Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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32 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

Clairolfaction—“Clear smelling.” The ability to smell,
or be aware of, scents and perfumes that are not
physically present, or from other dimensions.
Clairgustance—“Clear tasting.” The ability to taste,
or be aware of, flavors that are not physically
present, or from other dimensions.
Psychometry (sy-KOM-e-tree)—The ability to know
the history of a personal object by vibrations and
touch. Psychics who work with the police are of-
ten psychometrists who can “see” a crime or iden-
tify a criminal from touching a murder weapon or
other associated object. Psychometry is also used
by some advanced psychics and healers who have
the ability to read disease or physical symptoms
in a person’s body, even in persons they have never
met, by touching an object that has been handled
or worn by the person. When reading objects in
this way, the psychic often “feels” the symptoms
in his own body.
Precognition (pre-kog-NI-shun)—“Fore-knowl-
edge.” Knowing or sensing that something is go-
ing to happen before it actually comes to pass. This
may occur in “True Dreams” or waking visions.
Often the precognitive messages are jumbled, and
there is not real clarity of the experience that is to
come, just of its “flavor.”
Déjà vu (DAY-zha-VOO)—“Already seen.” The ee-
rie feeling of having “been here before.” A sud-
den uncanny sense of recognition of a place or
events that you have no conscious knowledge of
ever having visited or experienced previously.
Some instances of déjà vu might be the result of
“remembering” precognitive dreams. And some-
times people will jokingly say “Vujà Dé!” to mean
“I have never been anywhere even remotely like
this before!”
Astral Projection— Traveling “out of the body.” This
is also called transvection. This may be as in a
dream, where you travel to some distant place or
dimension. Or it may be an experience of rising
out of your body and looking down on it, as often
happens in near-death experiences.
Dreamwalking—Entering someone else’s dream as
a conscious visitor. The dreamer may or may not
see and remember the dreamwalker.
Teleportation—“Remote transportation.” Disappear-
ing from one place and instantly reappearing some-
where else. The transportation of matter through
space by converting it into energy and then re-con-
verting it back into matter at the terminal point, like
the transporters in Star Trek. This can also manifest
as the person’s astral body appearing elsewhere.
Levitation—Literally, the opposite of gravitation, as
in anti-gravity. Lifting yourself or other objects
off the ground unsupported by physical means.
Levitation is a popular Illusion for performance

Possession—Entering into someone else’s mind,
whereby you see and hear through his senses. A
possessing entity (whether human or otherwise)
may or may not “take over” and control the body
of the one possessed—with or without his knowl-
edge. When this is done with animals, it is called
Time Travel—Projecting your consciousness into the
past or future—generally by entering into the mind
of someone in that time. You might travel through
time with a familiar, or as yourself.
Channeling—Deliberately pulling your own con-
sciousness out of “the driver’s seat,” and allowing
another consciousness to possess and speak
through you while you have no awareness. People
who do this regularly are called Mediums or Chan-
nels. Some work primarily with spirits of the dead,
and some with non-human entities, such as ani-
mal spirits or space aliens.
Invisibility—The ability to not be noticed or seen by
others. Many call it “cloaking.” Another way of
becoming invisible is by “sidestepping” in space.
Shape-Shifting—Temporarily “becoming” some
other person or creature by mimicking their physi-
cal appearance, movements, behavior, speech, and
vocalizations—even to the extent that others per-
ceive you as that being. This might include dress-
ing up in an animal costume and walking on all
fours, or sitting on your haunches and howling at
the moon. Sometimes shape-shifting may be ac-
complished through possession (“borrowing”),
telepathy, or empathy—actually “entering into” the
subject. “Were-” creatures, such as werewolves, are
shape-shifters who may or may not be conscious of
their alter-form. Those who become animals de-
liberately may be called animorphs or animages.
“The Voice”—A powerful “tone of command” that
elicits instant unthinking compliance from others.
The “Bene Gesserit” of Dune are an excellent ex-
ample. Military officers and police are particularly
trained in the use of The Voice, as are strong Mages
and High Priest/esses.

Lesson 3: Meditation and

When I was a boy, I used to practice memorizing the
layout of spaces, such as the interior of my house, a
stretch of sidewalk, or a familiar part of the woods.
Then, while holding that image firmly in my mind, as
if it were a map, I would close my eyes and walk
through the space, “seeing” and navigating it accord-
ing to my memory. As I came to where I visualized
various objects should be, I would stop and reach out
to touch them. If they weren’t where I expected them
to be, I would open my eyes, go back to my starting
point, and begin over. This was one of my earliest

  1. Wizardry.p65 32 1/14/2004, 3:23 PM

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