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History of Photography: Interwar Years; Institute of
Design (New Bauhaus); Lens; Manipulation; Mod-
ernism; Montage; Perspective; Photography in Ger-
many and Austria; Surrealism

Further Reading

Armstrong, Carol, and Catherine de Segher, eds.Ocean
Flowers: Impressions from Nature. Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 2004.
Braundet, Pierre.Introducing Photograms. London: Bats-
ford, 1973.
De l’Ecotais, Emanuelle.Man Ray: Rayographies. Paris:
Editions Le ́o Scheer, 2002.
Hagen, Charles. ‘‘Photograph’s Alter Ego.’’Camera Arts3,
no. 5 (1983).
Moholy-Nagy, La ́szlo ́.Maleri, Fotografie, Film(1925). Ber-
lin: Kupferberg, 1967; asPainting, Photography, Film.

Translated by Janet Seligman. Cambridge, MA: MIT
Press, 1973.
Molderings, Herbert, Floris M. Neusu ̈ss, and Renate
Heyne.La ́szlo ́Moholy-Nagy: Compositions Lumineuses,
1922–1943. Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou, 1995.
Neusu ̈ss, Floris M.Das Fotogramm in der Kunst des 20.
Jahrhunderts: die andere Seite de Bilder.Ko ̈ln: DuMont,
Neusu ̈ss, Floris M., Thomas Barrow, and Charles Hagen.
Experimental Vision: The Evolution of the Photogram
since 1919. Niwat, CO: Roberts Rinehart and The Den-
ver Art Museum, 1994.
Tupitsyn, Margarita.El Lissitzky: Beyond the Abstract
Cabinet. New Haven and London: Yale University
Press, 1999.
Villodre, Nicolas. ‘‘L’anti-photographie.’’Revue d’Esthe ́-
tique, no. 7 (1984). (accessed May 21, 2005).

Adam Fuss, Swan, From the Series ‘‘My Ghost.’’
[Courtesy Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco]


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