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1991 Patrick Tosani; Magasin-Centre National d’Art Con-
temporain, Grenoble, France
Patrick Tosani; Kunsthalle St. Gallen, St. Gallen,
1992 Patrick Tosani Photographer; Art Institute of Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois
1997 Patrick Tosani; Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany
1998 Patrick Tosani; Le centre national de la photographie,
Paris, France
2000 Patrick Tosani; Galerie Zabriskie, New York, New York
2001 PatrickTosani,GalerieEmmanuelPerrotin,Paris,France
2002 Patrick Tosani Parcours urbain; Muse ́e Nice ́phore
Niepce, Chalon-sur-Saoˆ ne, France
Patrick Tosani Les paradoxes de l’image; Centre d’Art
Contemporain, Chaˆ teau des Adhe ́mar, Monte ́limar,

Group Exhibitions

1983 Images fabrique ́es; Muse ́e national d’art Moderne,
Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
1985 Photographies contemporaines en France; Muse ́e
national d’art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou,
Paris, France
1986 Angles of Vision: French Art Today; Solomon R. Gug-
genheim Museum, New York, New York
1988 Another Objectivity; Institute of Contemporary Arts,
London, England
1989 Vanishing Presence; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis,
1990 XLIV Venice Biennale; Mostra Aperto ‘90, Venice,
To Be and Not To Be; Centro de Arte Santa Monica,
Barcelona, Spain
Images in Transition; National Museums of Modern
Art, Kyoto and Tokyo, Japan
1991 Vom Verschwinden der Dinge aus der Fotografie;
Museum Moderner Kunst, Palais
Liechtenstein, Vienna, Austria
A Dialogue about Recent American and European
Photography; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los
Angeles, California
1992 Sculpturen-Fragmente Internationale Fotoarbeiten der
9Oer Jahre; Wiener Secession, Vienna, Austria
1997 2e`me Biennale Internationale de Photographie; Metro-
politan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan

2000 French Collection: Photographs from the Maison Eur-
ope ́enne, Paris 80–00; Barbican Center, London, England
2001 Accrochage; Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Paris, France
Things to come; Galerie Erna He ́cey, Luxembourg
2002 Parole de peau; Muse ́e de la civilization, Que ́bec City,
Quebec, Canada4 e Photobiennale 2002; Moscow House
of Photography, Moscow, Russia
Objets de re ́flexion; Le Plateau, Paris, France
2003 Le Grand Tour; Muse ́e Nice ́phore Niepce, Chalon-sur-
Saoˆ ne, France

Selected Works
Le plongeu, 1982
Portraits 15r, 1985
Talon, re ́f. 408/38, 1987
H(se ́rie : cuillie`res), 1988
Ge ́ographie II, 1988
Circuit No. 9, 1989
Ongles no. 10, 1990
C.T.(se ́rie : Teˆ tes), 1992
CDD 1 (Se ́rie Corps et veˆtements), 1996
Masque no16, 2000

Further Reading
Bosse, Laurence, Laurent Busine, and Jean Franc ̧ ois Chevr-
ier.Patrick Tosani. Paris: Muse ́e d’Art Moderne de la
Ville de Paris, 1994.
Chevrier, Jean Franc ̧ ois.Patrick Tosani. Lyon, France:
Fondation Nationale de la Photographie, 1987.
Chevrier, Jean Franc ̧ ois, Jean de Loisy, and Guy Tosatto.
Patrick Tosani. Rochechouart, France: Muse ́ede ́parte-
mentale d’art contemporain de Rochechouard, 1988.
Chevrier, Jean Franc ̧ ois, Patrick Tosani, and Adelina Von
Furstenberg.Patrick Tosani. Grenoble, France: Centre
national d’art contemporain, 1991.
Centre National de Documentation Pe ́dagogique, 2002.
Tiberghien, Gilles A.Patrick Tosani. Paris: Hazan, 1997.
Tosani, Patrick.Patrick Tosani. Paris: Regard, 2001.
———.Patrick Tosani, Portraits. Paris: Galerie Liliane et
Michel Durand Dessert, 1985.
Wolf, Sylvia, and Patrick Tosani.Patrick Tosani. Chicago
and Paris: Art Institute of Chicago and Association
Franc ̧ aise d’Action Artistique, 1992.



An Italian photographer connected to the world of
fashion, Oliviero Toscani achieved a world-wide
reputation in the 1980s and 1990s through his

advertising campaigns (many of them highly con-
troversial) created for Benetton, an Italian clothing
company. His photographic images have a strong
impact, relying on a spare presentation of only the
elements that are essential for the message being


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