Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

(backadmin) #1

Course Two: Nature

Class I: Natural Mysteries

The most beautiful experience we can have is the Mysterious. It is the fundamental
emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and science. —Albert Einstein

  1. Introduction: Life, the

Universe, and Everything

philosophers, and scientists have
sought to understand the Great
Mysteries of Life, the Universe,
and Everything. Wizards work
with energy, which is information.
It organizes itself into patterns,
and does not exist except in dy-
namic relationships. By being able to sense and un-
derstand these patterns, the Wizard can position him-
self to be moved in a desired direction by the unfold-
ing flow of events and still be able to alter the unfold-
ing flow through his conscious participation.

The Nature of the Secret
In the ninth discourse of the Bhagavad-Gita, it
is said that the Great Secret of the Universe, of Life
itself, had several characteristics that would mark it
as a true secret. First, the secret had to be intuitional;
that is, capable of being known by anyone wishing to
know it and not dependent upon outside teaching or
being revealed by an adept. Second, it had to be righ-
teous; that is, lawful, within the bounds of the cos-
mos, according to universal principles. And third, it
had to be pleasant beyond measure; that is, the se-
cret had to be life-enhancing and exceed the plea-
sures of earthly existence. Here, in two easy lessons,
is the essence of that Secret:

Lesson 2. Everything is
Connected to Everything Else

We are part of the sea and the stars.
We are part of the winds of the south and the north
We are part of mountain, moon and Mars,
And the Ages have sent us forth.
—William Ernest Henley, 1845

All of it—every atom in every cell in your body; you
and all your family, friends, and neighbors through-
out the world; every living creature and plant upon
the face of the Earth; every planet, moon, and comet
in the solar system; every star in the Milky Way gal-

axy; every galaxy in the vast and infinite Universe—
all are connected into one great Web of Unity, one
great Universal “Internet” of Space and Time, Matter,
and Energy.

There is one light of the sun, though it is inter-
rupted by walls, mountains, and infinite other
things. There is one Intelligent Soul, though it
seems to be divided. All things are implicated
with one another. The Spirit that bonds us all as
One is holy. Everything on Earth, under the heav-
ens, is connected with every other thing. All the
different things in the world are coordinated and
combined to make up the same universe.
—Marcus Aurelius (161-180 CE)

Humankind has not woven the Web of Life. We
are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to
the Web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound
together. All things connect. —Chief Seattle

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