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1995 Herbert List—Memento 1945;Mu ̈nchener Stadtmu-
seum, Munich, Germany, and traveling
1995 Italien; Museo Bagatti Valsecchi, Milan, Italy
2000 Herbert List—Die Retrospektive;FotomuseumimMu ̈n-
chener Stadtmuseum, Munich, Germany, and traveling

Group Exhibitions

1935 Photographie; Muse ́e des Arts de ́coratifs, Pavillon de
Marsan, Muse ́e du Louvre, Paris, France
1951 Subjektive Fotografie; Staatliche Schule fu ̈r Kunst und
Handwerk, Saarbru ̈cken, Germany
1952 Exposition mondiale de la photo; Luzern, Switzerland
1954 Subjektive Fotoografie 2; Staatliche Schule fu ̈r Kunst
und Handwerk, Saarbru ̈cken, Germany
1955 The Family of Man; Museum of Modern Art, New
York, New York, and traveling
1964 World Exhibition of Photography: What is Man?;
Pressehaus Stern, Hamburg, Germany, and traveling
1977 Fotografische Ku ̈nstlerbildnisse; Museum Ludwig,
Cologne, Germany
1979 Photographic Surrealism; New Gallery of Contempor-
ary Art, Cleveland, Ohio, and traveling
1980 Avant-Garde Photography in Germany 1919–1939; San
Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, Cali-
fornia, and traveling
1984 Subjektive Fotografie, Images of the 50s; Museum
Folkwang, Essen, Germany, and traveled to the San
Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, Cali-
1985 Das Aktfoto; Fotomuseum im Mu ̈nchener Stadtmu-
seum, Munich, Germany, and traveling
1987 The Ideology of Male Beauty; Vancouver Art Gallery,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
1990 Das Land der Griechen mit der Seele suchen; Agfa
Foto-Historama, Ro ̈misch Germanisches Museum, Co-
logne, Germany
1991 The Kiss of Apollo; Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco,
1992 Photographie—Sculpture; Palais de Tokyo, Paris,

1995 Ende und Anfang. Photographie in Deutschland um
1945 ; Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin, Germany
1997 Deutsche Fotografie—Machst eines Mediums 1870–
1970 ; Kunst-und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland, Bonn, Germany
1997 Die Skulptur in der Fotografie; Wilhelm Lehmbruck
Museum, Duisburg, Germany, and Museum Moderner
Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, Austria
1999 Puppen Ko ̈rper Automaten—Phantasmen der Moderne;
Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Du ̈sseldorf, Ger-

Selected Works
Licht u ̈ber Hellas, 1953
Rom, 1955
Caribia, 1958
Napoli, 1962
Bildwerke aus Nigeria/Nigerian Images, 1963

Further Reading
Brauchitsch, Boris von.Das Magische im Voru ̈bergehen—
Herbert List und die Fotografie. Hamburg, Mu ̈nster: L.I.
T. Verlag, 1992.
Derenthal, Ludger. ‘‘Die magischen Reste.’’ InHerbert
List—Memento 1945.Mu ̈nchen: Fotomuseum im Mu ̈n-
chener Stadtmuseum, 1995.
Metken, Gu ̈nter.Herbert List—Photographien 1930–1970.
Munich: Schirmer/Mosel, 1980.
Scheler, Max, ed.Herbert List—Junge Ma ̈nner. Santa Fe,
NM: Twin Palms Publishers, 1988.
Scheler, Max, ed.Herbert List—Hellas. Munich and Lon-
don: Schirmer Art Books, 1993.
Scheler, Max, ed.Herbert List—Italien. Munich: Schirmer/
Mosel, 1995; London: Thames and Hudson, 1995;
Milan: Giorgio Mondadori, 1995.
Scheler, Max, and Matthias Harder, eds.Herbert List, die
Monographie.Mu ̈nchen: Schirmer Mosel, 2000; Paris:
Editions Senil, 2000; New York: Monacelli Press, 2000.



Richard Long’s exhibited and published work is
most frequently seen and, arguably, most consis-
tently brought to mind through the medium of
photography. Beginning his career in the late
1960s with anonymous, impermanent works that
combined walking and different forms of recording

and mediating the experience of natural landscape,
Long set upon a course of development that he
found allowed numerous variables, including the
use of photography. His poetic, meditative work
was increasingly recognized in Europe and the Uni-
ted States during the following decade. By the mid-
1970s he was established as an artist of international
standing. In a manner that is characteristically

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