Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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Course One: Wizardry 33

exercises in visualization, an essential magickal skill.
I recommend you try it....
Here are a few more exercises to practice that
will help you develop some of the psychic talents
described above. Don’t try these all at once; you don’t
even have to do all of them. But if you are interested
in learning how to do some of these things, and if you
have any natural Gifts in these areas, these exercises
will help you. And remember, the more you practice,
the better you’ll become!

Body Control
Take every opportunity to practice body control
in your everyday life. If you feel tied, force your-
self to go on just a little longer before rest-
ing. If you feel hungry, don’t eat for an
extra half hour. If you feel thirsty, don’t
drink for a while. Practice walking a
balance beam. Take gymnastics. Do
handstands, somersaults, and
backflips. Learn to juggle balls and
spin fire. Become a good dancer.
When I was a boy in school,
I would practice holding my
breath, using the big clock on
the wall to time myself. I prac-
ticed constantly, and eventually
I got so I could go four minutes
without breathing. As I was still
growing at the time, these exer-
cises increased my lung capacity
tremendously. Now, 50 years later,
I can still swim underwater the en-
tire length of an Olympic-sized
swimming pool, and I can stay down
for longer than anybody else when div-
ing for abalone off the Califia Coast.
Another kind of body control is mas-
tering your facial muscles. I practiced for
hours in front of mirror to learn how to raise and lower
my eyebrows independently, wiggle my ears, dilate
my nostrils, achieve certain emotional expressions,
etc. All good actors practice in this way, and you
should, too.

Meditation is the most important foundational
skill to learn, as it will help you to be able to do many
other things. I’m sure you have seen Masters medi-
tating in movies, especially those involving martial
arts. What you are trying to do in meditation is to
completely “center” yourself into a still and focused
place where you are perfectly balanced and in tune
with your body and your surroundings. From this cen-
ter point, you will then be able to move in any direc-
tion in mind and body—even through time and be-
tween dimensions.

Sit or lie in a comfortable position and relax your
body completely. Then observe yourself carefully to
note any muscles that start to become restless. Allow
such muscles to consciously relax, and do the same
for any other groups of muscles—but don’t fall asleep!
Complete and total relaxation is your goal. Use a timer,
starting off with five minutes the first day, then increase
your meditation period another five minutes each day
until you can completely relax for half an hour.
When you are able to do this, go to 5.1: “Medita-
tion” for further instructions and exercises....

Lesson 4: Seeing and Reading

When you have become skilled at
meditation and visualization, you will
be ready to learn to see auras. Au-
ras are the fields of biomagnetic
energy that emanate from and en-
velop all living things. Like the
Earth Herself, each of us is a liv-
ing field generator. Since we’re
not spinning on our axis like the
Earth, our field poles are not
generated by rotation, but are
more like those of a magnet.
One pole, called the Crown
Chakra, is at the top of our
heads, right at the juncture of the
three large skull bones (frontal
and parietals) that come together
there (when we are babies, this
point is actually an open hole!). The
opposite pole—called the Root
Chakra—is at the base of our spine,
right at the tip of our tailbone.
Just like the Earth’s magnetosphere,
with its Van Allen Belts, our auras form sev-
eral layers, based on energy levels. The first layer,
extending about an inch out from our skin, is called
the etheric body. Because it is the densest layer, it is
also the easiest to learn to see. The next layer is called
the astral body, and it extends another several inches
further. Beyond the astral body are the mental and
spiritual bodies. These are very high-energy and elas-
tic, and their limits can vary under differing circum-
Perhaps you know of the Aurora Borealis, or
“Northern Lights” that fill the skies of northern coun-
tries with brilliant, shimmering ethereal “curtains,”
“spears,” and dancing “flames” of rainbow-colored
light. Around the South Pole, these are called Aurora
Australis, or “Southern Lights.” These awe-inspiring
displays are caused by the ionization (stripping away
the electrons) of particles from the Solar Wind as they
are sucked into the circular “event horizons” of the

  1. Wizardry.p65 33 1/14/2004, 3:23 PM

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