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Hilliard, John, 695–697
biography, 696
British, 695, 696
further reading, 697
group exhibitions, 697
individual exhibitions, 696, 697
selected works, 697
Hine, Lewis, 697–701
American, 697–699
biography, 699
further reading, 701
individual exhibitions, 699–701
selected works, 701
Hiro, 701–703
biography, 702
further reading, 703
group exhibitions, 703
individual exhibitions, 702
selected works, 703
Historical evidence, 67
Historical organizations, archives of, 66
Historical periodicals,seePeriodicals, historical
1980s, 744–752
nineteenth-century foundations, 703–713
postwar era, 737–744
History, interwar years, 731–737
circulation, 731–732
cultural revolution in Europe, 732, 733
effect of technique, 736
further reading, 736–737
human condition, 735, 736
History, twentieth-century developments, 713–722
color, 718, 719
contemporary photography, 720
documentary photography, 715, 716
fashion photography and portraiture, 717, 718
further reading, 721
influence of avant-garde art, 715
institutionalizing photography, 720, 721
photojournalism, 716, 717
post-war photography, 719, 720
science and technology, 718
straight photography, 714, 715
History, twentieth-century pioneers, 723–731
definition of documentary, 726, 727
further reading, 730, 731
home and nation, 729
late century pioneers, 730
motion and color, 728, 729
photojournalists, 727, 728
pioneering fashion and portrait photographers, 725, 726
provocation, 729, 730
stylistic pioneers, 723–725
war photographers, 727
Ho ̈ch, Hannah, 752–755
biography, 753, 754
further reading, 754, 755
German, 752, 753
group exhibitions, 754
individual exhibitions, 754
selected works, 754
Holga camera, 217
Holography, Canadian, 235
Homage to the square paintings, Albers’s, 104

Horst, Horst P., 756–759
American, 756, 757
biography, 757
further reading, 758
group exhibitions, 757, 758
individual exhibitions, 757
selected works, 758
Hosoe, Eikoh, 760–763
biography, 761
further reading, 763
group exhibitions, 762
individual exhibitions, 761, 762
Japanese, 760, 761
selected works, 762, 763
Hot shoe, 213
The House of Photography, 2
Hoyningen-Huene, George, 763–766
American, 763, 764
biography, 764–766
further reading, 766
group exhibitions, 766
individual exhibitions, 766
selected works, 766
Hurrell, George, 766–769
American, 766, 767
biography, 768
further reading, 769
group exhibitions, 768
individual exhibitions, 768
selected works, 768
Hu ̈tte, Axel, 769–771
biography, 770
further reading, 770
German, 769, 770
group exhibitions, 770
individual exhibitions, 770
selected works, 770


ID,seeInstitute of Design
Ikon Gallery, 131
construction, perspective, 773–775
focusing, 215
theory, ideology, 775–777
Impressionism, 778–781
Indian Ocean Islands,seeAfrica, East Africa and Indian Ocean
Individual exhibitions
Abbott, Berenice, 4
Adams, Ansel, 12
Adams, Robert, 17, 18
Araki, Nobuyoshi, 50
Arbus, Diane, 54
Arnold, Eve, 71
Auerbach, Ellen, 84
Baltz, Lewis, 97
Bayer, Herbert, 106, 107
Becher, Bernd and Hilla, 113, 114
Bellmer, Hans, 117, 118
Bernhard, Ruth, 124
Beuys, Joseph, 127, 128
Billingham, Richard, 131, 132


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