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1980 Stefan Wojnecki, Free Photography: Jaszczury Photo-
graphic Gallery, Cracow, Poland
1981 Stefan Wojnecki, Photography of Identity: BWA Gal-
lery, Gorzow Wlkp, Poland
1983 Stefan Wojnecki, Photography of Identity: The Little
Gallery of Photography, Torun, Poland
1984 Stefan Wojnecki: Bielsko-Biala Photographic Gallery,
Bielsko-Biala, Poland
1986 Stefan Wojnecki, I Inscribe my Own World Order;
Little Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
1987 Stefan Wojnecki, I Inscribe my Experience of the
World; Galeria FF, Lodz ́ , Poland

Group Exhibitions

1957 A Step Towards Modernity, Salon PTF, Poznan ́,Poland
1971 Searching Photographs; Contemporary Gallery, War-
saw, Poland
1980 Anniversary Exhibition of the State Academy of Art in
Poznan ́National Museum, Poznan ́, Poland
1985 Contemporary Polish Art Photography; Zacheta Gal-
lery, Warsaw, Poland
1986 Polish Photography 1955–1984, Art and Technology
Museum; Prague, Czechoslovakia
1988 Polish Inter-Media Photography of the 80s; BWA
Arsenal Gallery, Poznan ́, Poland
1989 Eco Art; Zamek Ujazdowski Center for Contemporary
Art, Warsaw, Poland
150 Years of Photography from the Collection of the
National Museum; National Museum, Wroclaw, Poland
1990 Eco Art-Ecology in Art; Polish Information and Cul-
tural Centre, Leipzig, Germany
Quick Pictures: Contemporary Art in Conversation;
Art Gallery, Vienna, Austria
1991 70 Years of Polish Avant-Garde Photography; Stadt-
sparkasse, Rhein, Germany
Photography of Imagination; Old Gallery and Little
Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
1992 XX Ifo-scanbaltic; Stadthalle, Rostock, Germany

1992 Hidden Dimension-Contemporary Polish Photography;
Museum of Photographic Art, Odense, Denmark
1994 Contemporary Polish Photography; Voipaalan taide-
keskus, Valkeakoski, Helsinki, Finland
1998 Biennale Polish Photography; Gallery Miejska Arsenal,
Poznan ́, Poland
2002 Polish Photography; Museum Sztuki and FF Gallery,
odz ́ , Poland

Selected Works
Maszt antenowy, 1966
Hyperfotografia, 1978
Lustro, 1981
Le plongeur, 1982
Unmaterial Presence, 1985
Reflective Stagin(series), 1989
Trace Is a Quotation A Quotation Is a Trace, 1990–1992
Cyberprzestrzen ̃, 1993

Further Reading
Jurecki, Krzysztof, et al.Wokol dekady: Fotografia polska
lat 90 (Around Decade: Polish Photography of the 90s).
odz ́ : Muzeum Sztuki, 2002.
Lechowicz, Lech.Fotografia i Przestrzen (Photography and
Space). Lodz ́ :Lo ́dzki Dom Kultury, Galeria FF, 1998.
Lechowicz, Lech, and Dariusz Bugalski.Konstelacja: Wystawa
graphy).Lodz ́ :Lo ́dzki Dom Kultury, Galeria FF, 1993.
Michalowska, Marianna, Adam Sobota, and Slawomir
Magala.Stefan Wojnecki: Pekniecia ku symulacji. Poz-
nan ́: Galerie Miejska Arsenal w Poznan ́iu, 1999.
Michalowska, Marianna, and Stefan Wojnecki.Stefan Woj-
necki: Szczeliny fotografii postmedialne (Apertures of
Post-Media Photography). Lodz ́ :Lo ́dzki Dom Kultury
and Galeria FF, 2002.
Mossakowska, Wanda, Jadwiga Ihnatowiczowa, and Adam



What is most moving in Woodman’s photographs is a
willingness to entrust the viewer with her youth, her
solitude, [and] her artistic pre-occupations.
(Hirsch 1994, 48)

Francesca Woodman lived only 22 years but left a
remarkable body of work focusing on female iden-
tity, sensuality, and transcendence. Beginning with a
series of self-portraits at the age of 13, she created

over 500 black and white photographs, mural-size
blueprints, and one published artists’ book. Many
images, such asSpace,Point of View,andDepth of
Field, were developed in series to fulfill class assign-
ments, but accomplished with captivating indivi-
duality and personal investment. Her work is at
once challenging and disorienting, with the explora-
tion of the female body as the central theme.
Woodman was born in Denver, Colorado, and
grew up in Boulder. Both English and Italian were

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