Board_Advisors_etc 3..5

(nextflipdebug2) #1
Barr, Jr., Alfred H. (Continued)
criticism of abstract art, 99
further reading, 101
Harvard museum course, 99
Lillie P. Bliss and, 99
Machine Art, 100
May Quinn Sullivan and, 99
Modern Architecture: International Exhibition, 100
MoMA biographer, 100
MoMA director, 99
MoMA as laboratory, 100
MoMA librarian, 100
Nelson A. Rockefeller, 100
relationship between modern and contemporary art, 100
salary, 99
spellbinders, 99
stock market crash of 1929, 99, 100
summer reading lists for trustees, 100
Vanity Fairmagazine, 99
Barthes, Roland, 101–103, 120
analysis of structure of communication, 101
biography, 102
Camera Lucida, 102
continuous message, 101
drawing’s message, 102
French, 101, 102
further reading, 103
images used in advertising, 101
message without code, 101
most controversial critique, 102
photography’s noeme, 102
poststructuralist, 101
professional writing career, 101
punctum, 102
selected works, 102–103
Sergei Eisenstein, 102
signification, 102
signifier, 101
stability of linguistic structures, 101
structural methodology, 101
studium, 102
The Photographic Message, 101
The Third Meaning, 102
uncoded message, 102
vernacular photography and, 1611
Winter Garden photograph, 102
Bataille, George, famous notion of unformed, 1567
Batchen, Geoffrey, vernacular photography and, 1610
Bauhaus, 103–105
abstractions of commonplace objects, 104
Alfred H. Barr, Jr., and, 99
art photography, 104
Chicago manifestations of, 106
closure of by Nazis, 104
director of, 103
economic realities of capitalism, 103
famous Bauhausbucher series, 103
founding of, 103
furniture, 103
further reading, 105
Herbert Bayer and, 104
identifiable, experimental method, 103
integration among arts, 103
introduction of photography to school, 103
Josef Albers and, 104

Karel Teige and, 1532
legacy of, 105
light graphics, 104
Metallmobel design exhibition, 104
Moholy-Nagy’s Institute of Design, 105
New Objectivity, 104
self-referential art, 103
typography master, 104
use of technology to create designs, 104
Walter Gropius and, 103
Bayer grid, 218
Bayer, Herbert, 104–107
aesthetic philosophies, 105
archives of work, 106
Art Nouveau and, 105
Austrian, 105–106
Bauhaus and, 106
Bauhaus-Manifestand, 105
biography, 106
contributions to world of art, 106
design consultant, 106
fotoplastiken, 105, 106
group exhibitions, 107
immigration to United States, 106
individual exhibitions, 106, 107
Man and Dream, 106
Metamorphosis, 106
selected works, 107
training, 105
universal typestyle, 105
Voguemagazine, 106
Beaton, Cecil, 108–110
abstractions of destruction, 109
chronicle of women, 108
Edith Sitwell and, 108
fashion photography, 109
Film and Fotoexhibition, 108
Kodak No. 3A Autographic camera, 108
new realism, 109
portraitist, 108
restrained scenarios, 109
Royal Air Force and, 109
set and costume designs, 108, 109
society women and, 108
Sotheby’s London, 109
style of, 108
variety of roles, 109
Voguemagazine, 108, 109
Wallis Simpson and, 109
war correspondent, 109
Beaux Arts school, 57
Becher, Bernd and Hilla, 111–115
Artforum, 113
Becheresque visual language, 111
beginning of collaboration, 111
biography, 113
buildings threatened with destruction, 112
camera as aid in creating paintings, 111
categories of structures, 112
centered viewpoint, 111
Documenta 5, 113
documentary works, 111
flat lighting, 111
framing of individual typologies, 113
further reading, 114


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