Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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34 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

Earth’s magnetic field around the magnetic poles. This
is just like what happens inside a fluorescent light,
including a “black light.” Your etheric body, then, is
equivalent to the Earth’s auroras. And if you learn
how to look for it, it can be just as visible.

Magickal Exercise: Seeing Auras

The aura around the head is called the nimbus; around
the whole body it is called the aureole. Have a friend
sit in front of a blank wall or curtain—something tan,
beige, or off-white is best. Have the lighting be low,
with the light source out of your view (a few candles
can work well). Sit about ten feet back, settle your-
self into a light meditative state, and stare blankly at
your friend’s “third eye”—right between the eye-
brows. As you do so, open your eyes wide and let
them go into a soft focus, as if you are actually focus-
ing on a spot about halfway between you. You may
find this easier to do by hanging a white thread from
the ceiling at this distance, and focusing on it. Breathe
smoothly and maintain your off-focus. After a bit, you
will begin to see a clear light outlining your friend’s
head, as if they were glowing softly. But if you shift
your focus to try and see it more clearly, it will disap-
pear. The trick is to not look directly at the aura, but
rather catch it at the edges of your vision.
Practice this awhile until you can do it easily.
Then try the same thing under differing lighting, dif-
ferent backgrounds, and with different people. Even-
tually, you will be able to see auras around anyone—
in school, on the bus, in restaurants and theatres. And
when you can see auras around people, you will be
able to see them also around pets, plants, and espe-
cially trees (which have enormous auras!)
What you will have learned to perceive in this
way is the etheric aura. As your perceptions improve,
you can also learn to detect the energy that radiates
into the astral body and beyond. You may be able to
see it flowing, ebbing, wavering, and shimmering like
the Earth’s Aurora. With practice, you may become

able to see colors, which can indicate a person’s emo-
tional or physical condition. Any state of the
individual’s being causes reactions in the aura. Emo-
tional states will primarily affect the color. Physical
conditions not only affect color, but also cause pecu-
liarities in the patterns of the aura, such as ragged
edges or holes over injuries or sore spots. Learning to
see these patterns will be of great use if you become a
Healer.... (See 5.II.4: “Auric Healing.”)
Seeing the colors of auras takes considerably
more skill than merely perceiving a glowing light
around someone. And such colors, when they are per-
ceived, will be very individual to the perceiver. You
and a friend may both learn to see aura colors, but
they may seem to be different to each of you. This is
normal. With time and practice, you will learn your
own system of what these colors mean to you.

NOTE: Don’t feel bad if you simply cannot man-
age to “see” these auras, no matter how much
you try. Just as some people are color-blind, or
tone-deaf (as I am), we may develop some senses
more strongly than others. After all, what we sense
and experience really occurs in our brains, not
actually in our eyes and ears. You may find that
you can sense auras in other ways—“feeling” them,
perhaps, or “hearing” a hum around people....

Magickal Exercises:
Controlling your Aura

Seeing the auras of others is a passive exercise. Now
here are some exercises for you to actively expand
and contract your own aura.
Hold your hand out in front of you, back towards
you and fingers spread wide, as if you were pushing
something away. Use the same technique you have
just learned to see the aura of your hand and fingers.
Now start breathing intensely, rapidly in and out,
through your nose. Without changing your position,
tense your muscles, and stare at your aura as if your
eyes could emit laser beams. As if you are turning
up a burner on the stove, focus your intention on
“pumping up” your aura, so that it seems to “burn”
brighter and brighter. Visualize the auras lengthen-
ing from your fingertips, extending like the flames
of a blowtorch as you level your hand and point your
fingers away. Then, when you have extended them
as far as you can, suck in a deep breath, and retract
them back to the normal glow as you slowly close
your fingers into a loose fist. Practice this over and
over. If you have friends to work with, you should
each take turns practicing pumping up, extending,
and retracting your auras while the other watches.
This will help each of you learn to both see and con-
trol your auras.

  1. Wizardry.p65 34 1/14/2004, 3:23 PM

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