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Many successful Canadian photographers are repre-
sented in the collection, such as Sam Tata, David
collection also includes works by important interna-
tional photographers, including Diane Arbus, Bras-
saı ̈, Henri Cartier-Bresson, and Lotte Jacobi. In 1985,
the collection was given an important gift of 200
photographs, representing a 70-year span of Andre ́
Kerte ́sz’s work.
Exhibitions are frequently mounted from the
photography collection such as that of American
artist, Mark Ruwedel,Written on the Land, show-
casing his photography of humankind’s impact on
the land.

Seealso:Photography in Canada

Further Reading

Bailey, Clayton.Waitings: Photographs. Winnipeg: Winni-
peg Art Gallery, 1978, exhibition catalogue.

Dikeakos, Christos.Christos Dikeakos: Vancouver Art Gal-
lery. Exh. cat. Vancouver: Vancouver Art Gallery, 1986.
James, Geoffrey.Thirteen Essays on Photography. Ottawa:
Canadian Museum of Canadian Photography, 1992.
Karsh, Yousuf.Karsh: The Art of the Portrait. Ottawa:
National Gallery of Canada, 1989.
Magicians of Light: Photographs from the Collection of the
National Gallery of Canada. Essay by James Borcoman.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993.
McMann, Evelyn De R.Montreal Museum of Fine Arts,
Formerly Arts Association of Montreal: Spring Exhibi-
tions 1880-1970. Toronto: University of Toronto Press,
Riddel, W.A.The MacKenzie Art Gallery: Norman Mac-
Kenzie’s Legacy. Regina: MacKenzie Art Gallery, 1990.
Riordon, Bernard, and Mora Dianne O’Neill, et al.AGNS
Permanent Collection: Selected Works. Halifax: Art Gal-
lery of Nova Scotia, 2002.
Treasures of the Glenbow Museum. Calgary: The Glenbow
Museum, 1991.
Treasures of the National Archives of Canada. Toronto:
University of Toronto Press, 1992.
Triggs, Stanley.William Notman’s Studio: The Canadian
Picture: McCord Museum of Canadian History. Mon-
treal: Le Musee ́, 1992.


European museums are the repositories for many
of the premier collections of photography in the
world, and are especially rich in nineteenth-century
material. Many general museums with comprehen-
sive collections have some photography holdings,
but the major collections require special mention.
As well, there are a number of museums devoted
solely to the medium.


Albertina Fotosammlung, Vienna
Founded in 1999, the photography department
of the Albertina is a collection of Austrian and
international historical and contemporary photo-
graphy. Holdings include the archives of the
Ho ̈here Graphischen Bundes-Lehr-und Versuch-
sanstalt (Vienna Training and Research Institute
of Graphic Art directed by Josef Maria Eder) of
Austrian and international photographs, photo-
literature, and cameras from the beginnings of

photography, including holdings of the Tech-
nische Universita ̈t and collections of the Photo-
graphische Gesellschaft Wien (founded 1861) of
predominantly nineteenth century materials, with
a large number of Austrian and French Calo-
types, and results of different kinds of physical
and optical experiments ; the Langewiesche
Archiv (on loan from the Austrian Ludwig Foun-
dation, Vienna) of the famous publisher ofDie
Blauen Bu ̈cherandDer Eiserne Hammerconsist-
ing of approximately 10,000 images printed be-
tween 1907 and 1960 with works of Gutschow,
Albert Renger-Patzsch, Rudolf Koppitz, Lucia
Moholy, and others, and Convoluts of the former
Kaiserliche Bibliothek with early examples of pho-
tography in Austria, predominantly donations from
the Kaiser Franz Josef. In 2003, the Albertina
began a series of exhibitions concentrating on pho-
tography in Austria in galleries of approximately
800 square meters.


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