from nothing present.

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