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Winogrand, Garry, 1690–1695
abrupt character, 1691
aggressive approach to photographing public life, 1690
American, 1690–1692
archive, 1690
biography, 1692
complexity of photographs, 1691
comprehensive source of information on, 1692
compulsive photographing of women, 1691
esthetic self-absorption, 1691
explanation of photographs, 1691
further reading, 1694, 1695
group exhibitions, 1693, 1694
individual exhibitions, 1692, 1693
influences on work, 1691
last few thousand rolls, 1692
legacy, 1692
MoMA exhibition, 1690, 1691
partial precursors, 1690
scale of backlog, 1692
selected works, 1694
Unfinished Work, 1692
Winter Garden photograph, 102
Witkiewicz (Witkacy), Stanislaw Ignacy, 1695–1697
avant-garde modernist artist, 1695
biography, 1696–1697
discovery of experiments, 1695
final period, 1696
further reading, 1697
individual exhibitions, 1697
Life Theater, 1696
Metaphysical Feeling of the Strangeness of Existence,
Multiple self-portrait, 1696
novel, 1695
permanent exhibition, 1697
philosophy, 1696
Polish, 1695, 1696
seminal influences on, 1695
style of portrait photography, 1696
Witkin, Joel-Peter, 1697–1701
acclaim from National Endowment for the Arts, 1697
American, 1697–1699
biography, 1699
exaggerated peculiar in photographs, 1698
Feast of Fools, 1698
first experience with the macabre, 1698
further reading, 1701
group exhibitions, 1699, 1700
human anomalies, 1697
individual exhibitions, 1699
interest in religious dogma, 1698
memento mori, 1697
physical prodigies, 1698
selected works, 1700, 1701
Surrealism of 1930s, 1697
WIZO,seeWomen’s International Zionist Organization
Wmagazine, 310
Wojnecki, Stefan, 1701–1703
biography, 1702

digital manipulation, 1702
Duogrammesseries, 1701
further reading, 1703
group exhibitions, 1703
Hyperphotography, 1702
individual exhibitions, 1702, 1703
locked perception of viewer, 1702
new artistic practices, 1701
Polish, 1701, 1702
political vision, 1701
post-media photography concept, 1702
Profile, 1701
research about photographic medium, 1702
selected works, 1703
technical characteristics of material, 1701
ultra-fast miniaturized shutter, 1701
Woman-run photography studio, pioneering, 82
Women’s International Zionist Organization (WIZO), 83
Woodman, Francesca, 1703–1705
American, 1703–1705
Beyond Photography 80, 1704
biography, 1705
further reading, 1705
group exhibitions, 1705
individual exhibitions, 1705
selected works, 1705
willingness to entrust viewer, 1703
Worker photography, 1706–1708
founding of Arbeiter-Fotograf, 1707
further reading, 1707, 1708
impact of, 1707
Willi Mu ̈nzenberg and AIZ, 1706, 1707
Works Progress Administration (WPA), 251, 1593, 1709–1711
further reading, 1711
Oregon Art Project, 1682
World War II, documentation of destruction of, 59
World Wide Web, artists books circulated on, 73
WPA,seeWorks Progress Administration


Xerography, 1713–1715
Canadian, 235
further reading, 1715
Xerox photo albums, 49


Zero-61 group, 1717, 1718
Zone System
development of, 10, 11
popularity of, 11
Zoom lens, 211, 212
Zwart, Piet, 1718, 1719
biography, 1719
Dutch, 1718, 1719
further reading, 1719
selected works, 1719


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