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Group Exhibitions

1949 Photographie in der Schweiz von 1848 bis heute; Gewer-
bemuseum, Basel, Switzerland
1955 The Family of Man; Museum of Modern Art, New
York, New York, and traveling
1959 10 Years of Photography; George Eastman House,
Rochester, New York
1960 The World as Seen by Magnum; Muse ́e des Arts de ́c-
oratifs, Paris, France
1969 Photography in the 20th Century; National Gallery of
Canada, Ottawa, Canada, and traveling
1977 Documenta 6, Museum Friedericianum; Kassel, Ger-
1979 Photographie als Kunst—Kunst als Photographie 1879–
1979 ; Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck,
1980 The Imaginary Photo Museum; Photokina, Cologne,
1985 Triennale internationale de la photographie; Muse ́e
d’Art et d’histoire, Fribourg, Switzerland
1990 Zeitblende—5 Jahrzehnte Magnum-Photographie;
Kunsthaus Zurich, Switzerland
1999 Patient Planet So Many Worlds; Auckland City Art
Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand

Selected Works

Die Flu ̈chtlinge, 1944
After the War(series), 1945
Weinendes Kind, 1947
Ungarn(series), 1947
Schlafender Priester im Ryoanji-Tempel, Kyoto, Japan, 1951
Bihar, India, 1951
Hungersnot in Madras(series), 1951
Die indische Ta ̈nzerin Anali Hora bei der Morgentoilette, 1951
Indochina, 1952
Steinweg durch den Teich im Heiangarten Kyoto, 1952
Flo ̈ten spielender Junge bei Cuzco, 1954

Further Reading
Bischof, Rosallina, and P. Schifferli.Werner Bischof: Quer-
schnitt. Zurich: Manesse Verlag, 1961.
Bischof, Werner.Werner Bischof. Intro. by Claude Roy.
London: Thames + Hudson, 1989.
Bischof, Marco, and Rene ́Burri.Werner Bischof. London: 1990.
British Journal of Photography138 (1991) no. 6809, v. 28.2.
1991; 16–19.
Bischof, Werner.After the War. Washington, DC: Smithso-
nian Publishers, 1997.
Browne, Turner, and Elaine Partnow, eds.Macmillan Bio-
graphical Encyclopedia of Photographic Artists & Innova-
tors. New York and London: Collier MacMillan, 1983.
Burri, Rosellina, and Rene ́Burri, eds.Bischof-Burri. Manuel
Gasser, essay.
Capa, Cornell, ed.The Concerned Photographer. New York: 1968.
Cookman, Claude.Werner Bischof—55 Photos. London,
Paris, Berlin: Phaidon Press, 2001.
Die Welt der Camera. Luzern and Frankfurt: 1964.
Farova, Hanna, ed.The Photographs of Werner Bischof.
Prague: 1964.
Flu ̈eler, Niklaus, and Romeo E. Martinez, eds.Grosse Pho-
tographen unserer Zeit: Werner Bischof. Luzern: 1973.
Gasser, Manuel.Werner Bischof Unterwegs.Zu ̈rich: Man-
esse Verlag, 1957.
Gasser, Manuel.The World of Werner Bischof: A Photo-
grapher’s Odyssey. New York: 1959.
Gasser, Manuel.24 Photos von Werner Bischof. Bern: 1946.
Genossenschaftsbund, Migros, ed.Mutter und Kind. Zurich:
Gruber, L. Fritz, ed.Grobe Photographen unseres Jahrhun-
derts. Berlin: Darmstadt and Wien, 1964.
Gruber, L. Fritz, and Renate, eds.The Imaginary Photo
Museum. Cologne: 1980.
Guillain, Robert.Japan. Paris, Delpire, 1954.
PhotoClassicsII—WernerBischof1916–1954. London: 1971.
Tun ̃on de Lara, Manuel.From Incas to Indios(Photographs
by Werner Bischof, Robert Frank and Pierre Verger).
New York: 1956.


By the mid-1930s, photojournalism in America was
firmly established. Editors and publishers used
photographs freely, secure in the public’s support
for newspapers and magazines that used photo-
graphs to describe the events of the day. Ironically,
the photographers who produced all those pictures,
who made illustrated journalism a fact of life in
America, received little in the way of either respect
or gratitude. Most often, images in the press were
run without credit, and those who made the pictures
in the first place were routinely characterized as

uncouth brutes. To make matters worse, prints and
negatives were rarely archived; when newspapers or
magazines changed hands or wentout of business, or
when photographers changed jobs or retired, old
negatives and prints were simply thrown away. But
all that was about to change, and the Black Star
picture agency, founded in New York City in early
1936 was a principle instrument of that change.
The origins of Black Star lay in Europe, especially
in Germany. The rise of Adolph Hitler and the
Nazis in January 1933 impelled some of Europe’s


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