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to head new school of industrial design in Chicago, 1937,
established ‘‘New Bauhaus–American School of Design.’’
Reorganized and renamed School of Design, February of
1939 (later Institute of Design). Succumbed to leukemia,
in Chicago, 24 November 1946.

Selected Works

Jealousy, 1925
Leda und der Schwan, 1925
Self-Portrait, Berlin(also known asMondegesicht; photo-
gram), 1926
Two nudes, ca. 1925
Sailing, 1926
Massenpsychose, 1927
Pont Transbordeur in the Rain, Marseille, ca. 1929
Fotogramm III, ca. 1929
Light Space Modulator(gelatin silver print), 1930
Superimposition, ca. 1935
Study with Pins and Ribbons, 1937–1938
Laboratory, 1938
Plexiglas mobile sculpture in repose and in motion(gelatin
silver print), 1943
Sculpture, Plexiglas(gelatin silver print), 1945

Individual Exhibitions

1922 Galerie der Sturm; Berlin, Germany
1931 Delphic Studios; New York, New York
1934 Stedelijk Museum; Amsterdam, Netherlands
1935 Royal Photographic Society; London, England
1947 Museum of Non-Objective Paintings (now Solomon
R. Guggenheim Museum); New York, New York
1953 Kunsthaus Zurich; Zurich, Switzerland
1969 Moholy-Nagy Retrospective; Museum of Contempor-
ary Art; Chicago, Illinois and traveling to Santa Barbara
Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, California; University
Art Museum, Berkeley, California; Seattle Art Museum,
Seattle, Washington, and Solomon R. Guggenheim
Museum, New York, New York
1975 Photographs of Moholy-Nagy from the William Larson
Collection; Claremont College, Claremont, California
and traveling
1978 Photographs and Paintings by Moholy-Nagy; Roche-
ster Memorial Art Gallery; Rochester, New York
1982 Moholy-Nagy; Center for Creative Photography, Uni-
versity of Arizona; Tucson, Arizona
1983 Moholy-Nagy: Fotoplastiks: The Bauhaus Years;
Bronx Museum of the Arts, Bronx, New York
1985 Moholy-Nagy, Photography, and film in Weimar Ger-
many(also known as ‘‘La ́szlo ́Moholy Nagy: the Evolu-
tion of a Photographic Vision’’); Wellesley College Art
Museum, Jewett Arts Center; Wellesley, Massachusetts
and traveling to the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston,
Texas and Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
1990 Moholy-Nagy: A New Vision for Chicago; Illinois State
Museum; Springfield, Illinois
1991 Moholy-Nagy, Werke von 1917–1946; Museum Frider-
icianum; Kassel, Germany
1996 La ́szlo ́Moholy Nagy: From Budapest to Berlin, 1914–
23 ; Illinois Art Gallery; Chicago, Illinois
2002 La ́szlo ́Moholy-Nagy: The Late Photographs; Andrea
Rosen Gallery; New York, New York and traveling to
Galerie de France, Paris, France, and University of

Michigan Museum of Art Museum, Ann Arbor,

Group Exhibitions
1929 Film und Foto: Internationale Ausstellung des Deutschen
Werkbundes, Ausstellungshallen und Ko ̈nigbaulichtspiele;
Stuttgart, Germany
1932 Modern European Photography; Julien Levy Gallery;
New York, New York
1938 Bauhaus 1919–1938; Museum of Modern Art; New
York, New York
1971 Photo Eye of the 20’s; George Eastman House; Roche-
ster, New York
1979 Photographie als Kunst 1879–1979/Kunst als Photogra-
phie 1949–1979; Tiroler Landesmuseum; Innsbruck,
Austria, and traveling
1980 Avant-Garde Photography in Germany 1919–1939;San
Francisco Museum of Modern Art; San Francisco, California
1982 Color As Form: A History of Color Photography; George
Eastman House; Rochester, New York and traveling
Repeated Exposure: Photographic Imagery in the Print
Media; Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art; Kansas City,
1986 Self-Portrait: The Photographer’s Persona 1840–1985;
Museum of Modern Art; New York, New York
1989 The Art of Persuasion: A History of Advertising Photo-
graphy; International Museum of Photography, George
Eastman House; Rochester, New York and traveling
The Art of Photography: 1839–1989; Museum of Fine
Arts; Houston, Texas and traveling
On the Art of Fixing a Shadow: One Hundred and Fifty
Years of Photography; National Gallery of Art,
Washington D.C. and Art Institute of Chicago, Chi-
cago, Illinois and traveling to Los Angeles County
Museum of Art, Los Angeles, California
Stationen Der Moderne; Berlinische Galerie im Gro-
piusbau; Berlin, Germany
1990 L’Invention d’un Art; Centre Georges Pompidou; Paris, France
The Past and Present of Photography-When Photo-
graphs Enter the Museum; National Museum of Modern
Art; Tokyo, Japan and traveling
1993 The New Bauhaus School of Design in Chicago. Photo-
graphs 1937–1944; Illinois Art Gallery; Chicago, Illinois
and traveling to Ansel Adams Center for Photography;
San Francisco, California, and Banning + Associates;
New York, New York
1994 Experimental Vision: Evolution of the Photogram Since
1919 ; Denver Art Museum; Denver, Colorado
1996 Moscow-Berlin, Berlin-Moscow 1900–1950; Berlinische
Galerie, Museum fu ̈r Moderne Kunst; Berlin, Germany
2002 Taken by Design: Photographs from the Institute of
Design, 1937–1971; Art Institute of Chicago; Chicago,
Illinois and traveling

Further Reading
Haus, Andreas.Moholy-Nagy: Photographs and Photo-
grams. New York: Pantheon Books, 1980.
Ichikawa, Masanori,et al., eds.The Past and the Present of
Photography. Tokyo: The National Museum of Modern
Art, 1990.
Kostelanetz, Richard, ed.Moholy-Nagy. New York: Prae-
ger Publishers, 1970.

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