Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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54 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

of Time moves in cycles, and what goes around comes
around again. This is especially obvious in the Circle
of Life—the journey of every living being from birth,
through life, to death, and around again to rebirth. As
we see the Wheel of the Year turn through the sea-
sons—from the new birth of Spring, through the rip-
ening of Summer, to the harvest of the Fall, to the
barrenness of Winter, and around to Spring again—
so turns the Circle of Life for each of us.
Such life circles are never closed, but are open-
ended instead. They’re not so much like a ring, but
more like a coiled spring—a spiral, an open helix,
like the DNA molecule that gives the blueprint for all
life. Each time we come round, we are a bit further
along in the course of evolution. That evolution is
one not only of body, but also of soul, for each time
around, consciousness is increased. Inanimate stones
are crumbled by bacteria into soil, out of which grows
grass and vegetables. Herbivores eat the plants, and
so the spirit of vegetation ascends to the level of ani-
mals. Carnivores eat the herbivores, and the herbi-
vore spirit moves another notch up the food chain. In
each lifetime, we gain experience and learn lessons,
and our wisdom and consciousness grow ever greater.
However, what comes around in the course of evolu-
tion is not ego consciousness, the sense of self the
student has in this incarnation. The consciousness that
is eternal and evolving is collective, a field shared by
all beings. One of the things a Wizard does is to “tune
in” to that extra-personal web of relationships and
information, benefiting every time from his exchange
and identification with it.
Just as we grow from a tiny embryo in our
mother’s womb into a baby, a child, an adolescent,
and finally a mature adult, so has Mother Earth grown
through all the ages of life from single-celled organ-
isms through simple invertebrates (creatures without
backbones), to complex animals with skeletons and
sophisticated nervous systems. The entire evolution
of life on Earth can be seen as the embryological de-
velopment and maturation of a single vast creature:
Mother Earth Herself. We call Her “Gaea,” as She
was named by the ancient Greeks, and we are part of
Her body and Her life. Our souls and Hers are One—
like tiny droplets of rain are all still One with Water
There is a famous expression that describes this
Great Truth: “Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.”
This translates as: “The development of the individual
re-traces the development of the species.” Only phy-
lum really means a much broader category than “spe-
cies.” Chordates, the phylum of which we are a part,
includes all animals with backbones, as well as some
simple creatures with only a basic “spinal cord” and
no bony spine to contain it. But each of us, as we
grow from a tiny embryo, goes through all the devel-
opmental stages of all our ancestors, from being a

single cell through having gills, a tail, and being cov-
ered with fur—and all before we are born! And in the
same way, our individual development mirrors that of
Gaea Herself, repeated endlessly in each generation as
we, like She, evolve towards ever-greater consciousness.

Lesson 6: The Cycles of Time

To a Wizard, it is clear that Time does not move in a
straight line, but in spiraling Cycles. The hands of the
clock go around, but move forward one hour in each
turning. The days of the week come around again,
but move forward through the months. The seasons
turn through the great Wheel of the Year, and Spring
always follows Winter—but the years roll forward
down the centuries and aeons. All things appear to
move through Time in circles, but every circle is part
of a larger circle, which is also moving, and so noth-
ing stays in the same place. Nor does it just go for-
ward. The next larger cycles carry us forward one loop
for each turning.
On a cosmic level, those spiraling cycles con-
tinue.... The Earth turns from day to night and the
Moon circles around. But the Earth and the Moon are
also circling the Sun through the seasons—along with
all the other planets, moons, comets, and the rest. But
this doesn’t bring us around to the same place each
year, because the solar system is also circling around
the galaxy, along with all the other star systems. Of
course, the galaxy itself is also moving through the
cosmos...and so it goes.
Here are some of the Cycles of Time that we have
charted. Some of them are very regular, almost like
clockwork. Others may seem far less regular, and in-
deed we are still trying to determine a formula for

Geological Ages (37 million years)
The longest Cycles we have experienced in the
history of life on Earth are those we call Geological
Cycles (Ge was the original Greek name for Gaea,
Mother Earth, and all sciences and magicks having to
do with the Earth—such as geology, geography,
geomancy, geophysics—begin with ge). Like the ages
of a person, from infancy through childhood, adoles-
cence, maturity, middle age, and old age, the Ages of
the living Earth have been charted and given names.
Based mostly on the names of locations where rocks
and fossils of those periods were first found, here are
the names and lengths of time (millions of years =
“my”; millions of years ago = “mya”; and “ya” = years
ago) of the Geological Ages, beginning with the first
one in which complex living organisms appeared. This
is called the Cambrian Era, and all time before it is
simply referred to as “Pre-Cambrian.”

  1. Nature.p65 54 1/14/2004, 3:32 PM

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