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1980 Venus, Jupiter, and Mars: Photographs of Frederick
Sommer; Delaware Art Museum; Wilmington, Delaware
1981 Frederick Sommer: Photographs, Drawings, and Musi-
cal Scores; Serpentine Gallery; London
1984 Frederick Sommer: A Selection of Photographs and
Drawings; University of Bridgeport; Connecticut
1988 Elective Affinities; International Museum of Photo-
graphy, George Eastman House; Rochester, New York
1992 Frederick Sommer: Photograph and Collage; Photo
Gallery International; Tokyo, Japan

Group Exhibitions

1941 Images of Freedom; Museum of Modern Art; New
York, New York
1946 New Photographers; Museum of Modern Art and
1947 International Surrealist Exhibition; Galerie Maeght;
1948 In and Out of Focus: A Survey of Today’s Photography;
Museum of Modern Art; New York, New York
1949 Realism in Photography; Museum of Modern Art;
New York, New York
1950 Photography at Mid-Century; Los Angeles County
Museum of Art; Los Angeles, California
1951 Abstraction in Photography; Museum of Modern Art;
New York, New York
1952 Diogenes with a Camera I; Museum of Modern Art;
New York, New York
1953 Contemporary American Photography; National
Museum of Art; Tokyo, Japan
1956 Contemporary American Photography; Muse ́e d’Art
Moderne; Paris
1959 Photographer’s Choice; Department of Fine Arts, Indi-
ana University; Bloomington, Indiana
1960 The Sense of Abstraction; Museum of Modern Art;
New York, New York
1961 Director’s Choice; Philadelphia Museum College of
Art; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Twentieth-Century American Art; Kalamazoo Insti-
tute of Art; Kalamazoo, Michigan
1963 A Bid for Space; Museum of Modern Art; New York
Photographs of the Southwest; Tucson Art Center;
1964 The Art of Photography; Cleveland Museum of Art;
Cleveland, Ohio
1965 Photography in America 1950–1965; Yale University
Art Gallery
1967 Six Photographers; University of Illinois; Champaign-
1967 Three Photographers; San Fernando Valley State Col-
lege; Northridge, California
1967 Photography in the Twentieth Century; National Gal-
lery of Canada; Ottawa, Ontario
1969 Human Concern/Personal Torment, the Grotesque in
American Art; Whitney Museum of American Art; New
1971 Thirteen Photographers; Light Gallery; New York
1973 Landscape and Discovery; Emily Lowe Gallery, Hof-
stra University; Hempstead, New York
1973 Light and Lens; Hudson River Museum; Yonkers,
New York
1973 Photography in the Twentieth Century; International
Museum of Photography George Eastman House;
Rochester, New York

1974 New Images in Photography; Lowe Art Museum; Uni-
versity of Miami, Florida
1975 Picture Puzzles; Museum of Modern Art; New York,
New York
1976 Photographs from the Center for Creative Photography
Collection; Tucson Museum of Art; Arizona
1976 Photographic Process as Medium; Rutgers University
Art Gallery; New Brunswick, New Jersey
1978 Forty American Photographer; E.B. Crocker Art Gal-
lery; Sacramento, California
1978 The Photograph as Artifice; The Art Galleries, Cali-
fornia State University. Long Beach, California
1979 Abstract Photography in America, 1935–1950, Syra-
cuse University Lubin House; Syracuse, New York
1993 Experimental Vision; Denver Art Museum; Denver,

Selected Works
Amputated Foot, 1939
Anatomy of a Chicken, 1939
Glass, 1943
Horse, 1945
Livia, 1948
Venus, Jupiter, and Mars, 1949
All Children are Ambassadors, 1950
Paracelsus, 1959
Hadrian’s Villa, 1961
Virgin and Child with St. Anne and the Infant St. John, 1966

Further Reading
Conkelton, Sheryl, ed.Frederick Sommer: Selected Texts
and Bibliography. Oxford, England: Clio Press, 1995.
Glenn, Constance W., and Jane K. Bledsoe, eds.Frederick
Sommer at Seventy-Five: A Retrospective. Long Beach,
California: The Art Museum and Galleries, California
State University, Long Beach, 1980.

Frederick Sommer, Circumnavigation of the Blood, 1950,
Gelatin-silver print, 4^1 = 16  59 = 1600 , Gift of the photographer.
[Digital Image#The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by
SCALA/Art Resource, New York]

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