Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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Course One: Wizardry 37

is to focus your attention on the plasma ball to make
electrical bolts come towards you over a distance.
Hold your face about a foot from the plasma ball, keep
your hands out of the way, and “think” a bolt of light-
ning into hitting the glass aimed straight for your third
eye (the center of your forehead). See how often you
can call these bolts forth to you. Now the really fun
part of this exercise is when you get someone else to
sit on the opposite side, and do exactly the same thing.
You can have a little contest to see who can bring the
most bolts to their side! When you touch the glass
with a finger, or the palm of your hand, you will no-
tice a radiance around it, like an aurora. This is called
a Kirlian field, and is a kind of way of making part of
your aura visible—the way iron filings make a mag-
netic field visible.

Tubiflex worms: Tubiflex worms (also called
“sludge worms”) are commonly sold in pet shops as
live food for tropical fish. These tiny thin worms are
red because their blood, like that of mammals, con-
tains iron-rich hemoglobin. Because hemoglobin can
hold more oxygen than the body fluids of most pond
animals, tubiflex worms can live in water that does
not have much oxygen. Tubiflex worms live packed
together in a mass, make tubes in the mud, and spend
all their time eating muck with their heads stuck in

the bottom of the pond and their tails waving above
in the water. If part of a worm is eaten or broken off,
it can regrow that part.
Buy an once or so of tubiflex worms at your
neighborhood pet store, and dump them into a round,
shallow bowl of water, like a punchbowl. (If you are
doing this at home, be sure and ask your mom first!)
If your tap water is treated, you should use bottled
water or (best) pond water. The worms will stick to-
gether in a single squirming mass.
Because of the high concentration of iron in their
blood, tubliflex worms are particularly sensitive to
electromagnetic fields. Try moving a magnet around
the outside of the bowl, and watch how the worms
react. You will find you can affect them with the mag-
net, just as if the worms were iron filings. But this
squirmy-wormy mass can also be manipulated psy-
chically! Concentrate on the mass of worms, just as
with the plasma, and form it into a ball, a donut, a
cross, a star—even send out tentacles and extensions
in different directions. You will be amazed at how
responsive the worms can be to your thoughts.

NOTE: If you want to keep your tubiflex worms
more than a few days, you will need to provide
them some food. They don’t eat much. A half- tea-
spoon of muck from a fish or duck pond, a horse
trough, a fish tank, a rain gutter, or even a bit of
garden dirt will serve. And when you are done
with your worms, you should release them into a
pond—or feed them to your fish.

Lesson 6: Telepathy and

The first Gift I discovered as a child was that of te-
lepathy. I could often “hear” the thoughts behind con-
versations. Sometimes when people were talking to
me I could not even distinguish what was coming from
their mouth, or what was coming from their minds.
When I was very young, before starting school, I lived
in a big Victorian house with my mother, my aunt,
and my grandmother. My grandfather had died right
about the time I was conceived (in fact, I was really
him reincarnated), and my father was in the South
Pacific fighting World War II. So my whole world
revolved around these three women. And I heard their
thoughts just as clearly as their words. But I had no
way of knowing there was anything unusual in this; I
thought everybody communicated this way.
One night, after I had gone upstairs to bed, I woke
up with my head full of voices. I got out of bed and
crept to the stairwell, where I saw that the big living
room was full of people; my folks were having a party.
I had never heard so many voices all talking at once,
and it seemed overwhelmingly loud to me. So I cried
out, “Be QUIET!” And as all heads turned to me there
on the stairs, behind the banister, I saw that all their
mouths had stopped moving. But their voices seemed
even louder than before; I was still hearing their
thoughts! I clapped my hands over my ears, ran up-
stairs to my bed, and hid under the covers. Eventu-
ally I was able to sleep. And when I woke, I no longer
heard people’s thoughts as voices in my head—which

  1. Wizardry.p65 37 1/14/2004, 3:23 PM

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