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1990 Arnold Newman’s Americans; National Portrait Gallery,
Washington, D.C., and traveled to Detroit Institute of the
Art, Detroit, Michigan; LBJ Library and Museum, Aus-
tin, Texas; Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Geor-
gia; Greenville County Museum of Art, Greenville, South
Carolina; Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, Massachu-
setts; USIA exhibit, Budapest, Hungary
1993 Arnold Newman; Museum of Contemporary Art, Car-
acas, Venezuela
1999 ArnoldNewman’sGift:SixtyYearsofPhotography;Inter-
national Center of Photography, New York, New York
2000 Arnold Newman; Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Arnold Newman; L’Hotel de Sully, Paris, France, and
traveled to Galerie du Chaˆ teau d’Eau, Toulouse, France;
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Copenhagen, Den-
mark; Palazzo Magnani, Reggio Emilia, Italy

Group Exhibitions

1943 Masters of Photography; Museum of Modern Art,
New York, New York
1959 Photography at Mid-Century; George Eastman House,
Rochester, New York
1964 The Photographer’s Eye; Museum of Modern Art,
New York, New York
1980 Photography of the 50s; International Center of Photo-
graphy, New York, New York and traveled to the Center
for Creative Photography, Tucson, Arizona; Minneapolis
Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota; California
State University at Long Beach, Long Beach, California;
Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, Delaware
1991 Artist’s Choice: Chuck Close, Head-On/The Modern
Portrait; Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York

Selected Works
Georgia O’Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz, New York, 1944
Igor Stravinsky, New York, 1946
Jackson Pollock, Springs, Long Island, 1949
Senator John F. Kennedy, Washington, D.C., 1953
Pablo Picasso, Vallauris, France, 1954
Alfried Krupp, Essen, Germany, 1963
Andy Warhol Collage, The Factory, New York, 1973

Further Reading
Newman, Arnold.Newman, Arnold. Five Decades. San
Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1986.
———.Arnold Newman: Selected Photographs. New York:
Howard Greenberg Gallery, 1999.
———. Arnold Newman’s Americans. Boston: Bulfinch
Press, 1992.
———.Artists: Portraits from Four Decades by Arnold
Newman. Boston: New York Graphic Society, 1980.
———.Faces USA. New York: American Photographic
Book Publishing Co., 1978.
———.One Mind’s Eye: The Portraits and Other Photo-
graphs of Arnold Newman. Boston: David R. Godine,
Newman, Arnold, and Robert Craft.Bravo Stravinsky. Cle-
veland, OH: World Publishing Co., 1967.
Newman, Arnold, and Bruce Weber.Arnold Newman in
Florida. West Palm Beach, FL: Norton Gallery, 1987.
Philippi, Simone, ed.Arnold Newman. Cologne: Taschen,
The Great British. Boston: New York Graphic Society,

Arnold Newman, Igor Stravinsky, composer, conductor, New York, 1946.
[#Arnold Newman]

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