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Camera, digital (Continued)
photojournalism, 219
pixel, 218
Secure Digital card, 219
sensor array, 219
still video camera, 219
studio cameras, 219
Camera, disposable, 220, 221
35 mm film in, 220
APSformat, 221
basic concept, 220
black and white, 221
children’s use of, 220
environmental consciousness and, 220
first, 220
Fuji Quick-Snap, 220
further reading, 221
Konica, 221
low price of, 220
main concerns of consumers, 220
marketing, 220
panoramic format, 221
pseudo-panoramic, 220
reduction of film frame, 221
success of in other markets, 221
telephoto, 221
use of in harsh environment, 220
user re-loadable, 221
Camera, instant or Polaroid, 221–223
art photographers, 223
Captiva/Vision series, 223
cheaper plastic bodied models, 222
children/youth market, 223
competition, 223
Edwin Land and, 222
electronic shutter, 222
film speed ISO 640, 223
fine art photography, 221
first films, 222
first integral film system, 222
focus system, 223
folding cameras, 223
further reading, 223
history of instant photography, 221
I zone, 223
Joycam, 223
Konica auto-focus camera, 222
lawsuits, 223
mechanical process, 221
one-step photography, 222
Onestep, 222
Polaroid’s difficult situation, 223
Popshots, 223
Quintic lens, 223
second generation of cameras, 222
Spectra/Image cameras, 223
success of, 222
SX702, 222
Camera, overview, 213–216
camera obscura, 214
further reading, 216
light control, 215, 216
exposure, 215
light meters, 215, 216
shutter and aperture, 216

pinhole camera, 214
rangefinder cameras, 215
simple camera, 214
single lens reflex, 215
twin lens reflex, 215
view cameras, 214–215
Camera, pinhole, 214, 225, 226
ambient light, 225
Andre Kertzenblatz, 225
angle of view, 226
camera obscura, 225
chaotic quality of light, 226
coining of, 226
depth of field, 226
exposure times, 226
further reading, 226
historical activity in art world, 226
history, 226
Jeff Guess, 225
mouth as, 225
multiple exposures, 226
Patricia Gabas, 225
pinhole cabin, 225
pinhole photography as well-published topic, 226
qualities to pinhole photographs, 226
scientific activity, 226
Sir David Brewster, 226
Camera, point and shoot, 227, 228
active system, 227
assist beam, 227
auto-focus systems, 227
available film speeds, 228
backlit subjects, 228
first functioning roll film camera, 227
fixed lens, 228
Kodak Brownie, 227
light meter sensors, 228
miniaturization, 227
mousetraps, 227
night mode, 228
passive system, 227
rangefinder cameras and, 227
slow sync flash, 228
spot meters, 228
technical challenge of 35 mm cameras, 227
warning lights, 228
Camera obscura, 214, 224, 225
camera without film, 224
coining of phrase, 224
Della Porta accused of sorcery, 224
development of tiny versions, 224
first account of, 224
first recorded observations of, 224
forms, 224
further readings, 225
Jan Vermeer, 225
Johann Kepler and, 224
Leonardo da Vinci and, 224
Magiae Naturalis, 224
naturally occurring phenomenon, 224
Nice`phore Nie`pce, 225
oculus artificialis, 224
prototype for modern, 225
recorder of truth, 225
replication of human vision, 225


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