Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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Course Two: Nature 53

And this interconnection and interpenetration of
everything with everything else provides the basis for
all Magick, according to the First Law of Magick: the
Law of Sympathy, which says that all things are linked
together by invisible bonds. This means that, just like
with a spider web, any action that touches one thread
affects the entire web. As conservationist John Muir
once said, “You cannot pluck a flower without touch-
ing a star.”

Lesson 3: “It’s Alive!”

There is no matter as such! All matter originates
and exists only by virtue of a force.... We must
assume behind this force the existence of a con-
scious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the
matrix of all matter. —Max Planck,
Nobel Prize–winning father of quantum theory

Just as everything is connected to everything else in
one great web, Wizards know also that the whole thing
is alive. Your body is composed of several trillion cells,
each a living system itself, but together comprising
the greater synergic unity that is you. All these living
cells are made of molecules, which in turn are com-
posed of atoms. And atoms are made up of protons,
electrons, neutrons, and a whole host of sub-atomic
particles that we keep discovering.
In the same way, you and I and every other per-
son, creature, tree, and flower are cells in the greater
living body of Mother Earth—or Gaea, as many call
Her. And the living Earth is only one of countless
bodies of all sizes—planets, moons, asteroids, com-
ets, meteorites, planetoids, and planetesimals—that
make up our solar system. Our entire solar system
itself is like a giant atom or cell, with the Sun as its
nucleus. And ours is only one of a hundred billion
star systems that make up the great spiral form of our
galaxy, all revolving in a vast whirlpool vortex about
the enormous black hole at its center. And the expand-
ing spiral shape of our galaxy is exactly the same as
the spiral of a chambered nautilus seashell, a pinecone,
the dance of a honeybee, and the solar wind that blows
radiation through our solar system. All these systems
have their own lives and all are also linked into each
other like Russian nesting dolls, each one fitting per-
fectly within the next larger one. And there is no end
to it. Through the Hubble telescope, we are just now
beginning to discern that the uncountable numbers of
galaxies throughout the universe are not scattered ran-
domly, but are clustered in vast bubble-like structures
that look a lot like cells....
And here’s the really mind-boggling part: Where
there is life, there is consciousness. Even the tiniest
living organism has awareness, or sentience, through
which it seeks food, avoids discomfort, reproduces
itself, and makes innumerable choices between this

and that in the course of its life. Such sentience per-
vades every living creature—from a single-celled
amoeba with no brain or nervous system, to a great
sperm whale with the largest brain on the planet. It is
such sentience that distinguishes an entity from an
The lowliest bug has its own little agenda. It dem-
onstrates its sentience by investigating its world with
intense interest and curiosity, by making continual
choices based upon its preferences. And most impor-
tantly, things matter to it; it cares. It cares whether it
lives or dies, whether it eats or goes hungry, and
whether it reproduces. It hides from predators and
defends itself when attacked. It actively hunts for food
and mates by seeking and following interesting clues.
And if it’s a mother, it very likely protects its young.
When you think about it, this sentience drives the very
heart of evolution.

Lesson 4: The Balance

“The world is in balance, in Equilibrium. A
Wizard’s power of Changing and of Summoning
can shake the balance of the world. It is danger-
ous, that power. It must follow knowledge, and
serve need. To light a candle is to cast a
shadow....” —Ursula K. LeGuin,
A Wizard of Earthsea, pp. 43–44

All things in the world, the many worlds, the Uni-
verse, and the Multiverse, are in a state of equilib-
rium. This means a cosmic Balance, in which every
action has its equal and opposite reaction. Light bal-
ances darkness, positive balances negative, anti-mat-
ter balances matter, and so on. Herein lies another
secret of Wizardry: A Wizard always stands at the
balance point in the middle, and looks both ways
equally. The Wizard must look at the energy flow
behind and ahead through his point of balance in the
present in order to make choices that do not shake the
balance of the world and cause the Wizard harm from
the turbulence. I put this principle into action con-
stantly in my own life. When I consider any amount
of time over the past, for example, I automatically
consider the same amount of time into the future—
whether it’s years, decades, centuries, millennia, or
geological aeons.

Lesson 5: The Circle of Life

One of the most important distinctions between the
magickal view of life and the mundane view concerns
the great Circle of Life. The mundane view of time is
linear—that is, seeing time as moving forward in a
straight line, from beginning through middle to end.
But to magickal people, and particularly Wizards, all

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