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Secession, founded 1902, a group in whose formation he
was instrumental. Established the seminal gallery ‘‘291’’
at 291 Fifth Avenue in New York City, 1905. Produced
his major works, including portraits of Georgia O’Keeffe
and the cloud series through which he developed his
concept of photographic ‘‘equivalents,’’1917–1925.
Opened the Intimate Gallery, 1925 to 1929 and An
American Place, 1929 to 1946, in New York. Awarded
over 150 medals and awards, including Progress Medal
of RPS (1924), Townsend Harris Medal (1927), Honor-
ary Fellowship of the Photographic Society of America,

  1. Died, New York City, 1946.

Individual Exhibitions
1899 Retrospective; Camera Club; New York, New York
1913 Retrospective; Gallery 291; New York, New York
1923 Alfred Stieglitz; Anderson Galleries; New York, New
1929 Alfred Stieglitz; Metropolitan Museum of Art; New
York, New York
1932 Alfred Stieglitz; An American Place; New York, New
1935 Alfred Stieglitz; Museum of Art; Cleveland, Ohio
1944 Alfred Stieglitz 291 and After; Museum of Art; Phila-
delphia, Pennsylvania
1949 TheAlfred Stieglitz Collection; Fisk University; Nash-
ville, Tennessee
1955 Stieglitz and O’Keeffe: Portraits of Each Other; Lime-
light Gallery; New York, New York
1958 The Stieglitz Circle; National Gallery of Art, Smithso-
nian Institution; Washington, D.C.
1965 Alfred Stieglitz; Museum of Fine Arts; Boston, Mas-
1971 Alfred Stieglitz: The Camera Work Years; Art Institute
of Chicago; Chicago, Illinois
1976 The 291 Years 1912–1917: Walkowitz and Stieglitz;
Zabriskie Gallery; New York, New York
1978 Stieglitz and the Photo-Secession; New Jersey State
Museum; Trenton, New Jersey
Georgia O’Keeffe by Alfred Stieglitz; Metropolitan
Museum of Art; New York, New York
1992 Two Lives. O’Keeffe & Alfred Stieglitz; Phillips Collec-
tion; Washington, D.C.
1995 Alfred Stiegliz: Seen and Unseen; J. Paul Getty
Museum; Los Angeles, California

Group Exhibitions
1894 First International Salo; Photo-Club and Galerie
Georges Petit; Paris
1896 Troisie`me Exposition d’Art Photographique; Photo-
Club; Paris
1898 The Photographic Salon; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1901 Photographic Salon; Dudley Gallery; London
1902 Photo-Secession; National Arts Club; New York, New
1904 Salon L’Effort; Galeries Modernes; Brussels, Belgian
1955 Un sie`cle de vision nouvelle; Galerie Mansart; Paris
1958 Masters Of Photography; Metropolitan Museum of
Art; New York, New York
1959 Hundert Jahre Photographie 1839–1939; Museum
Folkwang; Essen, Germany
1960 Sense of Abstraction; Museum of Modern Art; New
York, New York

1965 Une sie`cle de Photographie; Muse ́e des arts De ́coratifs;
1967 Photography in the 20th Century; National Gallery of
Canada; Ottawa, Canada
1973 Looking At Photographs. 100 Pictures from MOMA;
Museum of Modern Art; New York, New York
1974 Photography in America; Whitney Museum of Amer-
ican Art; New York, New York
1978 Fifty Pioneers of Modern Photography, The Collection
of Alfred Stieglitz; Metropolitan Museum of Art; New
York, New York
1979 Photography Rediscovered: American Photography
1900–1930; Whitney Museum of American Art; New
York, New York
1980 Old and Modern Masters of Photography; Victoria and
Albert Museum; London
1984;The Making of a Collection; The Minneapolis Insti-
tute of Arts; Minneapolis, Minnesota
1985 A Moveable Feast; Witkin Gallery; New York
1986 Neuerwerbungen und Geschenke; Kunsthaus; Zurich,
1988 One Hundred Years of Photography; Alinari; Firenze,
1989 L’invention d’un regard; Muse ́e d’Orsay; Paris
L’ invention d’un art; Centre Georges Pompidou; Paris
1992 Proto-Modern Photography; Museum of New Mexico;
Santa Fe, New Mexico
1993 Magiciens de la lumie`re; Collection Musee des Beaux-
Arts du Canada, Ottawa
1997 Moments Cle ́s; Muse ́e de L’Elyse ́e; Lausanne. Switzer-
2004 Alfred Stieglitz et son cercle. New York et l’art mod-
erne, 1905–1930; Muse ́e d’Orsay; Paris and Museo
Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia; Madrid, Spain

Selected Works
The Hand of Man, 1902
The Steerage, 1907
Emmeline Stieglitz, 1909
The Terminal, 1915
Georgia O’Keeffe. A Portrait, 1917–1933
Dorothy True, 1919
Music: A Sequence of Ten Cloud Photographs, No.1, 1922
Equivalent, 1925
From the Shelton, Looking North, 1927
Chestnut Tree, Lake George, 1932–44

Further Reading
Cole, Robert MacFarlan.The Stieglitz theory of color pro-
duction. Chicago: The University of Chicago libraries,
Margolis, Marianne Fulton.Camera Work: a pictorial
guide. New York and Rochester: Dover and Interna-
tional Museum of Photography, 1978.
Naef, Weston J.The Collection of Alfred Stieglitz: Fifty
pioneers of modern photography. New York: The Metro-
politan Museum of Art and The Viking Press, 1978
O’Keeffe, Georgia, and Weston J. Naef.Georgia O’Keeffe:
A Portrait by Alfred Stieglitz. New York: Metropolitan
Museum of Art, 1979.
Vanon, Michela.Camera Work: un’antologia. Torino: G.
Einaudi, 1981.


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